/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header$ */ /* ** print symbol tables for ** ACK object files ** ** anm [-gopruns] [name ...] */ #include "out.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> int numsort_flg; int sectsort_flg; int undef_flg; int revsort_flg = 1; int globl_flg; int nosort_flg; int arch_flg; int prep_flg; int read_error; struct outhead hbuf; struct outsect sbuf; long off; char *malloc(); char *realloc(); long s_base[S_MAX]; /* for specially encoded bases */ char *filename; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int narg; int compare(); if (--argc>0 && argv[1][0]=='-' && argv[1][1]!=0) { argv++; while (*++*argv) switch (**argv) { case 'n': /* sort numerically */ numsort_flg++; continue; case 's': /* sort in section order */ sectsort_flg++; continue; case 'g': /* globl symbols only */ globl_flg++; continue; case 'u': /* undefined symbols only */ undef_flg++; continue; case 'r': /* sort in reverse order */ revsort_flg = -1; continue; case 'p': /* don't sort -- symbol table order */ nosort_flg++; continue; case 'o': /* prepend a name to each line */ prep_flg++; continue; default: /* oops */ fprintf(stderr, "anm: invalid argument -%c\n", *argv[0]); exit(1); } argc--; } if (argc == 0) { argc = 1; argv[1] = "a.out"; } narg = argc; while(argc--) { struct outname *nbufp = NULL; struct outname nbuf; char *cbufp; long fi_to_co; long n; unsigned readcount; int i,j; read_error = 0; if (! rd_open(*++argv)) { fprintf(stderr, "anm: cannot open %s\n", *argv); continue; } filename = *argv; rd_ohead(&hbuf); if (read_error) { rd_close(); continue; } if (BADMAGIC(hbuf)) { fprintf(stderr, "anm: %s -- bad format\n", *argv); rd_close(); continue; } if (narg > 1) printf("\n%s:\n", *argv); n = hbuf.oh_nname; if (n == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "anm: %s -- no name list\n", *argv); rd_close(); continue; } if (hbuf.oh_nchar == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "anm: %s -- no names\n", *argv); rd_close(); continue; } if ((readcount = hbuf.oh_nchar) != hbuf.oh_nchar) { fprintf(stderr, "anm: string area too big in %s\n", *argv); exit(2); } /* store special section bases ??? */ if (hbuf.oh_flags & HF_8086) { rd_sect(&sbuf, hbuf.oh_nsect); if (read_error) { rd_close(); continue; } for (i=0; i<hbuf.oh_nsect; i++) { s_base[i+S_MIN] = (sbuf.os_base>>12) & 03777760; } } if ((cbufp = (char *)malloc(readcount)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "anm: out of memory on %s\n", *argv); exit(2); } rd_string(cbufp, hbuf.oh_nchar); if (read_error) { free(cbufp); rd_close(); continue; } fi_to_co = (long) (cbufp - OFF_CHAR(hbuf)); i = 0; while (--n >= 0) { rd_name(&nbuf, 1); if (read_error) { break; } if (nbuf.on_foff == 0) continue; /* skip entries without names */ if (globl_flg && (nbuf.on_type&S_EXT)==0) continue; if (undef_flg && ((nbuf.on_type&S_TYP)!=S_UND || (nbuf.on_type&S_ETC)!=0)) continue; nbuf.on_mptr = (char *) (nbuf.on_foff + fi_to_co); /* adjust value for specially encoded bases */ if (hbuf.oh_flags & HF_8086) { if (((nbuf.on_type&S_ETC) == 0) || ((nbuf.on_type&S_ETC) == S_SCT)) { j = nbuf.on_type&S_TYP; if ((j>=S_MIN) && (j<=S_MAX)) nbuf.on_valu += s_base[j]; } } if (nbufp == NULL) nbufp = (struct outname *)malloc(sizeof(struct outname)); else nbufp = (struct outname *)realloc(nbufp, (i+1)*sizeof(struct outname)); if (nbufp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "anm: out of memory on %s\n", *argv); exit(2); } nbufp[i++] = nbuf; } if (nbufp && nosort_flg==0) qsort(nbufp, i, sizeof(struct outname), compare); for (n=0; n<i; n++) { char cs1[4]; char cs2[4]; if (prep_flg) printf("%s:", *argv); switch(nbufp[n].on_type&S_ETC) { case S_SCT: sprintf(cs1, "%2d", (nbufp[n].on_type&S_TYP) - S_MIN); sprintf(cs2, " S"); break; case S_FIL: sprintf(cs1, " -"); sprintf(cs2, " F"); break; case S_MOD: sprintf(cs1, " -"); sprintf(cs2, " M"); break; case 0: if (nbufp[n].on_type&S_EXT) sprintf(cs2, " E"); else sprintf(cs2, " -"); switch(nbufp[n].on_type&S_TYP) { case S_UND: sprintf(cs1, " U"); break; case S_ABS: sprintf(cs1, " A"); break; default: sprintf(cs1, "%2d", (nbufp[n].on_type&S_TYP) - S_MIN); } break; default: continue; } printf("%8lx %s %s %s\n",nbufp[n].on_valu,cs1,cs2,nbufp[n].on_mptr); } if (nbufp) free((char *)nbufp); if (cbufp) free((char *)cbufp); rd_close(); } exit(0); } compare(p1, p2) struct outname *p1, *p2; { int i; if (sectsort_flg) { if ((p1->on_type&S_TYP) > (p2->on_type&S_TYP)) return(revsort_flg); if ((p1->on_type&S_TYP) < (p2->on_type&S_TYP)) return(-revsort_flg); } if (numsort_flg) { if (p1->on_valu > p2->on_valu) return(revsort_flg); if (p1->on_valu < p2->on_valu) return(-revsort_flg); } i = strcmp(p1->on_mptr, p2->on_mptr); if (i > 0) return(revsort_flg); if (i < 0) return(-revsort_flg); return(0); } rd_fatal() { fprintf(stderr,"read error on %s\n", filename); read_error = 1; }