====== index for f2c ============


f2c.h	Include file necessary for compiling output of the converter.
	See the second NOTE below.

f2c.1	Man page for f2c.

f2c.1t	Source for f2c.1 (to be processed by troff -man or nroff -man).

libf77	Library of non I/O support routines the generated C may need.
	Fortran main programs result in a C function named MAIN__ that
	is meant to be invoked by the main() in libf77.

libi77	Library of Fortran I/O routines the generated C may need.
	Note that some vendors (e.g., BSD, Sun and MIPS) provide a
	libF77 and libI77 that are incompatible with f2c -- they
	provide some differently named routines or routines with the
	names that f2c expects, but with different calling sequences.
	On such systems, the recommended procedure is to merge
	libf77 and libi77 into a single library, say libf2c, to install
	it where you can access it by specifying -lf2c , and to adjust
	the definition of link_msg in sysdep.c appropriately.

f2c.ps	Postscript for a technical report on f2c.  After you strip the
	mail header, the first line should be "%!PS".

fixes	The complete change log, reporting bug fixes and other changes.
	(Some recent change-log entries are given below).

fc	A shell script that uses f2c and imitates much of the behavior
	of commonly found f77 commands.  You will almost certainly
	need to adjust some of the shell-variable assignments to make
	this script work on your system.


f2c/src	Source for the converter itself, including a file of checksums
	and source for a program to compute the checksums (to verify
	correct transmission of the source), is available: ask netlib to
		send all from f2c/src
	If the checksums show damage to just a few source files, or if
	the change log file (see "fixes" below) reports corrections to
	some source files, you can request those files individually
	"from f2c/src".  For example, to get defs.h and xsum0.out, you
	would ask netlib to
		send defs.h xsum0.out from f2c/src
	"all from f2c/src" is 649642 bytes long.

	Tip: if asked to send over 99,000 bytes in one request, netlib
	breaks the shipment into 1000 line pieces and sends each piece
	separately (since otherwise some mailers might gag).  To avoid
	the hassle of reassembling the pieces, try to keep each request
	under 99,000 bytes long.  The final number in each line of
	xsum0.out gives the length of each file in f2c/src.  For
		send exec.c expr.c from f2c/src
		send format.c format_data.c from f2c/src
	will give you slightly less hassle than
		send exec.c expr.c format.c format_data.c from f2c/src

	If you have trouble generating gram.c, you can ask netlib to
		send gram.c from f2c/src
	Then `xsum gram.c` should report
		gram.c	efa337b3	57282

NOTE:	For now, you may exercise f2c by sending netlib a message whose
	first line is "execute f2c" and whose remaining lines are
	the Fortran 77 source that you wish to have converted.
	Return mail brings you the resulting C, with f2c's error
	messages between #ifdef uNdEfInEd and #endif at the end.
	(To understand line numbers in the error messages, regard
	the "execute f2c" line as line 0.  It is stripped away by
	the netlib software before f2c sees your Fortran input.)
	Options described in the man page may be transmitted to
	netlib by having the first line of input be a comment
	whose first 6 characters are "c$f2c " and whose remaining
	characters are the desired options, e.g., "c$f2c -R -u".
	This scheme may change -- ask netlib to
               send index from f2c
        if you do not get the behavior you expect.

	During the initial experimental period, incoming Fortran
	will be saved in a file.  Don't send any secrets!

BUGS:	Please send bug reports (including the shortest example
	you can find that illustrates the bug) to research!dmg
	or dmg@research.att.com .  You might first check whether
	the bug goes away when you turn optimization off.

NOTE:	f2c.h defines several types, e.g., real, integer, doublereal.
	The definitions in f2c.h are suitable for most machines, but if
	your machine has sizeof(double) > 2*sizeof(long), you may need
	to adjust f2c.h appropriately.  f2c assumes
		sizeof(doublecomplex) = 2*sizeof(doublereal)
		sizeof(doublereal) = sizeof(complex)
		sizeof(doublereal) = 2*sizeof(real)
		sizeof(real) = sizeof(integer)
		sizeof(real) = sizeof(logical)
		sizeof(real) = 2*sizeof(shortint)
	EQUIVALENCEs may not be translated correctly if these
	assumptions are violated.

