/* $Id$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "gen.h" #include "top.h" #include "queue.h" /* STANDARD MACHINE-INDEPENT C CODE *************/ extern char *lstrip(); extern instr_p newinstr(); extern instr_p read_instr(); extern instr_p gen_instr(); struct variable var[NRVARS+1]; struct variable ANY; /* ANY symbol matching any instruction */ char *REST; /* Opcode of first instruction not matched by current pattern */ #include "gen.c" /* Macros for efficiency: */ #define is_white(c) ( (c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t') /* Skip white space in the unprocessed part of instruction 'ip' */ #define skip_white(ip) while (is_white(*(ip)->rest_line)) (ip)->rest_line++ main() { optimize(); exit(0); } /* Optimize the standard input. * The optimizer uses a moving window. The instructions in the current * window are matched against a set of patterns generated from the * machine description table. If the match fails, the first instruction of * the window is moved to a back-up queue and a new instruction is * read from the input and appended to the end of the window. * If a matching pattern is found (and its operands etc. are ok), * the instructions at the head of the window are replaced by new * instructions, as indicated in the descriptor table; a new window * is created, consisting of the back-up instructions and the new * instructions and the rest of the old window. So effectively the * window moves a bit to the left after every hit. Hence sequences of * optimizations like: * movl r0,x ; cmpl $0,x -> movl r0,x ; tstl x -> movl r0,x * are captured without having a separate pattern for "movl ; cmpl". * * Whenever the backup queue exceeds some threshold, its first instruction * is written to the output and is removed. */ optimize() { struct queue_t windowq, backupq; queue window, backup; instr_p ip; window = &windowq; backup = &backupq; empty_queue(window); empty_queue(backup); fill_window(window,MIN_WINDOW_SIZE); while (!empty(window)) { if (try_hashentry(hashtab[hash(window)],window) || try_hashentry(hashany,window)) { join_queues(backup,window); } else { ip = qhead(window); remove_head(window); add(backup,ip); if (qlength(backup) > MIN_WINDOW_SIZE) { write_first(backup); } } fill_window(window,MIN_WINDOW_SIZE); } while (!empty(backup)) write_first(backup); } bool try_hashentry(list,window) int *list; queue window; { register int *pp; patdescr_p p; for (pp = list; *pp != -1; pp++) { p = &patterns[*pp]; if (check_pattern(p,window) && check_operands(p,window) && check_constraint(*pp)) { xform(p,window); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* TEMP. */ /* int hash(w) queue w; { instr_p ip; ip = qhead(w); return ip->opc[0] % 31; } */ int hash(w) queue w; { register char *p; register sum,i; instr_p ip; ip = qhead(w); /* for (sum=0,p=ip->opc;*p;p++) sum += *p; */ for (sum=i=0,p=ip->opc;*p;i += 3) sum += (*p++)<<(i&03); return(sum%128); } /* Fill the working window until it contains at least 'len' items. * When end-of-file is encountered it may contain fewer items. */ fill_window(w,len) register queue w; { register instr_p ip; while(qlength(w) < len) { if ((ip = read_instr()) == NIL) break; ip->rest_line = ip->line; set_opcode(ip); add(w,ip); } } write_first(w) queue w; { register instr_p ip = qhead(w); fputs(ip->line, stdout); remove_head(w); oldinstr(ip); } /* Try to recognize the opcode part of an instruction */ set_opcode(ip) register instr_p ip; { register char *p,*q; char *qlim; if (ip->state == JUNK) return; skip_white(ip); p = ip->rest_line; if (*p == LABEL_STARTER) { strcpy(ip->opc,"labdef"); ip->state = ONLY_OPC; return; } q = ip->opc; qlim = q + MAX_OPC_LEN; while(*p != OPC_TERMINATOR && *p != '\n') { if (q == qlim) { ip->state = JUNK; return; } *q++ = *p++; } *q = '\0'; ip->rest_line = p; ip->state = (well_shaped(ip->opc) ? ONLY_OPC : JUNK); } /* Check if pattern 'p' matches the current input */ bool check_pattern(p,w) patdescr_p p; queue w; { register idescr_p id_p; idescr_p idlim; register instr_p ip; ip = qhead(w); ANY.vstate = UNINSTANTIATED; idlim = &p->pat[p->patlen]; for (id_p = p->pat; id_p < idlim; id_p++) { if (ip == NIL || ip->state == JUNK) return FALSE; if (id_p->opcode == (char *) 0) { unify(ip->opc,&ANY); } else { if (strcmp(ip->opc,id_p->opcode) != 0) return FALSE; } ip = next(ip); } REST = ip->opc; return TRUE; } bool check_operands(p,w) patdescr_p p; queue w; { register instr_p ip; register idescr_p id_p; int n; /* fprintf(stderr,"try pattern %d\n",p-patterns); */ clear_vars(); for (id_p = p->pat, ip = qhead(w); id_p < &p->pat[p->patlen]; id_p++, ip = next(ip)) { assert(ip != NIL); if (ip->state == JUNK || (ip->state == ONLY_OPC && !split_operands(ip))) { return FALSE; } for (n = 0; n < MAXOP; n++) { if (!opmatch(&id_p->templates[n],ip->op[n])) { return FALSE; } } } /* fprintf(stderr,"yes\n"); */ return TRUE; } /* Reset all variables to uninstantiated */ clear_vars() { register v; for (v = 1; v <= NRVARS; v++) var[v].vstate = UNINSTANTIATED; } /* See if operand 's' matches the operand described by template 't'. * As a side effect, any uninstantiated variables used in the * template may become instantiated. For such a variable we also * check if it satisfies the constraint imposed on it in the * mode-definitions part of the table. */ bool opmatch(t,s) templ_p t; char *s; { char *l, buf[MAXOPLEN+1]; bool was_instantiated; int vno; vno = t->varno; if (vno == -1 || s[0] == '\0' ) { return (vno == -1 && s[0] == '\0'); } was_instantiated = (var[vno].vstate == INSTANTIATED); strcpy(buf,s); if ( (l=lstrip(buf,t->lctxt)) != NULLSTRING && rstrip(l,t->rctxt)) { return (vno == 0 && *l == '\0') || (vno != 0 && unify(l,&var[vno]) && (was_instantiated || tok_chk(vno))); } return FALSE; } /* Try to recognize the operands of an instruction */ bool split_operands(ip) register instr_p ip; { register int i; bool res; if (strcmp(ip->opc,"labdef") ==0) { labeldef(ip); } else { for (i = 0; operand(ip,i) && op_separator(ip); i++); } res = remainder_empty(ip); ip->state = (res ? DONE : JUNK); return res; } labeldef(ip) register instr_p ip; { register char *p; int oplen; p = ip->rest_line; while( *p != LABEL_TERMINATOR) p++; oplen = p - ip->rest_line; if (oplen == 0 || oplen > MAXOPLEN) return; strncpy(ip->op[0],ip->rest_line,oplen); ip->op[0][oplen] = '\0'; ip->rest_line = ++p; return; } /* Try to recognize the next operand of instruction 'ip' */ bool operand(ip,n) register instr_p ip; { register char *p; int oplen; #ifdef PAREN_OPEN int nesting = 0; #else #define nesting 0 #endif skip_white(ip); p = ip->rest_line; while((*p != OP_SEPARATOR || nesting) && *p != '\n') { #ifdef PAREN_OPEN if (strchr(PAREN_OPEN, *p) != 0) nesting++; else if (strchr(PAREN_CLOSE, *p) != 0) nesting--; #endif p++; } oplen = p - ip->rest_line; if (oplen == 0 || oplen > MAXOPLEN) return FALSE; strncpy(ip->op[n],ip->rest_line,oplen); ip->op[n][oplen] = '\0'; ip->rest_line = p; return TRUE; #ifdef nesting #undef nesting #endif } /* See if the unprocessed part of instruction 'ip' is empty * (or contains only white space). */ bool remainder_empty(ip) instr_p ip; { skip_white(ip); return *ip->rest_line == '\n'; } /* Try to match 'ctxt' at the beginning of string 'str'. If this * succeeds then return a pointer to the rest (unmatched part) of 'str'. */ char *lstrip(str,ctxt) register char *str, *ctxt; { assert(ctxt != NULLSTRING); while (*str != '\0' && *str == *ctxt) { str++; ctxt++; } return (*ctxt == '\0' ? str : NULLSTRING); } /* Try to match 'ctxt' at the end of 'str'. If this succeeds then * replace truncate 'str'. */ bool rstrip(str,ctxt) char *str,*ctxt; { register char *s, *c; for (s = str; *s != '\0'; s++); for (c = ctxt; *c != '\0'; c++); while (c >= ctxt) { if (s < str || *s != *c--) return FALSE; *s-- = '\0'; } return TRUE; } /* Try to unify variable 'v' with string 'str'. If the variable * was instantiated the unification only succeeds if the variable * and the string match; else the unification succeeds and the * variable becomes instantiated to the string. */ bool unify(str,v) char *str; register struct variable *v; { if (v->vstate == UNINSTANTIATED) { v->vstate = INSTANTIATED; strcpy(v->value,str); return TRUE; } else { return strcmp(v->value,str) == 0; } } /* Transform the working window according to pattern 'p' */ xform(p,w) patdescr_p p; queue w; { register instr_p ip; int i; for (i = 0; i < p->patlen; i++) { ip = qhead(w); remove_head(w); oldinstr(ip); } replacement(p,w); } /* Generate the replacement for pattern 'p' and insert it * at the front of the working window. * Note that we generate instructions in reverser order. */ replacement(p,w) register patdescr_p p; queue w; { register idescr_p id_p; for (id_p = &p->repl[p->replen-1]; id_p >= p->repl; id_p--) { insert(w,gen_instr(id_p)); } } /* Generate an instruction described by 'id_p'. * We build a 'line' for the new instruction and call set_opcode() * to re-recognize its opcode. Hence generated instructions are treated * in exactly the same way as normal instructions that are just read in. */ instr_p gen_instr(id_p) idescr_p id_p; { char *opc; instr_p ip; register templ_p t; register char *s; bool islabdef; int n; static char tmp[] = "x"; ip = newinstr(); s = ip->line; opc = id_p->opcode; if (opc == (char *) 0) opc = ANY.value; if (strcmp(opc,"labdef") == 0) { islabdef = TRUE; s[0] = '\0'; } else { strcpy(s,opc); tmp[0] = OPC_TERMINATOR; strcat(s,tmp); islabdef = FALSE; } for (n = 0; n < MAXOP;) { t = &id_p->templates[n++]; if (t->varno == -1) break; strcat(s,t->lctxt); if (t->varno != 0) strcat(s,var[t->varno].value); strcat(s,t->rctxt); if (n<MAXOP && id_p->templates[n].varno!=-1) { tmp[0] = OP_SEPARATOR; strcat(s,tmp); } } if (islabdef) { tmp[0] = LABEL_TERMINATOR; strcat(s,tmp); } strcat(s,"\n"); ip->rest_line = ip->line; set_opcode(ip); return ip; } /* Reading and writing instructions. * An instruction is assumed to be on one line. The line * is copied to the 'line' field of an instruction struct, * terminated by a \n and \0. If the line is too long (>MAXLINELEN), * it is split into pieces of length MAXLINELEN and the state of * each such struct is set to JUNK (so it will not be optimized). */ static bool junk_state = FALSE; /* TRUE while processing a very long line */ instr_p read_instr() { instr_p ip; register int c; register char *p; register FILE *inp = stdin; char *plim; ip = newinstr(); plim = &ip->line[MAXLINELEN]; if (( c = getc(inp)) == EOF) return NIL; for (p = ip->line; p < plim;) { *p++ = c; if (c == '\n') { *p = '\0'; if (junk_state) ip->state = JUNK; junk_state = FALSE; return ip; } c = getc(inp); if (c == EOF) break; } ungetc(c,inp); *p = '\0'; junk_state = ip->state = JUNK; return ip; } /* Core allocation. * As all instruction struct have the same size we can re-use every struct. * We maintain a pool of free instruction structs. */ static instr_p instr_pool; int nr_mallocs = 0; /* for statistics */ instr_p newinstr() { register instr_p ip; int i; if (instr_pool == NIL) { instr_pool = (instr_p) malloc(sizeof(struct instruction)); instr_pool->fw = 0; nr_mallocs++; } assert(instr_pool != NIL); ip = instr_pool; instr_pool = instr_pool->fw; ip->fw = ip->bw = NIL; ip->rest_line = NULLSTRING; ip->line[0] = ip->opc[0] = '\0'; ip->state = ONLY_OPC; for (i = 0; i < MAXOP; i++) ip->op[i][0] = '\0'; return ip; } oldinstr(ip) instr_p ip; { ip->fw = instr_pool; instr_pool = ip; } /* Debugging stuff */ badassertion(file,line) char *file; unsigned line; { fprintf(stderr,"assertion failed file %s, line %u\n",file,line); error("assertion"); } /* VARARGS1 */ error(s,a) char *s,*a; { fprintf(stderr,s,a); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); abort(); exit(-1); } /* Low level routines */ bool op_separator(ip) instr_p ip; { skip_white(ip); if (*(ip->rest_line) == OP_SEPARATOR) { ip->rest_line++; return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } bool well_shaped(opc) char *opc; { return is_letter(opc[0]); } bool is_letter(c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); } /* is_white(c) : turned into a macro, see beginning of file */