.NH 2
Source files of RA
The sources of RA are in the following files and packages:
.IP ra.h: 14
declarations of global variables and data structures
.IP ra.c:
the routine main; initialization of target machine-dependent tables
.IP items:
a routine to build the list of items of one procedure;
routines to manipulate items
.IP lifetime:
contains a subroutine that determines when items are live/dead
.IP alloclist:
contains subroutines that build the initial allocations list
and that compute the rivals sets.
.IP profits:
contains a subroutine that computes the profits of the allocations
and a routine that determines the costs of saving/restoring registers
.IP pack:
contains the packing subphase
.IP xform:
contains the transformation subphase
.IP interval:
contains routines to manipulate intervals of time
.IP aux:
contains auxiliary routines