	There exists a C compiler that objects to the lines
		typedef VOID C_f;	/* complex function */
		typedef VOID H_f;	/* character function */
		typedef VOID Z_f;	/* double complex function */
	in f2c.h .  If yours is such a compiler, do two things:
	1. Complain to your vendor about this compiler bug.
	2. Find the line
		#define VOID void
	   in f2c.h and change it to
		#define VOID int
	(For readability, the f2c.h lines shown above have had two
	tabs inserted before their first character.)

FTP:	All the material described above is now available by ftp from
	research.att.com (login: netlib; Password: your E-mail address;
	cd f2c).  You must uncompress the .Z files once you have a
	copy of them, e.g., by
		uncompress *.Z

Recent change log (partial)

Tue Jan 15 12:00:24 EST 1991:
  Fix bug when two equivalence groups are merged, the second with
nonzero offset, and the result is then merged into a common block.
      INTEGER W(3), X(3), Y(3), Z(3)
      COMMON /ZOT/ Z
      EQUIVALENCE (W(1),X(1)), (X(2),Y(1)), (Z(3),X(1))
  Recognize Fortran 90's optional NML= in NAMELIST READs and WRITEs.
(Currently NML= and FMT= are treated as synonyms -- there's no
error message if, e.g., NML= specifies a format.)
  libi77: minor adjustment to allow internal READs from character
string constants in read-only memory.

Wed Jan 23 00:38:48 EST 1991:
  Allow hex, octal, and binary constants to have the qualifying letter
(z, x, o, or b) either before or after the quoted string containing the
digits.  For now this change will not be reflected in f2c.ps .

Tue Jan 29 16:23:45 EST 1991:
  Arrange for character-valued statement functions to give results of
the right length (that of the statement function's name).

Wed Jan 30 07:05:32 EST 1991:
  More tweaks for character-valued statement functions: an error
check and an adjustment so a right-hand side of nonconstant length
(e.g., a substring) is handled right.

Thu Jan 31 13:53:44 EST 1991:
  Add a test after the cleanup call generated for I/O statements with
ERR= or END= clauses to catch the unlikely event that the cleanup
routine encounters an error.

Tue Feb  5 01:39:36 EST 1991:
  Change Mktemp to mktmp (for the benefit of systems so brain-damaged
that they do not distinguish case in external names -- and that for
some reason want to load mktemp).  Try to get xsum0.out right this
time (it somehow didn't get updated on 4 Feb. 1991).
  Add note to libi77/README about adjusting the interpretation of
RECL= specifiers in OPENs for direct unformatted I/O.

Thu Feb  7 17:24:42 EST 1991:
  New option -r casts values of REAL functions, including intrinsics,
to REAL.  This only matters for unportable code like
	real r
	r = asin(1.)
	if (r .eq. asin(1.)) ...
[The behavior of such code varies with the Fortran compiler used --
and sometimes is affected by compiler options.]  For now, the man page
at the end of f2c.ps is the only part of f2c.ps that reflects this new

Fri Feb  8 18:12:51 EST 1991:
  Cast pointer differences passed as arguments to the appropriate type.
This matters, e.g., with MSDOS compilers that yield a long pointer
difference but have int == short.
  Disallow nonpositive dimensions.

Fri Feb 15 12:24:15 EST 1991:
  Change %d to %ld in sprintf call in putpower in putpcc.c.
  Free more memory (e.g. allowing translation of larger Fortran
files under MS-DOS).
  Recognize READ (character expression)
as formatted I/O with the format given by the character expression.
  Update year in Notice.

