/*******					       ******/
/*******   8 0 8 0    B A C K  E N D   T A B L E       ******/
/*******					       ******/

rcsid = "$Id$"





areg			/* the a-register */
lbreg			/* the registers used as localbase */
reg			/* the free registers */
regpair			/* register pairs bc, de and hl */
regind			/* register indirect */
dereg			/* de-register-pair */
hlreg			/* hl-register-pair */
hl_or_de		/* de- or hl-register-pair */


a			:areg,reg.
b,c			:lbreg.
d,e,h,l			:reg.
lb("b")=b+c		:regpair, localbase, regind.
de("d")=d+e		:regpair, regind, dereg, hl_or_de.
hl("h")=h+l		:regpair, hlreg, hl_or_de.
sp			:stackpointer.
psw=a			:psword.     /* in fact psw also includes
					condition codes */


const1			= { INT num; } 1 num.
const2			= { INT num; } 2 num.
largeconst2    = { INT num; } 2 num. /* Word-sized constant with low byte zero */
smallpconst2   = { INT num; } 2 num. /* Byte-sized positive constant */
smallnconst2   = { INT num; } 2 num. /* Byte-sized negative constant */
label			= { ADDR off; } 2 off.
plabel      = { ADDR off; INT param; } 2 off param.
m			= { } 2 cost(0,3) "m".
comment        = { ADDR str; } 2 "! " str.


reg1			= reg + lbreg + m.
b_d_h_sp		= regpair + stackpointer.
b_d_h_psw		= regpair + psword.
immediate		= largeconst2 + smallpconst2 + smallnconst2 + const2 + label.
src1			= reg.
src2			= hl_or_de + const2 + label.
src1or2			= src1 + src2.
anyreg      = reg + regpair.


/* aci	const1:ro	kills a:cc	cost(2, 7).	*/
   adc	reg1:ro		kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
   add	reg1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
   adi	const1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(2, 7).
   ana	reg1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
   ani	const1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(2, 7).
   Call	"call" label:ro			cost(3,17).
   Call	"call" plabel:ro			cost(3,17).
			   /* 'call' is a reserved word */
/* cc	label:ro			cost(3,14). 	*/
/* cm	label:ro			cost(3,14).	*/
   cma			kills a		cost(3,14).
   cmc			kills:cc	cost(1, 4).
   cmp	reg1:ro 	kills:cc	cost(1, 4).
/* cnc	label:ro			cost(3,14).	*/
   cnz	label:ro			cost(3,14).
/* cp	label:ro			cost(3,14).	*/
/* cpe	label:ro			cost(3,14).	*/
   cpi	const1:ro 	kills:cc	cost(2, 7).
/* cpo	label:ro			cost(3,14).	*/
/* cz	label:ro			cost(3,14).	*/
/* daa			kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).	*/
   data1 ".data1" const1:ro.
   data2 ".data2" const2:ro.
   dad	b_d_h_sp:ro 	kills hl:cc	cost(1,10).
   dcr	reg+lbreg:rw:cc			cost(1, 5).
   dcr	m:rw:cc				cost(1, 7).
   dcx	b_d_h_sp:rw			cost(1, 5).
/* di					cost(1, 4).	*/
/* ei					cost(1, 4).	*/
/* hlt					cost(1, 4).	*/
/* in	const1:ro			cost(2,10).	*/
   inr	reg+lbreg:rw:cc			cost(1, 5).
   inr	m:rw:cc				cost(1, 7).
   inx	b_d_h_sp:rw			cost(1, 5).
   jc	label:ro			cost(3,10).
   jm	label:ro			cost(3,10).
   jmp	label:ro			cost(3,10).
   jnc	label:ro			cost(3,10).
   jnz	label:ro			cost(3,10).
   jp	label:ro			cost(3,10).
/* jpe	label:ro			cost(3,10).	*/
   jpo	label:ro			cost(3,10).
   jz	label:ro			cost(3,10).
   lda	label:ro 	kills a		cost(3,13).
   ldax	regind:ro 	kills a		cost(1, 7).
   lhld	label:ro 	kills hl	cost(3,16).
   lxi	b_d_h_sp:wo,immediate:ro	cost(3,10).
   mov	reg+lbreg:wo,reg+lbreg:ro	cost(1, 5).
   mov  m:wo,reg1:ro			cost(1, 4).
   mov  reg1:wo,m:ro			cost(1, 4).
   mvi	reg1:wo,const1:ro		cost(2, 7).
   nop comment:ro					cost(1, 3).
   ora	reg1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
   ori	const1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(2, 7).
/* out	const1:ro			cost(2,10).	*/
   pchl					cost(1, 5).
   pop	b_d_h_psw:wo			cost(1,10).
   push	b_d_h_psw:ro			cost(1,10).
   ral			kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
   rar			kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
/* rc					cost(1, 8).	*/
   ret					cost(1,10).
   rlc			kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
/* rm					cost(1, 8).	*/
/* rnc					cost(1, 8).	*/
/* rnz					cost(1, 8).	*/
/* rp					cost(1, 8).	*/
/* rpe					cost(1, 8).	*/
/* rpo					cost(1, 8).	*/
   rrc			kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
   rst	const1:ro cost(1,11).	
/* rz					cost(1, 8).	*/
   sbb	reg1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
   sbi	const1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(2, 7).
   shld	label:ro			cost(3,16).
   sphl					cost(1, 5).
   sta	label:ro			cost(3,13).
   stax	regind:ro			cost(1, 7).
/* stc			kills:cc	cost(1, 4).	*/
   sub	reg1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
   sui	const1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(2, 7).
   xchg			kills de hl	cost(1, 4).
   xra	reg1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(1, 4).
   xri	const1:ro 	kills a:cc	cost(2, 7).
   xthl			kills hl	cost(1,18).
   kill anyreg:rw kills :cc cost(0, 0).


