/* $Header$ */
 * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
 * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
#include	"size_type.h"

#	define	NON_STANDARD	/*	If defined, the contents of a block
					will NOT be left undisturbed after it
					is freed, as opposed to what it says
					in the manual (malloc(2)).
					Setting this option reduces the memory
					overhead considerably.  I personally
					consider the specified behaviour an
					artefact of the original

#	undef	ASSERT		/*	If defined, some inexpensive tests
					will be made to ensure the
					correctness of some sensitive data.
					It often turns an uncontrolled crash
					into a controlled one.

#	undef	CHECK		/*	If defined, extensive and expensive
					tests will be done, inculding a
					checksum on the mallinks (chunk
					information blocks).  The resulting
					information will be printed on a file
					called mal.out .
					Additionally a function
						maldump(n) int n;
					will be defined, which will dump
					pertinent info in pseudo-readable
					form; it aborts afterwards if n != 0.

#	undef	EXTERN		/*	If defined, all static names will
					become extern, which is a help in
					using adb(1) or prof(1)

#	define	STORE		/*	If defined, separate free lists will
					be kept of chunks with small sizes,
					to speed things up a little.

#	undef SYSTEM		/*	If defined, the system module is used.
					Otherwise, "sbrk" is called directly.

#define	ALIGNMENT	8	
				/* alignment common to all types */
#define	LOG_MIN_SIZE	3
#define	LOG_MAX_SIZE	24