.TH MKDEP 1ACK .SH NAME mkdep \- dependency generator for C-programs .SH SYNOPSYS .B mkdep file ... .SH DESCRIPTION .I Mkdep scans the files in the argument list for C-preprocessor lines of the form .DS #include "\fIfile1\fp" .DE and produces for each file \fIarg\fR in the argument list a line of the form .DS \fIarg\fR: \fIfile1\fR \fIfile2\fR ... .DE where \fIfile1\fR, \fIfile2\fR, etc. are filenames included by \fIarg\fR, or by a file included by \fIarg\fR, etc. .PP Only files in the current directory are scanned. .SH "SEE ALSO" make(1) .SH BUGS Should be able to handle files from other directories