   from reg to reg
         mov %2,%1

   from const1 %num==0 to areg
         xra a

   from const1 to reg
         mvi %2,%1

   from immediate to b_d_h_sp
         lxi %2,%1

   from const1 to reg
         mvi %2, %1
   from const1 to regpair
         mvi %2.2, %1
         mvi %2.1, {const1, 0}

   from reg to regpair
         mov %2.2, %1
         mvi %2.1, {const1,0}

   from regpair to regpair
         mov %2.1, %1.1
         mov %2.2, %1.2


   to test areg		/* dummy test, never used */
         ora a


   from regpair to STACK
         push %1

   from immediate + reg to STACK
      uses hl_or_de
         move %1, %a
         push %a

   from immediate + reg to STACK
         push hl
         move %1, hl


   from STACK
      uses regpair
         pop %a
      yields %a

   from STACK
      uses hl_or_de
         pop %a
      yields %a.2

   from STACK
      uses areg
         dcx sp
         pop psw
         inx sp
      yields %a

   from immediate
      uses regpair=%1
      yields %a

   from hl_or_de
      uses hl_or_de
      yields %a

   from regpair
      uses regpair=%1
      yields %a

   from reg
      uses reusing %1, hl_or_de
         move %1,%a.2
         move {const1,0},%a.1
      yields %a

   from hl_or_de				yields %1.2

   from largeconst2
      yields {const2, %1.num}

   from smallpconst2
      yields {const2, %1.num}

   from smallnconst2
      yields {const2, %1.num}

   from const2
      uses hl_or_de=%1
      yields %a

   from largeconst2
      uses hl_or_de=%1
      yields %a
   from smallpconst2
      uses reg={const1, %1.num & 0xff}
      yields %a

   from smallnconst2
      uses reg={const1, %1.num & 0xff}
      yields %a

   from smallpconst2 %1.num == 1
      uses reg={const1, 0}
         inr %a
      yields %a

   from smallnconst2 %1.num == 0-1
      uses reg={const1, 0}
         dcr %a
      yields %a

   from const2
      uses reg={const1, %1.num & 0xff}
      yields %a

   from hl_or_de
      uses reg=%1.2
      yields %a


/* Group 1: Load instructions                */

pat loc ($1 != 0) && (($1 & 0xff) == 0)
   yields {largeconst2, $1}

pat loc ufit($1, 8)
   yields {smallpconst2, $1}

pat loc sfit($1, 8) && ($1<0)
   yields {smallnconst2, $1}

pat loc
   yields {const2, $1}
pat ldc
   yields {const2, highw($1)} {const2, loww($1)}

