/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ #include "bem.h" #include <em_path.h> #ifndef NORSCID static char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ; #endif /* generate temporary files etc */ FILE *emfile; FILE *Tmpfile; FILE *datfile; initialize() { register char *cindex, *cptr ; sprintf(tmpfname,"%s/abc%d",TMP_DIR,getpid()); /* Find the basename */ /* Strip leading directories */ cindex= (char *)0 ; for ( cptr=program ; *cptr ; cptr++ ) if ( *cptr=='/' ) cindex=cptr ; if ( !cindex ) cindex= program ; else { cindex++ ; if ( !*cindex ) { warning("Null program name, assuming \"basic\"") ; cindex= "basic" ; } } cptr=datfname ; while ( *cptr++ = *cindex++ ) ; /* Strip trailing suffix */ if ( cptr>datfname+3 && cptr[-3]=='.' ) cptr[-3]=0 ; strcat(datfname,".d"); yyin= fopen(inpfile,"r"); emfile= fopen(outfile,"w"); Tmpfile= fopen(tmpfname,"w"); if( yyin==NULL || emfile== NULL || Tmpfile== NULL ) fatal("Improper file permissions"); fillkex(); /* initialize symbol table */ fprintf(emfile,"#\n"); fprintf(emfile," mes 2,EM_WSIZE,EM_PSIZE\n"); initdeftype(); /* set default symbol declarers */ }