  (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
           This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit.
  Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be
  obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to
       Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum
       Wiskundig Seminarium
       Vrije Universiteit
       Postbox 7161
       1007 MC Amsterdam
       The Netherlands

program t4(input,output);
{ Tests for the EM-1 compiler }
const rcsversion='$Header$';
type vec = array[1..1000] of integer;
     spectrum = set of (red,blue,yellow);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
     tp2 = record c1:char;i,j:integer; p:boolean; x:real end;
     tp2 = record c1:char;i,j:integer; p:boolean end;
     cmat = array[0..3,0..7] of ^spectrum;
     single = array [0..0] of integer;
     np = ^node;
     node = record val: integer;  next: np end;

var t,ect,pct:integer;
    r1: tp2;
    pt1,pt2: ^vec;
    mk: ^integer;
    i,j: integer;

procedure e(n:integer); 
  ect := ect + 1;
  writeln(' Error', n:3,' in test ', t) 

function inc(k:integer):integer; begin inc := k+1 end;
function twice(k:integer):integer; begin twice := 2*k end;
function decr(k:integer):integer; begin decr := k-1 end;

procedure tst40;
{ Mark and Release }
var i:integer;
  procedure grab;
  var i:integer;
    for i:=1 to 10 do new(pt1);
    for i:=1 to 1000 do new(pt3);

begin t:= 40;  pct:=pct+1;
  for i:=1 to 10 do

procedure tst41;
{ Empty sets }
begin  t:=41;  pct := pct + 1;
  if red in [] then e(1);
  if ([] <> []) then e(2);
  if not ([] = []) then e(3);
  if not([] <=[]) then e(4);
  if not ( [] >= []) then e(5);

procedure tst42;
{ Record variants.  These tests are machine dependent }
var s:record b:boolean; case t:boolean of false:(c:char);true:(d:cmat) end;
    w: packed record
          case z:boolean of
            false: (x:array[0..20] of integer);
            true: (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l:char)

    y: record
          case z:boolean of
            false: (x:array[0..20] of integer);
            true: (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l:char)
begin t:=42; pct:=pct+1;
  s.t:=false;  s.c:='x';  if s.c <> 'x' then e(1);
  for i:=0 to 20 do begin w.x[i]:=-1; y.x[i]:=-1 end;
  w.a:=chr(0);  w.f:=chr(0);
  y.a:=chr(0);  y.f:=chr(0);
  if (ord(w.a) <> 0) or (ord(w.b) <> 255) then e(3);
  if (ord(w.c) <> 255) or (ord(w.d)<>255) then e(4);
  if (ord(w.e) <> 255) or (ord(w.f) <> 0) then e(5);
  if ord(y.a) <> 0 then e(6);
  if ord(y.f) <> 0 then e(7);

procedure tst43;
{ Procedure and function parameters }
  function incr(k:integer):integer; begin incr := k+1 end;
  function double(k:integer):integer; begin double := 2*k end;
  function eval(function f(a:integer):integer; a:integer):integer;
  begin eval:=f(a) end;
  function apply(function f(a:integer):integer; a:integer):integer; 
      begin apply:=eval(f,a) end;

  procedure x1(function f(a:integer):integer;  a:integer; var r:integer);
      procedure x2(function g(c:integer):integer;  b:integer;  var s:integer);
      begin s:=apply(g,b); end;
  begin x2(f, a+a, r) end;

procedure p0(procedure p(x:integer); i,j:integer);
  if j=0 then p(i) else p0(p,i+j,j-1)

procedure p1(a,b,c,d:integer);
var k:integer;
  procedure p2(x:integer);
  begin k:= x*x end;
begin k:=0;
  if k <> c then e(d);

begin t:=43; pct := pct+1;
  i:=10;  j:=20;
  if incr(0) <> 1 then e(1);
  if decr(i) <> 9 then e(2);
  if double(i+j) <> 60 then e(3);
  if incr(double(j)) <> 41 then e(4);
  if decr(double(incr(double(i)))) <> 41 then e(5);
  if incr(incr(incr(incr(incr(5))))) <> 10 then e(6);
  if eval(incr,i) <> 11 then e(7);
  if eval(decr,3) <> 2 then e(8);
  if incr(eval(double,15)) <> 31 then e(9);
  if apply(incr,3) <> 4 then e(10);