#ifdef USE_I80_RSTS
   pat lol $1==0-2
      uses dereg, hlreg
         rst {const1, 1}
      yields de
   pat lol $1==0-4
      uses dereg, hlreg
         rst {const1, 2}
      yields de
   pat lol $1==4
      uses dereg, hlreg
         rst {const1, 3}
      yields de

pat lol ($1>0) && ($1<=STACKHELPERS)
   uses dereg, hlreg
      Call {plabel, ".fload", $1}
   yields de

pat lol ($1<0) && ($1>=0-STACKHELPERS)
   uses dereg, hlreg
      Call {plabel, ".floadn", 0-$1}
   yields de

pat lol
   uses dereg, hlreg={const2, $1}
      dad lb
      mov e, {m}
      inx hl
      mov d, {m}
   yields de

pat loe
   uses hlreg
         lhld {label,$1}
		yields hl

pat lil
      lol $1
      loi 2

pat lof
      adp $1
      loi 2

pat lal ($1>0) && ($1<=STACKHELPERS)
   uses hlreg
      Call {plabel, ".faddr", $1}
   yields hl

pat lal ($1<0) && ($1>=0-STACKHELPERS)
   uses hlreg
      Call {plabel, ".faddrn", 0-$1}
   yields hl

pat lal
   uses hlreg={const2,$1}
         dad lb
      yields hl

pat lae
   yields {label,$1}

pat lxl $1==0
   yields lb

pat lxl $1==1
      lxa 0
      loi 2

pat lxl $1>1 && $1<256
uses dereg, areg={const1,$1}, hlreg
gen move lb,de
    lxi hl,{const2,SL}
    dad de
    mov e,{m}
    inx hl
    mov d,{m}
    dcr a
    jnz {label,1b}			yields de

pat lxa $1==0
   uses hlreg
      move {const2,SL},hl
      dad lb
   yields hl

pat lxa $1==1
uses dereg, hlreg
gen move {const2,SL},hl
    dad lb
    mov e,{m}
    inx hl
    mov d,{m}
    lxi hl,{const2,SL}
    dad de				yields hl

pat lxa $1>1 && $1<256
uses dereg, hlreg, areg={const1,$1}
gen move lb,de
    lxi hl,{const2,SL}
    dad de
    mov e,{m}
    inx hl
    mov d,{m}
    dcr a
    jnz {label,1b}
    lxi hl,{const2,SL}
    dad de				yields hl

pat loi $1==1
with exact label
  uses areg
  gen lda %1				yields a
with dereg
  uses areg
  gen ldax de				yields a
with hlreg
  uses reusing %1, reg
  gen mov %a,{m}			yields %a

pat loi $1==2
with exact label
   gen lhld %1				yields hl
with hlreg
   uses dereg
   gen mov e,{m}
       inx %1
       mov d,{m}			yields de

pat loi $1==4
with exact label
   gen lhld %1
       lhld {label,%1.off+2}		yields hl de
with exact label
   gen lhld {label,%1.off+2}
       lhld %1				yields de hl
with hlreg
   uses dereg, areg
   gen mov e,{m}
       inx %1
       mov d,{m}
       inx hl
       mov a,{m}
       inx hl
       mov h,{m}
       mov l,a				yields hl de

pat loi $1<=510
with hl_or_de STACK
uses hl_or_de={const2,$1-1}, areg
gen dad de
    mvi a,{const1,$1/2}
    mov d,{m}
    dcx hl
    mov e,{m}
    dcx hl
    push de
    dcr a
    jnz {label,1b}

pat loi $1>=512
kills ALL
/* 'uses dereg={const2,$1}' fails to kill de. */
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".loi"}

pat los $1==2
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".loi"}

pat ldl
      lal $1
      loi 4

pat lde
with STACK
gen lhld {label,$1+2}
    push hl
    lhld {label,$1}			yields hl
uses dereg, hlreg
gen lhld {label,$1}
    lhld {label,$1+2}			yields hl de
uses dereg, hlreg
gen lhld {label,$1+2}
    lhld {label,$1}			yields de hl