Mon Mar  4 15:19:42 EST 1991:
  Fix bug in passing the real part of a complex argument to an intrinsic
function.  Omit unneeded parentheses in nested calls to intrinsics.
	subroutine foo(x, y)
	complex y
	x = exp(sin(real(y))) + exp(imag(y))

Fri Mar  8 15:05:42 EST 1991:
  Fix a comment in expr.c; omit safstrncpy.c (which had bugs in
cases not used by f2c).

Wed Mar 13 02:27:23 EST 1991:
  Initialize firstmemblock->next in mem_init in mem.c .  [On most
systems it was fortuituously 0, but with System V, -lmalloc could
trip on this missed initialization.]

Wed Mar 13 11:47:42 EST 1991:
  Fix a reference to freed memory.

Wed Mar 27 00:42:19 EST 1991:
  Fix a memory fault caused by such illegal Fortran as
       function foo
       x = 3
       logical foo	! declaration among executables
       foo=.false.	! used to suffer memory fault

Fri Apr  5 08:30:31 EST 1991:
  Fix loss of % in some format expressions, e.g.
  Fix botch introduced 27 March 1991 that caused subroutines with
multiple entry points to have extraneous declarations of ret_val.

Fri Apr  5 12:44:02 EST 1991
  Try again to omit extraneous ret_val declarations -- this morning's
fix was sometimes wrong.

Mon Apr  8 13:47:06 EDT 1991:
  Arrange for s_rnge to have the right prototype under -A -C .

Wed Apr 17 13:36:03 EDT 1991:
  New fatal error message for apparent invocation of a recursive
statement function.

Thu Apr 25 15:13:37 EDT 1991:
  F2c and libi77 adjusted so NAMELIST works with -i2.  (I forgot
about -i2 when adding NAMELIST.)  This required a change to f2c.h
(that only affects NAMELIST I/O under -i2.)  Man-page description of
-i2 adjusted to reflect that -i2 stores array lengths in short ints.

Fri Apr 26 02:54:41 EDT 1991:
  Libi77: fix some bugs in NAMELIST reading of multi-dimensional arrays
(file rsne.c).

Tue May  7 09:04:48 EDT 1991:
  gram.c added to f2c/src (for folks who have trouble generating it.  It
is not in "all from f2c", nor in the list of current timestamps below.)

Thu May  9 02:13:51 EDT 1991:
  Omit a trailing space in expr.c (could cause a false xsum value if
a mailer drops the trailing blank).

Thu May 16 13:14:59 EDT 1991:
  libi77: increase LEFBL in lio.h to overcome a NeXT bug.
  Tweak for compilers that recognize "nested" comments: inside comments,
turn /* into /+ (as well as */ into +/).

Sat May 25 11:44:25 EDT 1991:
  libf77: s_rnge: declare line long int rather than int.

Fri May 31 07:51:50 EDT 1991:
  libf77: system_: officially return status.

Mon Jun 17 16:52:53 EDT 1991:
  Minor tweaks: omit unnecessary declaration of strcmp (that caused
trouble on a system where strcmp was a macro) from misc.c; add
SHELL = /bin/sh to makefiles.
  Fix a dereference of null when a CHARACTER*(*) declaration appears
(illegally) after DATA.  Complain only once per subroutine about
declarations appearing after DATA.

Mon Jul  1 00:28:13 EDT 1991:
  Add test and error message for illegal use of subroutine names, e.g.
      ZAP = A

Mon Jul  8 21:49:20 EDT 1991:
  Issue a warning about things like
	integer i
	i = 'abc'
(which is treated as i = ichar('a')).  [It might be nice to treat 'abc'
as an integer initialized (in a DATA statement) with 'abc', but
other matters have higher priority.]
	i = ichar('A')
	i = 'A';
rather than
	i = 65;
(which assumes ASCII).

Fri Jul 12 07:41:30 EDT 1991:
  Note added to README about erroneous definitions of __STDC__ .

Sat Jul 13 13:38:54 EDT 1991:
  Fix bugs in double type convesions of complex values, e.g.
sngl(real(...)) or dble(real(...)) (where ... is complex).

