#include "mcg.h" static struct e_instr insn; static struct procedure* current_proc; static struct basicblock* current_bb; static const char* type_to_str(int type) { switch (type) { case EM_MNEM: return "EM_MNEM"; case EM_PSEU: return "EM_PSEU"; case EM_STARTMES: return "EM_STARTMES"; case EM_MESARG: return "EM_MESARG"; case EM_ENDMES: return "EM_ENDMES"; case EM_DEFILB: return "EM_DEFILB"; case EM_DEFDLB: return "EM_DEFDLB"; case EM_DEFDNAM: return "EM_DEFDNAM"; case EM_ERROR: return "EM_ERROR"; case EM_FATAL: return "EM_FATAL"; case EM_EOF: return "EM_EOF"; } assert(0 && "invalid EM type"); } static const char* argtype_to_str(int type) { if (type == 0) return "..."; if (type == ilb_ptyp) return "ilb"; if (type == nof_ptyp) return "nof"; if (type == sof_ptyp) return "sof"; if (type == cst_ptyp) return "cst"; if (type == pro_ptyp) return "pro"; if (type == str_ptyp) return "str"; if (type == ico_ptyp) return "ico"; if (type == uco_ptyp) return "uco"; if (type == fco_ptyp) return "fco"; return "???"; } static void unknown_type(const char* s) { fatal("%s with unknown type '%s'", s, argtype_to_str(insn.em_arg.ema_argtype)); } static const char* ilabel_to_str(label l) { assert(current_proc != NULL); return aprintf("__%s_I%d", current_proc->name, l); } static const char* dlabel_to_str(label l) { return aprintf("__D%d", l); } static struct insn* new_insn(int opcode) { struct insn* insn = calloc(sizeof(struct insn), 1); insn->opcode = opcode; return insn; } static void queue_insn_simple(int opcode) { struct insn* insn = new_insn(opcode); insn->paramtype = PARAM_NONE; APPEND(current_bb->insns, insn); switch (opcode) { case op_ret: current_bb->is_terminated = true; current_bb = NULL; break; } } static void queue_insn_value(int opcode, arith value) { struct insn* insn = new_insn(opcode); insn->paramtype = PARAM_IVALUE; insn->u.ivalue = value; APPEND(current_bb->insns, insn); } static void queue_insn_label(int opcode, const char* label, arith offset) { struct insn* insn = new_insn(opcode); insn->paramtype = PARAM_LVALUE; insn->u.lvalue.label = label; insn->u.lvalue.offset = offset; APPEND(current_bb->insns, insn); } static void queue_insn_block(int opcode, struct basicblock* left, struct basicblock* right) { struct insn* insn = new_insn(opcode); insn->paramtype = PARAM_BVALUE; insn->u.bvalue.left = left; insn->u.bvalue.right = right; APPEND(current_bb->insns, insn); APPENDU(current_bb->outblocks, left); if (right) APPENDU(current_bb->outblocks, right); APPENDU(current_bb->inblocks, current_bb); current_bb->is_terminated = true; current_bb = NULL; } static void queue_insn_ilabel(int opcode, int label) { const char* name = ilabel_to_str(insn.em_ilb); struct basicblock* left = bb_get(name); switch (opcode) { case op_bra: queue_insn_block(insn.em_opcode, left, NULL); break; case op_zeq: case op_zne: case op_zlt: case op_zle: case op_zgt: case op_zge: queue_insn_block(insn.em_opcode, left, bb_get(NULL)); break; default: fatal("parse_em: unhandled conditional '%s'", em_mnem[opcode - sp_fmnem]); } } static void change_basicblock(struct basicblock* newbb) { APPENDU(current_proc->blocks, newbb); if (current_bb && !current_bb->is_terminated) queue_insn_block(op_bra, newbb, NULL); current_bb = newbb; } static void queue_ilabel(arith label) { change_basicblock(bb_get(ilabel_to_str(label))); } static void parse_pseu(void) { switch (insn.em_opcode) { case ps_exp: /* external proc */ case ps_exa: /* external array */ case ps_inp: /* internal proc */ case ps_ina: /* internal array */ { bool export = (insn.em_opcode == ps_exp) || (insn.em_opcode == ps_exa); bool proc = (insn.em_opcode == ps_exp) || (insn.em_opcode == ps_inp); switch (insn.em_arg.ema_argtype) { case pro_ptyp: symbol_declare(strdup(insn.em_pnam), export, proc); break; case sof_ptyp: assert(insn.em_off == 0); symbol_declare(strdup(insn.em_dnam), export, proc); break; case nof_ptyp: assert(insn.em_off == 0); symbol_declare(dlabel_to_str(insn.em_dlb), export, proc); break; default: unknown_type("exp, exa, inp, ina"); } break; } case ps_con: /* .data */ case ps_rom: /* .rom */ { bool ro = (insn.em_opcode == ps_rom); switch (insn.em_arg.ema_argtype) { case ico_ptyp: case uco_ptyp: { arith val = atol(insn.em_string); data_int(val, insn.em_size, ro); break; } case str_ptyp: data_block(strdup(insn.em_string), insn.em_size, ro); break; case cst_ptyp: data_int(insn.em_cst, EM_wordsize, ro); break; case nof_ptyp: data_offset(dlabel_to_str(insn.em_dlb), insn.em_off, ro); break; case ilb_ptyp: data_offset(ilabel_to_str(insn.em_ilb), 0, ro); break; default: unknown_type("con, rom"); } break; } case ps_bss: { switch (insn.em_arg.ema_argtype) { case cst_ptyp: data_bss(EM_bsssize, insn.em_cst); break; default: unknown_type("bss"); } break; } case ps_pro: /* procedure start */ current_proc = calloc(sizeof(struct procedure), 1); current_proc->name = strdup(insn.em_pnam); current_proc->root_bb = bb_get(current_proc->name); current_proc->nlocals = insn.em_nlocals; current_bb = current_proc->root_bb; APPEND(current_proc->blocks, current_bb); break; case ps_end: /* procedure end */ tb_procedure(current_proc); current_proc = NULL; current_bb = NULL; break; default: fatal("unknown pseudo with opcode %d\n", insn.em_opcode); } } static arith mes_get_cst(void) { EM_getinstr(&insn); if (insn.em_type != EM_MESARG) fatal("malformed MES"); return insn.em_cst; } static void parse_mes(void) { assert(insn.em_arg.ema_argtype == cst_ptyp); switch (insn.em_cst) { case 0: /* error */ fatal("MES 0 received (explicit halt)"); case 3: /* register variable */ { arith offset = mes_get_cst(); int size = mes_get_cst(); int type = mes_get_cst(); int priority = mes_get_cst(); tb_regvar(offset, size, type, priority); break; } } while ((insn.em_type == EM_STARTMES) || (insn.em_type == EM_MESARG)) EM_getinstr(&insn); if (insn.em_type != EM_ENDMES) fatal("malformed MES"); } void parse_em(void) { EM_getinstr(&insn); tb_filestart(); while (insn.em_type != EM_EOF) { switch (insn.em_type) { case EM_PSEU: parse_pseu(); break; case EM_DEFILB: queue_ilabel(insn.em_ilb); break; case EM_DEFDLB: data_label(dlabel_to_str(insn.em_dlb)); break; case EM_DEFDNAM: data_label(strdup(insn.em_dnam)); break; case EM_STARTMES: parse_mes(); break; case EM_MNEM: if (current_bb) { int flags = em_flag[insn.em_opcode - sp_fmnem]; if (flags & EM_PAR) { switch (insn.em_argtype) { case ilb_ptyp: queue_insn_ilabel(insn.em_opcode, insn.em_ilb); break; case nof_ptyp: queue_insn_label(insn.em_opcode, dlabel_to_str(insn.em_dlb), insn.em_off); break; case sof_ptyp: queue_insn_label(insn.em_opcode, strdup(insn.em_dnam), insn.em_off); break; case pro_ptyp: queue_insn_label(insn.em_opcode, strdup(insn.em_pnam), 0); break; case cst_ptyp: if ((flags & EM_PAR) == PAR_B) queue_insn_ilabel(insn.em_opcode, insn.em_ilb); else queue_insn_value(insn.em_opcode, insn.em_cst); break; default: unknown_type("instruction"); } } else queue_insn_simple(insn.em_opcode); } break; default: fatal("unrecognised instruction type '%d'", insn.em_type); } EM_getinstr(&insn); } tb_fileend(); } /* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 expandtab : */