pat ldf
      adp $1
      loi 4

pat lpi
uses hl_or_de={label,$1}		yields %a

/* Group 2: Store instructions            */

pat stl lol $1==$2
with dereg				yields de de leaving stl $1

#ifdef USE_I80_RSTS
   pat stl $1==0-2
      with dereg
         uses hlreg
            rst {const1, 4}

pat stl ($1>0) && ($1<=STACKHELPERS)
   with dereg
      uses hlreg
         Call {plabel, ".fstore", $1}

pat stl ($1<0) && ($1>=0-STACKHELPERS)
   with dereg
      uses hlreg
         Call {plabel, ".fstoren", 0-$1}

pat stl
	with dereg
      uses hlreg={const2, $1}
         dad lb
         mov {m}, e
         inx hl
         mov {m}, d

pat ste loe $1==$2
with hlreg				yields hl hl leaving ste $1

pat ste
with hlreg
gen shld {label,$1}

pat sil
      lol $1
      sti 2

pat sil lil $1==$2
      dup 2
      lol $1
      sti 2

pat lil inc sil $1==$3
      lol $1
      dup 2
      loi 2
      inc 2
      exg 2
      sti 2

pat lil inc sil $1==$3
      lol $1
      dup 2
      loi 2
      dec 2
      exg 2
      sti 2

pat stf
   with hl_or_de STACK
      uses hl_or_de={const2,$1}
         dad de
         pop de
         mov {m},e
         inx hl
         mov {m},d

pat sti $1==1
   with label areg
         sta %1
   with dereg areg
         stax %1
   with hlreg reg
         mov {m}, %2

pat sti $1==2
   with label hlreg
         shld %1
   with hlreg dereg
         mov {m},e
         inx %1
         mov {m},d
   with dereg hlreg
         mov {m},e
         inx %2
         mov {m},d

pat sti $1==4
with label hlreg dereg
   gen shld %1
       shld {label,%1.off+2}
with label dereg hlreg
   gen shld {label,%1.off+2}
       shld %1
with hlreg dereg
kills ALL
   gen mov {m},e
       inx hl
       mov {m},d
       inx hl
       pop de
       mov {m},e
       inx hl
       mov {m},d

pat sti $1<512
with hlreg
kills ALL
uses areg={const1,$1/2}, dereg
gen 1:
    pop de
    mov {m},e
    inx hl
    mov {m},d
    inx hl
    dcr a
    jnz {label,1b}

pat sti
kills ALL
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".sti"}

pat sts $1==2
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".sti"}

pat sdl
      lal $1
      sti 4

pat sdf
      adp $1
      sti 4

pat sde
   with hlreg
      kills ALL
         shld {label,$1}
         pop hl
         shld {label,$1+2}
   with hlreg dereg
      kills ALL
         shld {label,$1}
         shld {label,$1+2}
   with dereg hlreg
      kills ALL
         shld {label,$1+2}
         shld {label,$1}

/* Group 3: Integer arithmetic          */

pat adi $1==2
   with hl_or_de largeconst2
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.1
         adi {const1, %2.num >> 8}
         mov %1.1, a
         kill a
      yields %1
   with largeconst2 hl_or_de
      yields %1 %2
         adi 2
   with hlreg dereg
         dad de
      yields hl
   with dereg hlreg
         dad de
      yields hl
   with hlreg hlreg
         dad hl
      yields hl
   with dereg dereg
         dad hl
      yields hl

