The interpreter contained here is tested under CP/M on a RC702 Z80
microcomputer. Make it by typing `make'.
E.out files to interpret must be made with a special Pascal library,
which can be obtained by compiling the Pascal library with -DCPM,
because the UNIX and CP/M conventions
about end of file and end of line differ.
Also, the size of "double" must be 4 bytes.
To accomplish this, use the "em22" ack-description file from this
directory, by putting it in the directory where you perform the compilation.
Then the following sequence can be used to transmit it to CP/M.
cv <e.out >
dl file.hex
< Transmission to file.hex under CP/M using pip >

The resulting can be used as an argument to the interpreter.
This implementation has been tested but is not guaranteed to be complete.
Simple UNIX-system calls have been implemented but anything except
terminal I/O has not been thoroughly tested.
Please send any errors in the implementation to
Hans van Staveren
Vrije Universiteit
Wiskundig Seminarium
De Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV  Amsterdam

Also, some changes have been made to convert the interpreter to the
new assembler syntax. This has never been tested, because we don't have
the target machine anymore.