.TH Z8000_AS 1
z8000_as \- assembler for Zilog z8000 (segmented version)
/usr/em/lib/z8000_as [options] argument ...
This assembler is made with the general framework
described in \fIuni_ass\fP(6).
.IP instructions
Instruction mnemonics are implemented exactly as described in
`Z8000 PLZ/ASM Assembly Language Programming Manual' and
`AmZ8001/2 Processor Instruction Set'.
.IP registers
The z8000 has sixteen 16-bit general purpose registers specified
as R0 through R15.  All sixteen registers can be used as accumulators.
In addition to this, fifteen of the sixteen registers may be used
in addressing mode calculations as either indirect, index or
base-address registers. Because the instruction format encoding
uses the value zero to differentiate between various addressing
modes, register R0 (or the register pair RR0) cannot be used as an
indirect, index or base-address register.
It is also possible to address registers as groups of 8, 32 or 64 bits.
These registers are specified as follows.
.ta 8 16 24 32 40 48
- RH0, RL0, RH1, RL1, ..., RH7, RL7  for  8-bit  regis-
  ters. (`H' stands for high-order byte, and `L' stands
  for low-order byte within a  word  register).   These
  registers overlap 16-bit registers R0 through R7.
- RR0, RR2, ..., RR14 for 32-bit register pairs.
- RQ0, RQ4, RQ8 and RQ12 for 64-bit register quadruples.
Besides register pair RR14 is used as stackpointer.
.IP "addressing modes"
.ta 8 16 24 32 40 48
syntax		meaning (name-mnemonic)

$expr		the value of expr is the operand.

reg		contents of register reg is operand. Any
		register as described above is allowed.

*reg32		contents of register pair reg32 is add-
		ress of operand.  Any register pair can
		be used except RR0.
		(indirect register-IR)

expr		expr is address of operand.
		(direct address-DA)

expr(reg16)	value of expr + contents of word regis-
		ter  reg16  yields  address of operand.
		Any word register can be used except R0.
		(indexed address-X)

expr		expr is address of  operand.  This mode
		is  implied  by its instruction.  It is
		only used by CALR, DJNZ, JR,  LDAR  and
		LDR  and  is the only mode available to
		these instructions.   In fact this mode
		differs not from the mode DA.
		(relative address-RA)

reg32($expr)	contents of register pair reg32 + value
		of expr yields address of operand.  Any
		register pair can be used except RR0.
		(based address-BA)

reg32(reg16)	contents  of register pair reg32 + con-
		tents of  word  register  reg16  yields
		address of operand.  Any register pair/
		word register can be used except RR0/R0.
		(based indexed address-BX)

.IP "segmented addresses"
Segmented addresses require 23 bits, 7 bits for the segment number
and 16 bits for the offset within a segment.
So segment 0 contains addresses 0-FFFF, segment 1 contains addresses
10000-1FFFF, and so on.
Assembler syntax of addresses and immediate data is as described above
(modes IM, DA and X).
Thus the assembler treats e.g. address 2BC0F as an address in segment 2
with offset BC0F within the segment.
There is also an explicit way to express this using the, more unusual,
syntax <<segment>>offset.
There are two internal representations of segmented addresses
depending on the size of the offset. If the offset fits into 8 bits
the address is stored in one word (the low-order byte containing
the offset, bits 8 to 14 containing the segment number and
bit 15 containing a zero) otherwise the address is stored in two
words (the lower word containing the offset, the upper word as
before but bit 15 containing 1 indicating that the offset is in
the next word).
This is important for instructions which has an operand of mode DA
or X.
.IP "extended branches"
When the target address in a relative jump/call (JR/CALR)
does not fit into the instruction format, the assembler generates
a corresponding `normal' jump/call (JP/CALL).
An example of z8000 assembly code.
.ta 8 16 24 32 40 48

!   This z8000 assembly routine converts a positive number
!(in R1) to a string representing the number and puts this
!string into a buffer (R3 contains the starting address of
!this buffer.  The base is in R4 determining %x, %d or %o.

	exts	RR0		!sign-extend R1
	div	RR0, R4		!divide by the base
	test	R1		!R1 contains the quotient
	jr	EQ, 5f
			!if quotient is 0 convert is ready
			!else push remainder onto the stack
	push	*RR14, R0
	calr	convert		!and again...
	pop	R0, *RR14
5:	add	R0, $060	!add `0'
	cp	R0, $071	!compare to `9'
	jr	LE, 8f
	add	R0, $7		!in case of %x `A'-`F'
8:	ldb	0(R3), RL0	!put character into buffer
	inc	R3

Z8000 PLZ/ASM Assembly Language Programming Manual, april 1979.
AmZ8001/2 Processor Instruction Set, 1979.
You cannot use (reg16) instead of 0(reg16).
Condition codes `Z' (meaning zero), `C' (meaning carry) and <nothing>
(meaning always false) are not implemented.
The first two because they also represent flags and the third one
because it's useless.
So for `Z'/`C' use `EQ'/`ULT'.
The z8000 assembly instruction set as described in the book
`AmZ8001/2 Processor Instruction Set' differs from the one
described in the manual `Z8000 PLZ/ASM Assembly Language Programming
Manual' in that the book includes CLRL, LDL (format F5.1) and
PUSHL (format F5.1) which all in fact do not (!) work.
On the other side the book excludes SIN, SIND, SINDR, SINI, SINIR,
Whether these instructions do work as described in the manual has not
been tested yet.