/* D E C L A R A T I O N S */ { static char *RcsId = "$Header$"; #include #include #include #include #include "idf.h" #include "LLlex.h" #include "def.h" #include "type.h" #include "scope.h" #include "node.h" #include "misc.h" } ProcedureDeclaration { struct def *df; } : ProcedureHeading(&df, D_PROCEDURE) ';' block IDENT { match_id(dot.TOK_IDF, df->df_idf); df->prc_scope = CurrentScope->sc_scope; close_scope(); } ; ProcedureHeading(struct def **pdf; int type;) { struct type *tp = 0; struct type *tp1 = 0; struct paramlist *params = 0; register struct def *df; } : PROCEDURE IDENT { assert(type & (D_PROCEDURE | D_PROCHEAD)); if (type == D_PROCHEAD) { df = define(dot.TOK_IDF, CurrentScope, type); } else { df = lookup(dot.TOK_IDF, CurrentScope->sc_scope); if (df && df->df_kind == D_PROCHEAD) { df->df_kind = type; tp1 = df->df_type; } else { df = define(dot.TOK_IDF, CurrentScope, type); } open_scope(OPENSCOPE, 0); } } FormalParameters(type == D_PROCEDURE, ¶ms, &tp)? { df->df_type = tp = construct_type(T_PROCEDURE, tp); tp->prc_params = params; if (tp1 && !TstTypeEquiv(tp, tp1)) { error("inconsistent procedure declaration for \"%s\"", df->df_idf->id_text); } *pdf = df; } ; block: declaration* [ BEGIN StatementSequence ]? END ; declaration: CONST [ ConstantDeclaration ';' ]* | TYPE [ TypeDeclaration ';' ]* | VAR [ VariableDeclaration ';' ]* | ProcedureDeclaration ';' | ModuleDeclaration ';' ; FormalParameters(int doparams; struct paramlist **pr; struct type **tp;) { struct def *df; register struct paramlist *pr1; } : '(' [ FPSection(doparams, pr) { pr1 = *pr; } [ { for (; pr1->next; pr1 = pr1->next) ; } ';' FPSection(doparams, &(pr1->next)) ]* ]? ')' { *tp = 0; } [ ':' qualident(D_TYPE|D_HTYPE|D_HIDDEN, &df, "type", (struct node **) 0) { *tp = df->df_type; } ]? ; /* In the next nonterminal, "doparams" is a flag indicating whether the identifiers representing the parameters must be added to the symbol table. We must not do so when reading a Definition Module, because in this case we only read the header. The Implementation might contain different identifiers representing the same paramters. */ FPSection(int doparams; struct paramlist **ppr;) { struct node *FPList; struct paramlist *ParamList(); struct type *tp; int VARp = 0; } : [ VAR { VARp = 1; } ]? IdentList(&FPList) ':' FormalType(&tp) { if (doparams) { EnterIdList(FPList, D_VARIABLE, VARp, tp, CurrentScope); } *ppr = ParamList(FPList, tp, VARp); FreeNode(FPList); } ; FormalType(struct type **tp;) { struct def *df; int ARRAYflag = 0; } : [ ARRAY OF { ARRAYflag = 1; } ]? qualident(D_TYPE|D_HTYPE|D_HIDDEN, &df, "type", (struct node **) 0) { if (ARRAYflag) { *tp = construct_type(T_ARRAY, NULLTYPE); (*tp)->arr_elem = df->df_type; } else *tp = df->df_type; } ; TypeDeclaration { struct def *df; struct type *tp; }: IDENT { df = define(dot.TOK_IDF, CurrentScope, D_TYPE); } '=' type(&tp) { df->df_type = tp; if ((df->df_flags&D_EXPORTED) && tp->tp_fund == T_ENUMERATION) { exprt_literals(tp->enm_enums, enclosing(CurrentScope)); } if (df->df_kind == D_HTYPE && tp->tp_fund != T_POINTER) { error("Opaque type \"%s\" is not a pointer type", df->df_idf->id_text); } } ; type(struct type **ptp;): SimpleType(ptp) | ArrayType(ptp) | RecordType(ptp) | SetType(ptp) | PointerType(ptp) | ProcedureType(ptp) ; SimpleType(struct type **ptp;) { struct def *df; } : qualident(D_TYPE|D_HTYPE|D_HIDDEN, &df, "type", (struct node **) 0) [ /* nothing */ { *ptp = df->df_type; } | SubrangeType(ptp) /* The subrange type is given a base type by the qualident (this is new modula-2). */ { chk_basesubrange(*ptp, df->df_type); } ] | enumeration(ptp) | SubrangeType(ptp) ; enumeration(struct type **ptp;) { struct node *EnumList; } : '(' IdentList(&EnumList) ')' { *ptp = standard_type(T_ENUMERATION,int_align,int_size); EnterIdList(EnumList, D_ENUM, 0, *ptp, CurrentScope); FreeNode(EnumList); } ; IdentList(struct node **p;) { register struct node *q; } : IDENT { q = MkNode(Value, NULLNODE, NULLNODE, &dot); *p = q; } [ ',' IDENT { q->next = MkNode(Value,NULLNODE,NULLNODE,&dot); q = q->next; } ]* { q->next = 0; } ; SubrangeType(struct type **ptp;) { struct node *nd1, *nd2; }: /* This is not exactly the rule in the new report, but see the rule for "SimpleType". */ '[' ConstExpression(&nd1) UPTO