/* * Sources of the "FLOATING POINT ARITHMETIC" group instructions */ /* $Header$ */ #include <em_abs.h> #include "nofloat.h" #include "global.h" #include "log.h" #include "mem.h" #include "trap.h" #include "text.h" #include "fra.h" #include "warn.h" #ifndef NOFLOAT extern double fpop(); #define MAXDOUBLE 99.e999 /* IEEE infinity */ /*???*/ #define SMALL (1.0/MAXDOUBLE) PRIVATE double adf(), sbf(), mlf(), dvf(); PRIVATE double ttttp(); PRIVATE double floor(), fabs(); PRIVATE fef(), fif(); #endif NOFLOAT DoADF(l) register size l; { /* ADF w: Floating add (*) */ #ifndef NOFLOAT double t = fpop(arg_wf(l)); LOG(("@F6 DoADF(%ld)", l)); spoilFRA(); fpush(adf(fpop(l), t), l); #else NOFLOAT nofloat(); #endif NOFLOAT } DoSBF(l) register size l; { /* SBF w: Floating subtract (*) */ #ifndef NOFLOAT double t = fpop(arg_wf(l)); LOG(("@F6 DoSBF(%ld)", l)); spoilFRA(); fpush(sbf(fpop(l), t), l); #else NOFLOAT nofloat(); #endif NOFLOAT } DoMLF(l) register size l; { /* MLF w: Floating multiply (*) */ #ifndef NOFLOAT double t = fpop(arg_wf(l)); LOG(("@F6 DoMLF(%ld)", l)); spoilFRA(); fpush(mlf(fpop(l), t), l); #else NOFLOAT nofloat(); #endif NOFLOAT } DoDVF(l) register size l; { /* DVF w: Floating divide (*) */ #ifndef NOFLOAT double t = fpop(arg_wf(l)); LOG(("@F6 DoDVF(%ld)", l)); spoilFRA(); fpush(dvf(fpop(l), t), l); #else NOFLOAT nofloat(); #endif NOFLOAT } DoNGF(l) register size l; { /* NGF w: Floating negate (*) */ #ifndef NOFLOAT double t = fpop(arg_wf(l)); LOG(("@F6 DoNGF(%ld)", l)); spoilFRA(); fpush(-t, l); #else NOFLOAT nofloat(); #endif NOFLOAT } DoFIF(l) register size l; { /* FIF w: Floating multiply and split integer and fraction part (*) */ #ifndef NOFLOAT double t = fpop(arg_wf(l)); LOG(("@F6 DoFIF(%ld)", l)); spoilFRA(); fif(fpop(l), t, l); #else NOFLOAT nofloat(); #endif NOFLOAT } DoFEF(l) register size l; { /* FEF w: Split floating number in exponent and fraction part (*) */ #ifndef NOFLOAT LOG(("@F6 DoFEF(%ld)", l)); spoilFRA(); fef(fpop(arg_wf(l)), l); #else NOFLOAT nofloat(); #endif NOFLOAT } #ifndef NOFLOAT /* Service routines */ PRIVATE double adf(f1, f2) /* returns f1 + f2 */ double f1, f2; { if (must_test && !(IgnMask&BIT(EFOVFL))) { if (f1 > 0.0 && f2 > 0.0) { if (MAXDOUBLE - f1 < f2) { trap(EFOVFL); return (0.0); } } else if (f1 < 0.0 && f2 < 0.0) { if (-(MAXDOUBLE + f1) > f2) { trap(EFOVFL); return (0.0); } } } return (f1 + f2); } PRIVATE double sbf(f1, f2) /* returns f1 - f2 */ double f1, f2; { if (must_test && !(IgnMask&BIT(EFOVFL))) { if (f2 < 0.0 && f1 > 0.0) { if (MAXDOUBLE - f1 < -f2) { trap(EFOVFL); return (0.0); } } else if (f2 > 0.0 && f1 < 0.0) { if (f2 - MAXDOUBLE > f1) { trap(EFOVFL); return (0.0); } } } return (f1 - f2); } PRIVATE double mlf(f1, f2) /* returns f1 * f2 */ double f1, f2; { double ff1 = fabs(f1), ff2 = fabs(f2); if (f1 == 0.0 || f2 == 0.0) return (0.0); if ((ff1 >= 1.0 && ff2 <= 1.0) || (ff2 >= 1.0 && ff1 <= 1.0)) return (f1 * f2); if (must_test && !(IgnMask&BIT(EFUNFL))) { if (ff1 < 1.0 && ff2 < 1.0) { if (SMALL / ff1 > ff2) { trap(EFUNFL); return (0.0); } return (f1 * f2); } } if (must_test && !(IgnMask&BIT(EFOVFL))) { if (MAXDOUBLE / ff1 < ff2) { trap(EFOVFL); return (0.0); } } return (f1 * f2); } PRIVATE double dvf(f1, f2) /* returns f1 / f2 */ double f1, f2; { double ff1 = fabs(f1), ff2 = fabs(f2); if (f2 == 0.0) { if (!(IgnMask&BIT(EFDIVZ))) { trap(EFDIVZ); } else return (0.0); } if (f1 == 0.0) return (0.0); if ((ff2 >= 1.0 && ff1 >= 1.0) || (ff1 <= 1.0 && ff2 <= 1.0)) return (f1 / f2); if (must_test && !