pat adi $1==4
   kills ALL
         Call {label,".adi4"}

pat sbi $1==2
   with const2 hl_or_de
      yields %2 {const2, 0-%1.num}
         adi 2
   with largeconst2 hl_or_de
      yields %2 {largeconst2, 0-%1.num}
         adi 2
   with smallpconst2 hl_or_de
      yields %2 {smallnconst2, 0-%1.num}
         adi 2
   with smallnconst2 hl_or_de
      yields %2 {smallpconst2, 0-%1.num}
         adi 2
   with hl_or_de const2
      uses areg
         mvi a, {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
         sub %1.2
         mov %1.2, a
         mvi a, {const1, %2.num >> 8}
         sbb %1.1
         mov %1.1, a
         kill a
      yields %1
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de
      uses areg
         mov a,%2.2
         sub %1.2
         mov %1.2,a
         mov a,%2.1
         sbb %1.1
         mov %1.1,a
         kill a
      yields %1
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de
      uses areg
         mov a,%2.2
         sub %1.2
         mov %2.2,a
         mov a,%2.1
         sbb %1.1
         mov %2.1,a
         kill a
      yields %2

pat sbi $1==4
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".sbi4"}

pat mli $1==2
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".mli2"}		yields de

pat mli $1==4
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".mli4"}

pat dvi $1==2
kills ALL
/* 'uses areg={const1,129}' fails to kill a. */
gen mvi a,{const1,129}
    Call {label,".dvi2"}		yields de

pat dvi $1==4
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,129}
    Call {label,".dvi4"}

pat rmi $1==2
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,128}
    Call {label,".dvi2"}		yields de

pat rmi $1==4
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,128}
    Call {label,".dvi4"}

pat ngi $1==2
with hl_or_de
uses areg
gen xra a
    sub %1.2
    mov %1.2,a
    mvi a,{const1,0}
    sbb %1.1
    mov %1.1,a                  yields %1

pat ngi $1==4
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".ngi4"}

pat loc sli ($1==1) && ($2==2)
   with hlreg
         dad hl
      yields hl
pat loc sli ($1>=2) && ($1<=7) && ($2==2)
   with hlreg
         dad hl
      yields hl
         loc $1-1
         sli 2
pat loc sli ($1==8) && ($2==2)
   with hl_or_de
         mov %1.1, %1.2
         mvi %1.2, {const1, 0}
      yields %1

pat sli $1==2
   kills ALL
         Call {label,".sli2"}
	yields de

pat sli $1==4
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".sli4"}

pat sri $1==2
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,1}
    Call {label,".sri2"}		yields de

pat sri $1==4
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,1}
    Call {label,".sri4"}

/* Group 4: Unsigned arithmetic		    */

pat adu						leaving adi $1

pat sbu						leaving sbi $1

pat mlu $1==2
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".mlu2"}		yields de

pat mlu $1==4
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".mli4"}

pat dvu $1==2
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,1}
    Call {label,".dvi2"}		yields de

pat dvu $1==4
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,1}
    Call {label,".dvi4"}

pat rmu $1==2
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,0}
    Call {label,".dvi2"}		yields de

pat rmu $1==4
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,0}
    Call {label,".dvi4"}

pat loc slu ($2==2)
      loc $1
      sli $2
pat slu
      sli $1

pat loc sru ($1 == 8) && ($2 == 2)
with hl_or_de
gen move %1.1, %1.2
    mvi %1.1, {const1,0}        yields %1

pat sru $1==2
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,0}
    Call {label,".sri2"}		yields de

pat sru $1==4
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,0}
    Call {label,".sri4"}

/* Group 5: Floating point arithmetic	    */

pat adf $1==4					leaving cal ".adf4" asp 4
pat adf $1==8					leaving cal ".adf8" asp 8
pat sbf $1==4					leaving cal ".sbf4" asp 4
pat sbf $1==8					leaving cal ".sbf8" asp 8
pat mlf $1==4					leaving cal ".mlf4" asp 4
pat mlf $1==8					leaving cal ".mlf8" asp 8
pat dvf $1==4					leaving cal ".dvf4" asp 4
pat dvf $1==8					leaving cal ".dvf8" asp 8
pat ngf $1==4					leaving cal ".ngf4"
pat ngf $1==8					leaving cal ".ngf8"

pat fif $1==4
leaving lor 1 cal ".fif4" asp 2

pat fif $1==8
leaving lor 1 cal ".fif8" asp 2

pat fef $1==4
leaving lor 1 adp 0-2 cal ".fef4"

pat fef $1==8
leaving lor 1 adp 0-2 cal ".fef8"

