/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* makecalls: expand a datastructure as delivered by "EM_getline" into calls to the procedural interface. Exported routine: C_out */ #define CODE_EXPANDER #define EXPORT #define PRIVATE static #include <em_spec.h> #include <em_mnem.h> #include <em_pseu.h> #include <em_flag.h> #include "em_ptyp.h" #include <em.h> #include <em_comp.h> #include <assert.h> extern char em_flag[]; /* One per EM instruction: indicates parameter kind */ extern short em_ptyp[]; /* One per parameter kind: indicates parameter type */ static char *C_error; EXPORT int C_out(p) register struct e_instr *p; { C_error = 0; switch(p->em_type) { default: C_error = "Illegal EM line"; break; case EM_MNEM: /* normal instruction */ { register int parametertype; /* parametertype of the instruction */ parametertype = em_flag[p->em_opcode-sp_fmnem] & EM_PAR; switch(parametertype) { default: break; case PAR_W: if (p->em_argtype != 0) { } else { #include "C_mnem_narg" } break; } #include "C_mnem" } break; case EM_DEFILB: /* defining occurrence of an instruction label */ C_df_ilb(p->em_ilb); break; #ifdef ____ case EM_DEFDLB: /* defining occurrence of a global data label */ C_df_dlb(p->em_dlb); break; case EM_DEFDNAM: /* defining occurrence of a non-numeric data label */ C_df_dnam(p->em_dnam); break; case EM_PSEU: /* pseudo */ EM_dopseudo(p); break; #endif case EM_STARTMES: /* start of a MES pseudo */ C_mes_begin((int) (p->em_cst)); break; case EM_MESARG: switch(p->em_argtype) { case ilb_ptyp: C_ilb(p->em_ilb); break; case nof_ptyp: C_dlb(p->em_dlb, p->em_off); break; case sof_ptyp: C_dnam(p->em_dnam, p->em_off); break; case cst_ptyp: C_cst(p->em_cst); break; case pro_ptyp: C_pnam(p->em_pnam); break; case str_ptyp: C_scon(p->em_string, p->em_size); break; case ico_ptyp: C_icon(p->em_string, p->em_size); break; case uco_ptyp: C_ucon(p->em_string, p->em_size); break; case fco_ptyp: C_fcon(p->em_string, p->em_size); break; default: C_error = "Illegal argument type"; break; } break; case EM_ENDMES: C_mes_end(); break; } if (C_error) return 0; return 1; }