/* Startup routines */ /* $Header$ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <em_abs.h> #include "logging.h" #include "global.h" #include "log.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "warn.h" #include "mem.h" #include "shadow.h" #include "trap.h" #include "read.h" /**************************************************************** * The EM-machine is not implemented as a contiguous * * piece of memory. Instead there are a number of * * "floating" pieces of memory, each representing a * * specific part of the machine. There are separate * * allocations for: * * - stack and local area (stack), * * - heap area & global data area (data), * * - program text & procedure descriptors (text). * * The names in parenthesis are the names of the global * * variables used within our program, pointing to * * the beginning of such an area. The sizes of the global * * data area and the program text can be determined * * once and for all in the "rd_header" routine. * ****************************************************************/ extern char **environ; PRIVATE ptr storestring(); PRIVATE size alignedstrlen(); char *load_name; init(ac, av) int ac; char **av; { register char **p; register size env_vec_size; /* size of environ vector */ register size arg_vec_size; /* size of argument vector */ register size string_size = 0; /* total size arg, env, strings */ register ptr ARGB, vecp, strp; init_ofiles(1); /* Initialize all output files */ init_signals(); /* Read the load file header, to obtain wsize and psize */ load_name = av[0]; rd_open(load_name); /* Open object file */ rd_header(); /* Read in load file header */ /* Initialize wsize- and psize-dependent variables */ init_rsb(); i_minsw = (wsize == 2) ? I_MINS2 : I_MINS4; i_maxsw = (wsize == 2) ? I_MAXS2 : I_MAXS4; i_maxuw = (wsize == 2) ? I_MAXU2 : I_MAXU4; max_addr = i2p(((psize == 2) ? I_MAXU2 : I_MAXS4) / wsize * wsize) - 1; min_off = (psize == 2) ? (-MAX_OFF2-1) : (-MAX_OFF4-1); max_off = (psize == 2) ? MAX_OFF2 : MAX_OFF4; /* Determine nr of bytes, needed to store arguments/environment */ env_vec_size = 0; /* length of environ vector copy */ for (p = environ; *p != (char *) 0; p++) { string_size += alignedstrlen(*p); env_vec_size += psize; } env_vec_size += psize; /* terminating zero */ arg_vec_size = 0; /* length of argument vector copy */ for (p = av; *p != (char *) 0; p++) { string_size += alignedstrlen(*p); arg_vec_size += psize; } arg_vec_size += psize; /* terminating zero */ /* One pseudo-register */ ARGB = i2p(SZDATA); /* command arguments base */ /* Initialize segments */ init_text(); init_data(ARGB + arg_vec_size + env_vec_size + string_size); init_stack(); init_FRA(); init_AB_list(); /* Initialize trap registers */ TrapPI = 0; /* set Trap Procedure Identifier */ OnTrap = TR_ABORT; /* there cannot be a trap handler yet*/ IgnMask = PreIgnMask; /* copy Ignore Mask from preset */ /* Initialize Exit Status */ ES_def = UNDEFINED; /* set Exit Status illegal */ /* Read partitions */ rd_text(); rd_gda(); rd_proctab(); rd_close(); /* Set up the arguments and environment */ vecp = ARGB; /* start of environ vector copy */ dppush(vecp); /* push address of env pointer */ strp = vecp + env_vec_size; /* start of environ strings */ for (p = environ; *p != (char *) 0; p++) { dt_stdp(vecp, strp); strp = storestring(strp, *p); vecp += psize; } dt_stdp(vecp, i2p(0)); /* terminating zero */ vecp = strp; /* start of argument vector copy */ dppush(vecp); /* push address of argv pointer */ strp = vecp + arg_vec_size; /* start of argument strings */ for (p = av; *p != (char *) 0; p++) { dt_stdp(vecp, strp); strp = storestring(strp, *p); vecp += psize; } dt_stdp(vecp, i2p(0)); /* terminating zero */ npush((long) ac, wsize); /* push argc */ } PRIVATE size alignedstrlen(s) char *s; { register size len = strlen(s) + 1; return (len + wsize - 1) / wsize * wsize; } PRIVATE ptr storestring(addr, s) ptr addr; char *s; { /* Store string, aligned to a fit multiple of wsize bytes. Return first address on a wordsize boundary after string. */ register size oldlen = strlen(s) + 1; register size newlen = ((oldlen + wsize - 1) / wsize) * wsize; register long i; LOG(("@g6 storestring(%lu, %s), oldlen = %ld, newlen = %ld", addr, s, oldlen, newlen)); ch_in_data(addr, newlen); ch_aligned(addr, newlen); /* copy data of source string */ for (i = 0; i < oldlen; i++) { data_loc(addr + i) = *s++; dt_int(addr + i); } /* pad until newlen */ for (; i < newlen; i++) { data_loc(addr + i) = (char) 0; dt_int(addr + i); } return (addr + i); } #ifdef LOGGING dt_clear_area(from, to) ptr from; ptr to; { /* includes *from but excludes *to */ register ptr a; for (a = from; a < to; a++) { dt_undef(a); } } st_clear_area(from, to) ptr from; ptr to; { /* includes both *from and *to (since ML+1 is unexpressible) */ register ptr a; for (a = from; a >= to; a--) { st_undef(a); } } #endif LOGGING