/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* S H A R E D F I L E * * A U X I L I A R Y R O U T I N E S * */ #include <em_mes.h> #include <em_pseu.h> #include "types.h" #include "debug.h" #include "global.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "aux.h" #include "map.h" #include "lset.h" offset off_set(lnp) line_p lnp; { switch(lnp->l_optype) { case OPSHORT: return (offset) SHORT(lnp); case OPOFFSET: return OFFSET(lnp); default: assert(FALSE); } /* NOTREACHED */ } offset aoff(ap,n) register arg_p ap; { while (n>0) { if (ap != (arg_p) 0) ap = ap->a_next; n--; } if (ap == (arg_p) 0) error("too few parameters"); if (ap->a_type != ARGOFF) error("offset expected"); return(ap->a_a.a_offset); } offset tmplocal(p,size) proc_p p; offset size; { /* Allocate a new local variable in the stack frame of p */ p->p_localbytes += size; return -(p->p_localbytes); } line_p int_line(off) offset off; { /* Allocate a line struct of type OPSHORT or OPOFFSET, * whichever one fits best. */ line_p lnp; if ((short) off == off) { /* fits in a short */ lnp = newline(OPSHORT); SHORT(lnp) = (short) off; } else { lnp = newline(OPOFFSET); OFFSET(lnp) = off; } return lnp; } line_p reg_mes(tmp,size,typ,score) offset tmp; short size; int typ,score; { /* Generate a register message */ line_p l; arg_p a; #define NEXTARG(a,val) a->a_next = newarg(ARGOFF); a = a->a_next; \ a->a_a.a_offset = val l = newline(OPLIST); l->l_instr = ps_mes; a = ARG(l) = newarg(ARGOFF); a->a_a.a_offset = ms_reg; NEXTARG(a,tmp); NEXTARG(a,size); NEXTARG(a,typ); NEXTARG(a,score); return l; } bool dom(b1,b2) bblock_p b1,b2; { /* See if b1 dominates b2. Note that a block always * dominates itself. */ register bblock_p b; for (b = b2; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_idom) { /* See if b1 is a (not necessarily proper) ancestor * of b2 in the immediate dominator tree. */ if (b == b1) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } bblock_p common_dom(a,b) bblock_p a,b; { /* find a basic block that dominates a as well as b; * note that a basic block also dominates itself. */ assert (a != (bblock_p) 0); assert (b != (bblock_p) 0); if (dom(a,b)) { return a; } else { if (dom(b,a)) { return b; } else { return common_dom(a->b_idom,b->b_idom); } } } #define R time_space_ratio short add_timespace(time,space) short time,space; { /* Add together a time and space, using the time_space_ratio * parameter that may be set by the user, indicating the need * to optimize for time, space or something in between. */ return (R * time + (100 - R) * space) / 100; } rm_line(l,b) line_p l; bblock_p b; { if (b->b_start == l) { b->b_start = l->l_next; } else { PREV(l)->l_next = l->l_next; } if (l->l_next != (line_p) 0) { PREV(l->l_next) = PREV(l); } oldline(l); } appnd_line(l1,l2) line_p l1,l2; { /* Put l1 after l2 */ PREV(l1) = l2; l1->l_next = l2->l_next; l2->l_next = l1; if (l1->l_next != (line_p) 0) { PREV(l1->l_next) = l1; } } line_p last_instr(b) bblock_p b; { /* Determine the last line of a list */ register line_p l = b->b_start; if (l == (line_p) 0) return (line_p) 0; while (l->l_next != (line_p) 0) l = l->l_next; return l; } line_p find_mesreg(off) offset off; { /* Find the register message for the local with the given offset */ Lindex li; line_p l; for (li = Lfirst(mesregs); li != (Lindex) 0; li = Lnext(li,mesregs)) { l = (line_p) Lelem(li); if (aoff(ARG(l),1) == off) return l; } return (line_p) 0; } bool is_regvar(off) offset off; { return find_mesreg(off) != (line_p) 0; } offset regv_arg(off,n) offset off; int n; { /* fetch the n'th argument of the register message of the * local variable at offset off; */ line_p x = find_mesreg(off); assert (x != (line_p) 0); return aoff(ARG(x),n); }