# (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
# See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
# $Id$

This directory contains part of the sources of the program lint, which is
based on the cem compiler of ACK, and some more programs which will be
helpful in maintaining lint. The other part of the sources resides in the
C front-end directories cemcom and cemcom.ansi.

Author:		Frans Kunst / Dick Grune

llib:		Directory containing lint libraries

lpass1:		Directory containing installation files for the first pass

lpass1.ansi: 	Directory containing installation files for the first pass
		of the ANSI C version.

lpass2:		Directory containing the second pass, driver script and
		manual page.

tests:		A lot of test files and programs to run these tests