(IgnMask&BIT(EFUNFL))) { if (ff2 > 1.0 && ff1 < 1.0) { if (SMALL / ff2 > ff1) { trap(EFUNFL); return (0.0); } return (f1 / f2); } } if (must_test && !(IgnMask&BIT(EFOVFL))) { if (MAXDOUBLE * ff2 < ff1) { trap(EFOVFL); return (0.0); } } return (f1 / f2); } PRIVATE fif(f1, f2, n) double f1, f2; size n; { double f = mlf(f1, f2); double fl = floor(fabs(f)); fpush(fabs(f) - fl, n); /* push fraction */ fpush((f < 0.0) ? -fl : fl, n); /* push integer-part */ } PRIVATE fef(f, n) double f; size n; { register long exponent, sign = (long) (f < 0.0); if (f == 0.0) { fpush(f, n); wpush(0L); return; } for (f = fabs(f), exponent = 0; f >= 1.0; exponent++) f /= 2.0; for (; f < 0.5; exponent--) f *= 2.0; fpush((sign) ? -f : f, n); /* push mantissa */ wpush(exponent); /* push exponent */ } /* floating point service routines, to avoid having to use -lm */ PRIVATE double fabs(f) double f; { return (f < 0.0 ? -f : f); } PRIVATE double floor(f) double f; { double res, d; register int sign = 1; /* eliminate the sign */ if (f < 0) { sign = -1, f = -f; } /* get the largest power of 2 <= f */ d = 1.0; while (f - d >= d) { d *= 2.0; } /* reconstruct f by deminishing powers of 2 */ res = 0.0; while (d >= 1.0) { if (res + d <= f) res += d; d /= 2.0; } /* undo the sign elimination */ if (sign == -1) { res = -res, f = -f; if (res > f) res -= 1.0; } return res; } PRIVATE double ttttp(f, n) /* times ten to the power */ double f; { while (n > 0) { f = mlf(f, 10.0); n--; } while (n < 0) { f = dvf(f, 10.0); n++; } return f; } /* Str2double is used to initialize the global data area with floats; we do not use, e.g., sscanf(), to be able to check the grammar of the string and to give warnings. */ double str2double(str) char *str; { register char b; register int sign = 1; /* either +1 or -1 */ register int frac = 0; /* how far in fraction part ? */ register int ex; /* to store exponent */ double mantissa = 0.0; /* to store mantissa */ double d; /* double to be returned */ b = *str++; if (b == '-') { sign = -1; b = *str++; } else if (b == '+') { sign = 1; b = *str++; } if ('0' <= b && b <= '9') { mantissa = (double) (b-'0'); } else if (b == '.') { /* part before dot cannot be empty */ warning(WBADFLOAT); frac = 1; } else { goto BadFloat; } LOG((" q9 str2double : (before while) mantissa = %20.20g", mantissa)); while ((b = *str++) != 'e' && b != 'E' && b != '\0') { if (b == '.') { if (frac == 0) { frac++; } else { /* there already was a '.' in input */ goto BadFloat; } } else if ('0' <= b && b <= '9') { double bval = b - '0'; if (frac) { mantissa = adf(mantissa, ttttp(bval, -frac)); frac++; } else { mantissa = adf(mlf(mantissa, 10.0), bval); } } else { goto BadFloat; } LOG((" q9 str2double : (inside while) mantissa = %20.20g", mantissa)); } LOG((" q9 str2double : mantissa = %10.10g", mantissa)); mantissa = sign * mantissa; if (b == '\0') return (mantissa); /* else we have b == 'e' or b== 'E' */ /* Optional sign for exponent */ b = *str++; if (b == '-') { sign = -1; b = *str++; } else if (b == '+') { sign = 1; b = *str++; } else { sign = 1; } ex = 0; do { if ('0' <= b && b <= '9') { ex = 10*ex + (b-'0'); } else { goto BadFloat; } } while ((b = *str++) != '\0'); LOG((" q9 str2double : exponent = %d", ex)); /* Construct total value of float */ ex = sign * ex; d = ttttp(mantissa, ex); return (d); BadFloat: fatal("Float garbled in loadfile"); return (0.0); } #else NOFLOAT nofloat() { fatal("attempt to execute a floating point instruction on an EM machine without FP"); } #endif NOFLOAT