Mon Jul 15 13:21:42 EDT 1991:
  Fix bug introduced 8 July 1991 that caused erroneous warnings
"ichar([first char. of] char. string) assumed for conversion to numeric"
when a subroutine had an array of character strings as an argument.

Wed Aug 28 01:12:17 EDT 1991:
  Omit an unused function in format.c, an unused variable in proc.c .
  Under -r8, promote complex to double complex (as the man page claims).

Fri Aug 30 17:19:17 EDT 1991:
  f2c.ps updated: slightly expand description of intrinsics and,or,xor,
not; add mention of intrinsics lshift, rshift; add note about f2c
accepting Fortran 90 inline comments (starting with !); update Cobalt
Blue address.

Tue Sep 17 07:17:33 EDT 1991:
  libI77: err.c and open.c modified to use modes "rb" and "wb"
when (f)opening unformatted files; README updated to point out
that it may be necessary to change these modes to "r" and "w"
on some non-ANSI systems.

Current timestamps of files in "all from f2c/src", sorted by time,
appear below (mm/dd/year hh:mm:ss).  To bring your source up to date,
obtain source files with a timestamp later than the time shown in your
version.c.  Note that the time shown in the current version.c is the
timestamp of the source module that immediately follows version.c below:

 8/28/1991   0:29:01  xsum0.out
 8/28/1991   0:23:26  version.c
 8/28/1991   0:07:02  main.c
 8/28/1991   0:07:01  gram.dcl
 8/28/1991   0:07:01  expr.c
 8/28/1991   0:07:00  defs.h
 8/13/1991   9:06:09  format.c
 8/13/1991   9:04:25  proc.c
 7/13/1991  12:58:37  putpcc.c
 7/12/1991   7:25:33  README
 7/05/1991   7:16:57  intr.c
 6/17/1991  16:43:01  gram.head
 6/06/1991   0:41:56  makefile
 6/05/1991   8:34:09  misc.c
 5/16/1991  13:06:06  p1output.c
 4/25/1991  13:20:26  f2c.1
 4/25/1991  12:56:19  f2c.h
 4/25/1991  12:51:27  f2c.1t
 4/25/1991  12:10:22  io.c
 4/05/1991   7:43:45  mem.c
 3/13/1991  11:18:09  output.c
 3/08/1991  10:14:45  niceprintf.c
 2/15/1991  12:08:26  Notice
 2/08/1991  11:29:18  gram.exec
 2/08/1991  11:29:18  malloc.c
 2/05/1991   0:52:39  exec.c
 1/22/1991  19:25:10  lex.c
 1/15/1991   1:21:00  equiv.c
12/16/1990  16:46:20  xsum.c
12/07/1990  17:37:08  names.c
11/30/1990   9:47:48  data.c
 7/26/1990  10:54:47  parse_args.c
 7/26/1990  10:44:26  parse.h
 6/19/1990   0:18:23  formatdata.c
 5/11/1990  14:17:04  error.c
 4/23/1990  17:35:47  sysdep.h
 4/23/1990  16:37:50  sysdep.c
 4/18/1990  12:25:19  init.c
 4/18/1990  12:25:19  pread.c
 4/18/1990  12:25:18  cds.c
 4/10/1990   0:00:38  put.c
 4/06/1990   0:00:57  gram.io
 4/05/1990  23:40:09  gram.expr
 3/27/1990  16:39:18  names.h
 3/27/1990  10:05:15  p1defs.h
 3/27/1990  10:05:14  defines.h
 2/25/1990   9:04:30  vax.c
 2/16/1990  10:37:27  tokens
 2/14/1990   2:00:20  format.h
 2/14/1990   1:38:46  output.h
 2/14/1990   0:54:06  iob.h
 2/03/1990   0:58:26  niceprintf.h
 1/29/1990  13:26:52  memset.c
 1/11/1990  18:02:51  ftypes.h
 1/07/1990   1:20:01  usignal.h
11/27/1989   8:27:37  machdefs.h
 7/01/1989  11:59:44  pccdefs.h