/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ #include "symtab.h" #include "sizes.h" #include "expr.h" #include "Lpars.h" static void rvalue(), assignable(), inputable(), outputable(), subscriptable(); static void assigned(); char *Malloc(); /* The new_* functions make use of the used() and assinged() functions to * make known what is done to a variable. */ struct expr *new_node(op, left, right, byte) int op; register struct expr *left, *right; int byte; /* Makes a new node with given operator, left and right operand. * Constant folding is done if possible. */ { if (op!=FOR && constant(left) && (right==nil || constant(right))) { register long lc, rc; lc=left->u.const; if (right) rc=right->u.const; else rc = 0; switch (op) { case '+': lc+=rc; break; case '-': lc-=rc; break; case '*': lc*=rc; break; case '/': if (rc==0L) report("division by zero"); else lc/=rc; break; case BS: lc%=rc; break; case '<': lc= lc<rc ? -1L : 0L; break; case '>': lc= lc>rc ? -1L : 0L; break; case LE: lc= lc<=rc ? -1L : 0L; break; case GE: lc= lc>=rc ? -1L : 0L; break; case NE: lc= lc!=rc ? -1L : 0L; break; case '=': lc= lc==rc ? -1L : 0L; break; case AFTER: lc= (lc-rc)>0 ? -1L : 0L; break; case BA: lc&=rc; break; case BO: lc|=rc; break; case BX: lc^=rc; break; case AND: lc= lc&&rc ? -1L : 0L; break; case OR: lc= lc||rc ? -1L : 0L; break; case LS: lc<<=rc; break; case RS: lc>>=rc; break; case '~': lc= -lc; break; case NOT: lc= ~lc; break; default: report("illegal operator on constants"); } destroy(right); left->u.const=lc; return left; } else { register struct expr *pe; int type=0, arr_siz=1; switch (op) { case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case BS: case '<': case '>': case LE: case GE: case NE: case '=': case AFTER: case BA: case BO: case BX: case AND: case OR: case LS: case RS: rvalue(left); rvalue(right); type=T_VALUE; break; case '~': case NOT: rvalue(left); type=T_VALUE; break; case AS: assignable(left, right); type=T_VOID; break; case '[': subscriptable(left, right, byte, &type, &arr_siz); break; } pe= (struct expr *) Malloc(sizeof *pe); pe->kind=E_NODE; pe->type=type; pe->arr_siz=arr_siz; pe->u.node.op=op; pe->u.node.left=left; pe->u.node.right=right; return pe; } } struct expr *new_var(var) register struct symbol *var; /* Given a variable an expression node is constructed. Note the changes in * type! T_VAR becomes T_VALUE with flag T_LVALUE. */ { register struct expr *pe; pe= (struct expr *) Malloc(sizeof *pe); pe->kind=E_VAR; if ((var->s_type&T_TYPE)==T_VAR || var->s_type&T_NOTDECL) { pe->type=(var->s_type&(~T_TYPE)); pe->type|=T_VALUE|T_LVALUE; } else pe->type=var->s_type; pe->arr_siz=var->s_arr_siz; pe->u.var=var; return pe; } struct expr *new_const(const) long const; /* Make a constant, which is a VALUE, of course. */ { register struct expr *pe; pe= (struct expr *) Malloc(sizeof *pe); pe->kind=E_CONST; pe->type=T_VALUE; pe->u.const=const; return pe; } struct expr *new_table(kind, tab) register kind; register struct table *tab; /* One table is being made, it is no doubt a VALUEd ARRay, but maybe even a * BYTE array. A label is reserved for it and the individual elements are * rommified. */ { register struct expr *pe; pe= (struct expr *) Malloc(sizeof *pe); pe->kind=kind; pe->type=T_VALUE|T_ARR; if (kind==E_BTAB) pe->type|=T_BYTE; dot_label(new_dot_label(&pe->u.tab)); pe->arr_siz=0; while (tab!=nil) { register struct table *junk=tab; rom(kind==E_BTAB ? 1 : vz, tab->val); tab=tab->next; pe->arr_siz++; free((char *)junk); } return pe; } struct expr *copy_const(e) struct expr *e; /* If you double it up, you've got one you can throw away. (Or do something * useful with). */ { register struct expr *c; c= (struct expr *) Malloc(sizeof *c); *c= *e; return c; } struct expr *new_now() /* Now is the time to make a VALUE cell for the clock. */ { register struct expr *pe; pe= (struct expr *) Malloc(sizeof *pe); pe->kind=E_NOW; pe->type=T_VALUE; return pe; } struct expr *new_io(out, chan, args) int out; register struct expr *chan; struct expr_list *args; /* Either c ? v0; v1; v2; ... (out=0) or c ! e0; e1; e2; ... (out=1). */ { register struct expr *pe; if ( ( (chan->type&T_TYPE) != T_CHAN || (chan->type&T_ARR) ) && ! (chan->type&T_NOTDECL) ) report("channel variable expected"); used(chan); pe= (struct expr *) Malloc(sizeof *pe); pe->kind=E_IO; pe->type=T_VOID; pe->u.io.out=out; pe->u.io.chan=chan; pe->u.io.args=args; return pe; } struct expr *new_call(proc, args) struct expr *proc; struct expr_list *args; /* Dial proc(arg1, arg2, ...) and you'll hear the tone of this function. * Dialing yourself is not allowed, but it will work if you ignore the * compiler generated noise. */ { register struct expr *pe; pe= (struct expr *) Malloc(sizeof *pe); used(proc); check_recursion(proc); pe->kind=E_CALL; pe->type=T_VOID; pe->u.call.c_proc=proc; pe->u.call.c_args=args; return pe; } void table_add(aapt, val) register struct table ***aapt; long val; /* Adds a value to a table using a hook to a hook. */ { register struct table *pt; pt= (struct table *) Malloc(sizeof *pt); pt->val=val; pt->next= **aapt; **aapt=pt; *aapt= &pt->next; } void expr_list_add(aaelp, arg) register struct expr_list ***aaelp; struct expr *arg; /* Another add, this time for actual arguments and the like. */ { register struct expr_list *elp; elp= (struct expr_list *) Malloc(sizeof *elp); elp->arg=arg; elp->next= **aaelp; **aaelp=elp; *aaelp= &elp->next; } void check_io(out, arg) int out; struct expr *arg; { if (out) outputable(arg); else inputable(arg); } void check_wait(e) struct expr *e; { if ((e->type&T_TYPE)!=T_VALUE) report("WAIT process needs valued operand"); } static void assigned(e) register struct expr *e; /* Tries to tell e that it is assigned to. */ { if (e->kind==E_VAR || (e->kind==E_NODE && e->u.node.op=='[' && (e=e->u.node.left)->kind==E_VAR) ) { register struct symbol *var; if ((var=e->u.var)->s_type&T_REP) { warning("replicator index %s may not be assigned", var->s_name); var->s_type&= ~T_REP; } var->s_type|=T_ASSIGNED; } } void used(e) register struct expr *e; { if (e->kind==E_VAR || (e->kind==E_NODE && e->u.node.op=='[' && (e=e->u.node.left)->kind==E_VAR) ) { register struct symbol *var; if ( ! ( (var=e->u.var)->s_type&(T_ASSIGNED|T_BUILTIN)) && (var->s_type&T_TYPE)==T_VAR && var->s_info.vc.st.level==curr_level) warning("%s used before assigned", var->s_name); var->s_type|=(T_USED|T_ASSIGNED); } } static void rvalue(e) register struct expr *e; { if ((e->type&T_TYPE)!=T_VALUE || e->type&T_ARR) report("illegal operand of arithmetic operator"); used(e); } static void assignable(l, r) register struct expr *l, *r; /* See if l can be assigned r. */ { if ( ! ( (l->type&T_LVALUE && (r->type&T_TYPE)==T_VALUE && (l->type&T_ARR)==(r->type&T_ARR)) || (l->type|r->type)&T_NOTDECL )) report("operands of assignment are not conformable"); else if (l->type&T_ARR && ! ( (l->type|r->type)&T_NOTDECL ) ) { register lsiz=l->arr_siz, rsiz=r->arr_siz; if (lsiz!=0 && rsiz!=0 && lsiz!=rsiz) report("arrays have incompatible sizes"); } used(r); assigned(l); } static void inputable(e) struct expr *e; { if ( ! (e->type&T_LVALUE) ) report("operand of input process can't be assigned"); assigned(e); } static void outputable(e) struct expr *e; { if ( ! ( (e->type&T_TYPE)==T_VALUE ) ) report("operand of output process has no value"); used(e); } static void subscriptable(l, r, byte, atype, arr_siz) register struct expr *l, *r; register byte; int *atype, *arr_siz; /* Tries to subscript l by r, returning type and array size for slices. */ { register type= (l->type&T_TYPE)|byte; if ( !(l->type&(T_ARR|T_NOTDECL) ) ) report("indexing on a non-array"); else if ( ! ( (r->type&T_TYPE)==T_VALUE || (r->kind==E_NODE && r->u.node.op==FOR) ) ) report("index is not computable"); type|=(l->type&T_LVALUE); if (r->kind==E_NODE && r->u.node.op==FOR) { type|=T_ARR; if (r->u.node.right->kind!=E_CONST) report("slice must be of constant size"); else *arr_siz=r->u.node.right->u.const; used(r->u.node.left); } else used(r); *atype=type; } void check_param(aform, act, err) struct par_list **aform; register struct expr *act; int *err; /* Test if formal parameter *aform corresponds with actual act. Err returns * error status. The aform hook is set to the next formal after the check. */ { register struct par_list *form= *aform; register struct expr *left; register struct symbol *var; static char NONCORR[]="actual and formal parameter don't correspond"; if (form==nil) { if (! *err) { report("too many actual parameters"); *err=1; } return; } if ((form->pr_type&T_ARR)!=(act->type&T_ARR) && !(act->type&T_NOTDECL) ) { report(NONCORR); } else { switch (form->pr_type&T_TYPE) { case T_VAR: if ( ! ( (act->type&T_TYPE)==T_VALUE && act->type&T_LVALUE && !(act->type&T_BYTE) )) report(NONCORR); assigned(act); used(act); break; case T_CHAN: if((act->type&T_TYPE)!=T_CHAN && !(act->type&T_NOTDECL)) report(NONCORR); used(act); break; case T_VALUE: if ((act->type&T_TYPE)!=T_VALUE) report(NONCORR); used(act); break; } } *aform= form->pr_next; } void destroy(e) register struct expr *e; /* Opposite of making. */ { if (e!=nil) { switch (e->kind) { case E_NODE: destroy(e->u.node.left); destroy(e->u.node.right); break; case E_IO: case E_CALL: destroy(e->kind==E_IO ? e->u.io.chan : e->u.call.c_proc); { register struct expr_list *elp, *junk; elp= e->kind==E_IO ? e->u.io.args : e->u.call.c_args; while (elp!=nil) { destroy(elp->arg); junk=elp; elp=elp->next; free((char *)junk); } } break; } free((char *)e); } }