  x1(double,i,j);  if j <> 40 then e(11);
  x1(incr,i+3,j);  if j <> 27 then e(12);
  if inc(incr(twice(double(inc(incr(twice(double(j)))))))) <> 26 then e(13);

 procedure tst44;
{ Value parameters }
   type ww2 = array[-10..+10] of tp2;
        arra = array[-10..+10] of integer;
        reca = record k:single; s:spectrum end;
        pa = np;
#ifndef NOFLOAT
var l1:integer;  xr:real;  xb:boolean;  xc:char;  xar:cmat;  xnode:pa;
var l1:integer;  xb:boolean;  xc:char;  xar:cmat;  xnode:pa;
    vec1: arra;   vec2: ww2;
    s2:spectrum;  rec1: reca;

#ifndef NOFLOAT
procedure tst4401(pl1:integer; pxr:real;   pxb:boolean;  pxc:char;
procedure tst4401(pl1:integer;  pxb:boolean;  pxc:char;
                   pxar:cmat;   pxnode:pa;  pxtp2:tp2;
                   pvec1:arra;  pvec2:ww2; prec1:reca;
                   ps1,ps2:spectrum;  psin:single; i,j:integer);
begin t:=4401; pct:=pct+1;
  if pl1<>29 then e(1);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if pxr<>-0.31 then e(2);
  if pxb <> false then e(3);
  if pxc <> 'k' then e(4);
  if (pxar[1,1]^<>[red,blue]) or (pxar[2,2]^ <> [yellow]) then e(5);
  if (pxnode^.val <> 105) or (pxnode^.next^.val <> 106) then e(6);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if (pxtp2.c1 <> 'w') or (pxtp2.x <> 20.3) then e(7);
  if (pxtp2.c1 <> 'w')  then e(7);
  if pvec1[10] <> -996 then e(8);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if pvec2[zero].x <> -300 then e(9);
  if (prec1.k[zero] <> -421) or (prec1.s <> []) then e(10);
  if (ps1<>[]) or (ps2<>[red]) then e(11);
  if psin[zero] <> -421 then e(12);
  if i <> -421 then e(13);
  if j <> 106 then e(14);

  pl1:=0;  pxc:=' ';  pxb:=true;
  pxar[1,1]^:=[];  pxar[2,2]^:=[];
  pxnode^.val:=0;  pxnode^.next^.val:=1;
  pxtp2.c1:=' ';
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  psin[0]:=0;  i:=0;  j:=0;

begin t:=44; pct:=pct+1;
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  l1:=29;  xr:=-0.31;  xb:=false;  xc:='k';
  l1:=29;  xb:=false;  xc:='k';
  new(xar[1,1]);  xar[1,1]^ := [red,blue];
  new(xar[2,2]);  xar[2,2]^ := [yellow];
  new(xar[1,2]);  xar[1,2]^ := [yellow];
  new(xnode);  xnode^.val :=105;
  new(xnode^.next); xnode^.next^.val :=106;
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  r1.c1:='w';  r1.x:=20.3;
  vec1[10] := -996;  vec2[zero].x := -300;
  vec1[10] := -996;
  rec1.k[zero]:=-421;  rec1.s :=[];

#ifndef NOFLOAT
  tst4401(l1, xr, xb, xc, xar, xnode, r1, vec1, vec2, rec1, 
  tst4401(l1, xb, xc, xar, xnode, r1, vec1, vec2, rec1, 
           [], s2, rec1.k, rec1.k[zero], xnode^.next^.val);;

  if l1<>29 then e(1);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if xr<> -0.31 then e(2);
  if xb <> false then e(3);
  if xc <> 'k' then e(4);
  if (xar[1,1]^ <> [])  or (xar[2,2]^ <> []) then e(5);
  if xar[1,2]^ <> [yellow] then e(6);
  if (xnode^.val <> 0) or (xnode^.next^.val <> 1) then e(7);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if (r1.c1 <> 'w') or (r1.x <> 20.3) then e(8);
  if (r1.c1 <> 'w') then e(8);
  if vec1[10] <> -996 then e(9);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if vec2[zero].x <> -300 then e(10);
  if (rec1.k[zero] <> -421) or (rec1.s <> []) then e(11);
  if s2 <> [red] then e(12);

 procedure tst45;
{ Var parameters }
   type ww2 = array[-10..+10] of tp2;
        arra = array[-10..+10] of integer;
        reca = record k:single; s:spectrum end;
        pa = np;
#ifndef NOFLOAT
var l1:integer;  xr:real;  xb:boolean;  xc:char;  xar:cmat;  xnode:pa;
var l1:integer;   xb:boolean;  xc:char;  xar:cmat;  xnode:pa;
    vec1: arra;   vec2: ww2;
    s1,s2:spectrum;  rec1: reca;

