#include "mcg.h" #include "mcgg.h" #if 0 static void dumpCover(NODEPTR_TYPE p, int goalnt, int indent) { #ifdef TRACE int eruleno = burm_rule(STATE_LABEL(p), goalnt); const short *nts = burm_nts[eruleno]; NODEPTR_TYPE kids[10]; int i; for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) fprintf(stderr, " "); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", burm_string[eruleno]); burm_kids(p, eruleno, kids); for (i = 0; nts[i]; i++) { if (kids[i]) dumpCover(kids[i], nts[i], indent + 1); else fprintf(stderr, "failed!\n"); } #endif } #endif void burm_trace(struct ir* p, int ruleno, int cost, int bestcost) { tracef('I', "I: 0x%p matched %s with cost %d vs. %d\n", p, burm_string[ruleno], cost, bestcost); } void burm_panic_cannot_match(struct ir* ir) { fprintf(stderr, "could not find any patterns to match:\n"); ir_print(0, ir); fprintf(stderr, "aborting!\n"); exit(1); } static void queue_instructions(struct ir* ir, int goal) { struct ir* children[10]; int ruleno = burm_rule(ir->state_label, goal); const short* nts = burm_nts[ruleno]; int i; burm_kids(ir, ruleno, children); for (i=0; nts[i]; i++) queue_instructions(children[i], nts[i]); tracef('I', "I: $%d selected insn %d: %s\n", ir->id, ruleno, burm_string[ruleno]); } static void select_instructions(struct basicblock* bb) { int i; tracef('I', "I: BLOCK: %s\n", bb->name); for (i=0; iirs_count; i++) { int insnno; struct ir* ir = bb->irs[i]; burm_label(ir); insnno = burm_rule(ir->state_label, 1); if (!insnno) burm_panic_cannot_match(ir); queue_instructions(ir, 1); } } void pass_instruction_selector(struct procedure* proc) { int i; for (i=0; iblocks_count; i++) { struct basicblock* bb = proc->blocks[i]; select_instructions(bb); } exit(1); } /* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 expandtab : */