ConstExpression(&nd2) ']' { *ptp = subr_type(nd1, nd2); } ; ArrayType(struct type **ptp;) { struct type *tp; register struct type *tp2; } : ARRAY SimpleType(&tp) { *ptp = tp2 = construct_type(T_ARRAY, tp); } [ ',' SimpleType(&tp) { tp2 = tp2->arr_elem = construct_type(T_ARRAY, tp); } ]* OF type(&tp) { tp2->arr_elem = tp; } ; RecordType(struct type **ptp;) { struct scope scope; } : RECORD { scope.sc_scope = uniq_scope(); scope.next = CurrentScope; } FieldListSequence(&scope) { *ptp = standard_type(T_RECORD, record_align, (arith) 0 /* ???? */); (*ptp)->rec_scope = scope.sc_scope; } END ; FieldListSequence(struct scope *scope;): FieldList(scope) [ ';' FieldList(scope) ]* ; FieldList(struct scope *scope;) { struct node *FldList; struct idf *id; struct def *df, *df1; struct type *tp; struct node *nd; } : [ IdentList(&FldList) ':' type(&tp) { EnterIdList(FldList, D_FIELD, 0, tp, scope); FreeNode(FldList); } | CASE /* Also accept old fashioned Modula-2 syntax, but give a warning */ [ qualident(0, &df, (char *) 0, &nd) [ /* This is good, in both kinds of Modula-2, if the first qualident is a single identifier. */ { if (nd->nd_class != Name) { error("illegal variant tag"); id = gen_anon_idf(); } else id = nd->nd_IDF; } ':' qualident(D_TYPE|D_HTYPE|D_HIDDEN, &df, "type", (struct node **) 0) | /* Old fashioned! the first qualident now represents the type */ { warning("Old fashioned Modula-2 syntax!"); id = gen_anon_idf(); findname(nd); assert(nd->nd_class == Def); df = nd->nd_def; if (!(df->df_kind & (D_ERROR|D_TYPE|D_HTYPE|D_HIDDEN))) { error("identifier \"%s\" is not a type", df->df_idf->id_text); } FreeNode(nd); } ] | /* Aha, third edition? */ ':' qualident(D_TYPE|D_HTYPE|D_HIDDEN, &df, "type", (struct node **) 0) { id = gen_anon_idf(); } ] { df1 = define(id, scope, D_FIELD); df1->df_type = df->df_type; } OF variant(scope) [ '|' variant(scope) ]* [ ELSE FieldListSequence(scope) ]? END ]? ; variant(struct scope *scope;): [ CaseLabelList ':' FieldListSequence(scope) ]? /* Changed rule in new modula-2 */ ; CaseLabelList: CaseLabels [ ',' CaseLabels ]* ; CaseLabels { struct node *nd1, *nd2 = 0; }: ConstExpression(&nd1) [ UPTO ConstExpression(&nd2) ]? ; SetType(struct type **ptp;) { struct type *tp; } : SET OF SimpleType(&tp) { *ptp = set_type(tp); } ; /* In a pointer type definition, the type pointed at does not have to be declared yet, so be careful about identifying type-identifiers */ PointerType(struct type **ptp;) { struct type *tp; struct def *df; struct def *lookfor(); struct node *nd; } : POINTER TO [ %if ( (df = lookup(dot.TOK_IDF, CurrentScope->sc_scope))) /* Either a Module or a Type, but in both cases defined in this scope, so this is the correct identification */ qualident(D_TYPE|D_HTYPE|D_HIDDEN, &df, "type", (struct node **) 0) { if (!df->df_type) { error("type \"%s\" not declared", df->df_idf->id_text); tp = error_type; } else tp = df->df_type; } | %if ( nd = new_node(), nd->nd_token = dot, df = lookfor(nd, CurrentScope, 0), free_node(nd), df->df_kind == D_MODULE) type(&tp) | IDENT { tp = NULLTYPE; } ] { *ptp = construct_type(T_POINTER, tp); if (!tp) Forward(&dot, &((*ptp)->next)); } ; ProcedureType(struct type **ptp;) { struct paramlist *pr = 0; struct type *tp = 0; } : PROCEDURE FormalTypeList(&pr, &tp)? { *ptp = construct_type(T_PROCEDURE, tp); (*ptp)->prc_params = pr; } ; FormalTypeList(struct paramlist **ppr; struct type **ptp;) { struct def *df; struct type *tp; struct paramlist *p; int VARp; } : '(' { *ppr = 0; } [ [ VAR { VARp = 1; } | { VARp = 0; } ] FormalType(&tp) { *ppr = p = new_paramlist(); p->par_type = tp; p->par_var = VARp; } [ ',' [ VAR {VARp = 1; } | {VARp = 0; } ] FormalType(&tp) { p->next = new_paramlist(); p = p->next; p->par_type = tp; p->par_var = VARp; } ]* { p->next = 0; } ]? ')' [ ':' qualident(D_TYPE|D_HTYPE|D_HIDDEN, &df, "type", (struct node **) 0) { *ptp = df->df_type; } ]? ; ConstantDeclaration { struct def *df; struct idf *id; struct node *nd; }: IDENT { id = dot.TOK_IDF; } '=' ConstExpression(&nd){ df = define(id, CurrentScope, D_CONST); df->con_const = nd; } ; VariableDeclaration { struct node *VarList; struct type *tp; struct node *nd = 0; } : IdentList(&VarList) [ ConstExpression(&nd) ]? ':' type(&tp) { EnterIdList(VarList, D_VARIABLE, 0, tp, CurrentScope); FreeNode(VarList); } ;