#ifndef NOFLOAT
procedure tst4501(var pl1:integer; var pxr:real; var pxb:boolean; var pxc:char; 
procedure tst4501(var pl1:integer;  var pxb:boolean; var pxc:char; 
                   var pxar:cmat;   var pxnode:pa;  var pxtp2:tp2;
                   var pvec1:arra;  var pvec2:ww2; var prec1:reca;
                   var ps1,ps2:spectrum;  var psin:single; var i,j:integer);
begin t:=4501; pct:=pct+1;
  if pl1<>29 then e(1);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if pxr<>-0.31 then e(2);
  if pxb <> false then e(3);
  if pxc <> 'k' then e(4);
  if (pxar[1,1]^<>[red,blue]) or (pxar[2,2]^ <> [yellow]) then e(5);
  if (pxnode^.val <> 105) or (pxnode^.next^.val <> 106) then e(6);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if (pxtp2.c1 <> 'w') or (pxtp2.x <> 20.3) then e(7);
  if (pxtp2.c1 <> 'w') then e(7);
  if pvec1[10] <> -996 then e(8);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if pvec2[zero].x <> -300 then e(9);
  if (prec1.k[zero] <> -421) or (prec1.s <> []) then e(10);
  if (ps1<>[]) or (ps2<>[red]) then e(11);
  if psin[zero] <> -421 then e(12);
  if i <> -421 then e(13);
  if j <> 106 then e(14);

#ifndef NOFLOAT
  pl1:=0;  pxr:=0;  pxc:=' ';  pxb:=true;
  pl1:=0;   pxc:=' ';  pxb:=true;
  pxar[1,1]^:=[];  pxar[2,2]^:=[];
  pxnode^.val:=0;  pxnode^.next^.val:=1;
  pxtp2.c1:=' ';
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  pxtp2.x := 0;
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  psin[0]:=0;  i:=223;  j:=445;

begin t:=45; pct:=pct+1;
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  l1:=29;  xr:=-0.31;  xb:=false;  xc:='k';
  l1:=29;  xb:=false;  xc:='k';
  new(xar[1,1]);  xar[1,1]^ := [red,blue];
  new(xar[2,2]);  xar[2,2]^ := [yellow];
  new(xar[1,2]);  xar[1,2]^ := [yellow];
  new(xnode);  xnode^.val :=105;
  new(xnode^.next); xnode^.next^.val :=106;
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  r1.c1:='w';  r1.x:=20.3;
  vec1[10] := -996;  vec2[zero].x := -300;
  vec1[10] := -996;
  rec1.k[zero]:=-421;  rec1.s :=[];
  s1:=[];  s2:=[red];

#ifndef NOFLOAT
  tst4501(l1, xr, xb, xc, xar, xnode, r1, vec1, vec2, rec1, 
  tst4501(l1, xb, xc, xar, xnode, r1, vec1, vec2, rec1, 
           s1, s2, rec1.k, rec1.k[zero], xnode^.next^.val);;

  if l1<>0 then e(1);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if xr<> 0 then e(2);
  if xb <> true then e(3);
  if xc <> ' ' then e(4);
  if (xar[1,1]^ <> [])  or (xar[2,2]^ <> []) then e(5);
  if xar[1,2]^ <> [yellow] then e(6);
  if (xnode^.val <> 0) or (xnode^.next^.val <> 445) then e(7);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if (r1.c1 <> ' ') or (r1.x <> 0) then e(8);
  if (r1.c1 <> ' ') then e(8);
  if vec1[10] <> 0 then e(9);
#ifndef NOFLOAT
  if vec2[zero].x <> 0 then e(10);
  if (rec1.k[zero] <> 223) or (rec1.s <> []) then e(11);
  if (s1 <> []) or (s2 <> [red]) then e(12);

begin ect:=0; pct:=0;
  tst40; tst41; tst42; tst43; tst44; tst45;
  write('Program t4:',pct:3,' tests completed.');
  writeln('Number of errors = ',ect:0);