/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* I N L I N E S U B S T I T U T I O N * * I L 1 _ A U X . C */ #include <em_spec.h> #include "../share/types.h" #include "il.h" #include "../share/debug.h" #include "../share/alloc.h" #include "../share/global.h" #include "../share/lset.h" #include "il_aux.h" #include "il1_aux.h" #define USE_INDIR(p) (p->p_use->u_flags & UF_INDIR) #define IS_INSTR(c) (c >= sp_fmnem && c <= sp_lmnem) bool same_size(t1,t2) int t1, t2; { /* See if the two types have the same size */ return tsize(t1) == tsize(t2); } STATIC bool is_reg(off,s) offset off; int s; { /* See if there is a register message * for the local or parameter at offset off * and size s. */ Lindex i; arg_p arg; for (i = Lfirst(mesregs); i != (Lindex) 0; i = Lnext(i,mesregs)) { arg = ((line_p) Lelem(i))->l_a.la_arg->a_next; if (arg->a_a.a_offset == off && arg->a_next->a_a.a_offset == s) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } rem_actuals(acts) actual_p acts; { /* remove the actual-list */ actual_p a,next; for (a = acts; a != (actual_p) 0; a = next) { next = a->ac_next; /* REMOVE CODE OF a->ac_exp HERE */ oldactual(a); } } remov_formals(p) proc_p p; { /* Remove the list of formals of p */ formal_p f, next; for (f = p->P_FORMALS; f != (formal_p) 0; f = next) { next = f->f_next; oldformal(f); } p->P_FORMALS = (formal_p) 0; } rem_indir_acc(p) proc_p p; { /* Formals that may be accessed indirectly * cannot be expanded in line, so they are * removed from the formals list. */ formal_p prev, f, next; if (!USE_INDIR(p) && !CHANGE_INDIR(p)) return; /* Any formal for which we don't have * a register message is now doomed. */ prev = (formal_p) 0; for (f = p->P_FORMALS; f != (formal_p) 0; f = next) { next = f->f_next; if (!is_reg(f->f_offset,tsize(f->f_type))) { if (prev == (formal_p) 0) { p->P_FORMALS = next; } else { prev->f_next = next; } oldformal(f); } } } bool par_overlap(off1,t1,off2,t2) offset off1,off2; int t1,t2; { /* See if the parameter at offset off1 and type t1 * overlaps the paramete at offset off2 and type t2. */ if (off1 > off2) { return off2 + tsize(t2) > off1; } else { if (off2 > off1) { return off1 + tsize(t1) > off2; } else { return TRUE; } } } short looplevel(b) bblock_p b; { /* determine the loop nesting level of basic block b; * this is the highest nesting level of all blocks * that b is part of. * Note that the level of a loop is 0 for outer loops, * so a block inside a loop with nesting level N has * looplevel N+1. */ Lindex i; short max = 0; for (i = Lfirst(b->b_loops); i != (Lindex)0; i = Lnext(i,b->b_loops)) { if (((loop_p) Lelem(i))->lp_level >= max) { max = ((loop_p) Lelem(i))->lp_level + 1; } } return max; } int proclength(p) proc_p p; { /* count the number of EM instructions of p */ register int cnt; register bblock_p b; register line_p l; cnt = 0; for (b = p->p_start; b != (bblock_p) 0; b = b->b_next) { for (l = b->b_start; l != (line_p) 0; l = l->l_next) { if (IS_INSTR(INSTR(l))) { /* skip pseudo instructions */ cnt++; } } } return cnt; } line_p copy_code(l1,l2) line_p l1,l2; { /* copy the code between l1 and l2 */ line_p head, tail, l, lnp; head = (line_p) 0; for (lnp = l1; ; lnp = lnp->l_next) { l = duplicate(lnp); if (head == (line_p) 0) { head = tail = l; PREV(l) = (line_p) 0; } else { tail->l_next = l; PREV(l) = tail; tail = l; } if (lnp == l2) break; } return head; }