/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* R E G I S T E R A L L O C A T I O N * * A U X I L I A R Y R O U T I N E S */ #include <em_mnem.h> #include <em_spec.h> #include <em_pseu.h> #include <em_reg.h> #include "../share/types.h" #include "../share/debug.h" #include "../share/def.h" #include "../share/global.h" #include "../share/lset.h" #include "../share/alloc.h" #include "ra.h" #include "ra_aux.h" time_p cons_time(l,b) line_p l; bblock_p b; { /* Construct a time */ time_p t = newtime(); t->t_line = l; t->t_bblock = b; return t; } short loop_scale(lev) short lev; { return (lev == 0 ? 1 : (lev > 3 ? 32 : 8 * lev)); }