# $Header$ IP_SPEC = ../../../etc/ip_spec.t SRC = mkswitch.c OBJ = mkswitch.o mkswitch: $(OBJ) $(CC) -o mkswitch $(OBJ) DoCases: mkswitch $(IP_SPEC) mkswitch Do $(IP_SPEC) DoCases wc DoCases PrCases: mkswitch $(IP_SPEC) mkswitch Pr $(IP_SPEC) PrCases wc PrCases lint: lint $(SRC) distr: .distr .distr: Makefile echo READ_ME Makefile $(SRC) | tr ' ' '\012' >.distr .SUFFIXES: .o .c.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< clean: # NOT the cases files ! /bin/rm -f a.out core $(OBJ) mkswitch bare: clean /bin/rm -f DoCases PrCases all: mkswitch install: echo "Nothing to install" cmp: echo "Nothing to compare" pr: @pr READ_ME Makefile $(SRC) opr: make pr | opr