/* EXPRESSIONS */ { #include "debug.h" #include <assert.h> #include <em_arith.h> #include <em_label.h> #include "LLlex.h" #include "chk_expr.h" #include "def.h" #include "main.h" #include "misc.h" #include "idf.h" #include "node.h" #include "scope.h" #include "type.h" } Constant(register struct node **pnd;) { register struct node **nd = pnd; } : %default [ Sign(nd) { nd = &((*nd)->nd_right); } ]? [ %default UnsignedNumber(nd) | ConstantIdentifier(nd) ] { (void) ChkConstant(*pnd); } | STRING { *pnd = MkLeaf(Value, &dot); if( ((*pnd)->nd_type = toktype) != char_type ) RomString(*pnd); } ; Sign(register struct node **pnd;): ['+' | '-'] { *pnd = MkLeaf(Uoper, &dot); } ; UnsignedNumber(register struct node **pnd;): [INTEGER | REAL] { *pnd = MkLeaf(Value, &dot); if( ((*pnd)->nd_type = toktype) == real_type ) RomReal(*pnd); } ; ConstantIdentifier(register struct node **pnd;): IDENT { *pnd = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); } ; /* ISO section 6.7.1, p. 121 */ Expression(register struct node **pnd;): SimpleExpression(pnd) [ /* RelationalOperator substituted inline */ [ '=' | NOTEQUAL | '<' | '>' | LESSEQUAL | GREATEREQUAL | IN ] { *pnd = MkNode(Boper, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); } SimpleExpression(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) ]? ; SimpleExpression(register struct node **pnd;): /* ISO 6.7.1: The signs and the adding-operators have equal precedence, and are left-associative. */ [ Sign(pnd) Term(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) | Term(pnd) ] [ /* AddingOperator substituted inline */ [ '+' | '-' | OR ] { *pnd = MkNode(Boper, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); } Term(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) ]* ; Term(register struct node **pnd;): Factor(pnd) [ /* MultiplyingOperator substituted inline */ [ '*' | '/' | DIV | MOD | AND ] { *pnd = MkNode(Boper, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); } Factor(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) ]* ; Factor(register struct node **pnd;) { register struct def *df; } : /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified in the * reference is not LL(1), and this gives conflicts. */ %default %prefer /* solve conflicts on IDENT and UnsignedConstant */ IDENT { *pnd = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); } [ /* ISO section 6.7.3, p. 126 * IDENT is a FunctionIdentifier */ { *pnd = MkNode(Call, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); } ActualParameterList(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) | /* IDENT can be a BoundIdentifier or a ConstantIdentifier or * a FunctionIdentifier (no parameterlist), in which case * VariableAccessTail is empty. * It could also be the beginning of a normal VariableAccess * (most likely). */ { int class; df = lookfor(*pnd, CurrVis, 1); /* df->df_flags |= D_USED; */ if( df->df_type->tp_fund & T_ROUTINE ) { /* This part is context-sensitive: is the occurence of the proc/func name a call or not ? */ if( df->df_type == std_type ) class = Call; else class = NameOrCall; *pnd = MkNode(class, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); (*pnd)->nd_symb = '('; } } VariableAccessTail(pnd) ] | UnsignedConstant(pnd) | SetConstructor(pnd) | '(' { /* dummy node to force ChkVariable */ *pnd = MkLeaf(Uoper, &dot); } Expression(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) ')' | NOT { *pnd = MkLeaf(Uoper, &dot); } Factor(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) ; UnsignedConstant(register struct node **pnd;): UnsignedNumber(pnd) | STRING { *pnd = MkLeaf(Value, &dot); if( ((*pnd)->nd_type = toktype) != char_type ) RomString(*pnd); } | ConstantIdentifier(pnd) | NIL { *pnd = MkLeaf(Value, &dot); (*pnd)->nd_type = nil_type; /* to evaluate NIL = NIL */ (*pnd)->nd_INT = 0; } ; SetConstructor(register struct node **pnd;) { register struct node *nd; } : '[' { dot.tk_symb = SET; *pnd = nd = MkLeaf(Xset, &dot); } [ MemberDesignator(nd) [ %persistent { nd = nd->nd_right; } ',' MemberDesignator(nd) ]* ]? ']' ; MemberDesignator(register struct node *nd;) { struct node *nd1; } : Expression(&nd1) [ UPTO { nd1 = MkNode(Link, nd1, NULLNODE, &dot); } Expression(&(nd1->nd_right)) ]? { nd->nd_right = MkNode(Link, nd1, NULLNODE, &dot); nd->nd_right->nd_symb = ','; } ; /* ISO section, p. 123 */ BooleanExpression(register struct node **pnd;): Expression(pnd) { if( ChkExpression(*pnd) && (*pnd)->nd_type != bool_type ) node_error(*pnd, "boolean expression expected"); MarkUsed(*pnd); } ; ActualParameterList(register struct node **pnd;) { register struct node *nd; } : '(' /* ActualParameter substituted inline */ Expression(pnd) { *pnd = nd = MkNode(Link, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); nd->nd_symb = ','; } [ %persistent ',' { nd->nd_right = MkLeaf(Link, &dot); nd = nd->nd_right; } Expression(&(nd->nd_left)) ]* ')' ; /* ISO section 6.5.1, p. 105 */ VariableAccess(register struct node **pnd;): /* This is a changed rule, because the grammar as specified in the * reference is not LL(1), and this gives conflicts. * * IDENT is an EntireVariable or * a FieldDesignatorIdentifier (see also, p. 132). */ IDENT { *pnd = MkLeaf(Name, &dot); } VariableAccessTail(pnd) { (void) ChkVariable(*pnd); } ; VariableAccessTail(register struct node **pnd;): /* This is a new rule because the grammar specified by the standard * is not exactly LL(1). */ /* empty */ | /* PointerVariable or FileVariable */ '^' { *pnd = MkNode(Arrow, NULLNODE, *pnd, &dot); } /* At this point the VariableAccess is an IdentifiedVariable * ISO section 6.5.4, p. 107 (IdentifiedVariable: PointerVariable '^'), * or * it is a BufferVariable * ISO section 6.5.5, p. 107 (BufferVariable: FileVariable '^'). */ VariableAccessTail(pnd) | /* ArrayVariable */ '[' { *pnd = MkNode(Arrsel, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); } /* IndexExpression substituted inline */ Expression(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) [ %persistent ',' { *pnd = MkNode(Arrsel, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); (*pnd)->nd_symb = '['; } Expression(&((*pnd)->nd_right)) ]* ']' /* At this point the VariableAccess is an IndexedVariable * ISO section, p. 106 */ VariableAccessTail(pnd) | /* RecordVariable */ '.' { *pnd = MkNode(Link, *pnd, NULLNODE, &dot); } /* FieldSpecifier & FieldIdentifier substituted inline */ IDENT { (*pnd)->nd_IDF = dot.TOK_IDF; } /* At this point the VariableAccess is a FieldDesignator * ISO section, p. 107 */ VariableAccessTail(pnd) ;