/* Group 6: Pointer arithmetic              */

pat adp $1==0			/* do nothing */

pat adp $1==1
with hl_or_de
gen inx %1				yields %1

pat adp $1==2
with hl_or_de
gen inx %1
    inx %1				yields %1

pat adp $1==0-1
with hl_or_de
gen dcx %1				yields %1

pat adp $1==0-2
with hl_or_de
gen dcx %1
    dcx %1				yields %1

pat adp
with hl_or_de
uses hl_or_de={const2,$1}
gen dad de				yields hl

pat ads $1==2					leaving adi 2

pat sbs $1==2					leaving sbi 2

/* Group 7: Increment/ decrement/ zero      */

pat inc
   with hl_or_de
         inx %1
      yields %1

pat inl ($1>0) && ($1<=STACKHELPERS)
   uses hlreg
         Call {plabel, ".faddr", $1}
         inr {m}
         jnz {label,1f}
         inx hl
         inr {m}

pat inl ($1<0) && ($1>=0-STACKHELPERS)
   uses hlreg
         Call {plabel, ".faddrn", 0-$1}
         inr {m}
         jnz {label,1f}
         inx hl
         inr {m}

pat inl
   uses hlreg={const2,$1}
         dad lb
         inr {m}
         jnz {label,1f}
         inx hl
         inr {m}

pat ine
uses hlreg={label,$1}
gen inr {m}
    jnz {label,1f}
    inx hl
    inr {m}

pat dec
with hl_or_de
gen dcx %1				yields %1

pat del
   kills dereg, hlreg
   uses hlreg={const2,$1}
         dad lb
         mov e, {m}
         inx hl
         mov d, {m}
         dcx de
         mov {m}, d
         dcx hl
         mov {m}, e

pat dee
uses hlreg
gen lhld {label,$1}
    dcx hl
    shld {label,$1}

pat zrl
   uses hlreg={const2,$1}, areg
         dad lb
         xra a
         mov {m},a
         inx hl
         mov {m},a

pat zre
uses hlreg={const2,0}
gen shld {label,$1}

pat zrf $1==4					leaving zer 4

pat zrf $1==8					leaving zer 8

pat zer $1==2				yields {const2,0}

pat zer $1==4				yields {const2,0} {const2,0}

pat zer $1<511
kills ALL
uses reg={const1,$1/2}, hl_or_de={const2,0}
gen 1:
    push %b
    dcr %a
    jnz {label,1b}

pat zer
kills ALL
uses hl_or_de={const2,$1/2}, hl_or_de={const2,0}, areg
gen xra a
    push %b
    dcx %a
    cmp %a.2
    jnz {label,1b}
    cmp %a.1
    jnz {label,1b}

/* Group 8: Convert instructions	 */

pat loc loc cii $1==$2

pat loc loc cii $1==2 && $2==4
   with hl_or_de
      uses hl_or_de, areg
         mov a, %1.1
         sbb a
         mov %a.1, a
         mov %a.2, a
      yields %a %1

pat loc loc cii $1==4 && $2==2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de
      yields %1

pat loc loc cii $1==1 && $2==2
   with reg
      uses reusing %1, areg=%1, hl_or_de
         mov %b.2, a
         sbb a
         mov %b.1, a
      yields %b
   with hl_or_de
      uses areg=%1.2
         sbb a
         mov %1.1, a
      yields %1

pat loc loc cii $1==1 && $2==4
   with areg
      uses hl_or_de, hl_or_de
         mov %b.2, a
         sbb a
         mov %b.1, a
         mov %a.2, a
         mov %a.1, a
      yields %a %b
   with hlreg
      uses dereg, areg
         mov a, l
         sbb a
         mov h, a
         mov e, a
         mov d, a
      yields de hl

pat cii
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,1}
    Call {label,".cii"}

pat loc loc ciu					leaving loc $1 loc $2 cuu
pat loc loc cui					leaving loc $1 loc $2 cuu

pat cui						leaving cuu $1

pat ciu						leaving cuu $1

pat loc loc cuu $1==$2

pat loc loc cuu $1==2 && $2==4
   with src1or2
      yields {const2,0} %1

pat loc loc cuu $1==4 && $1==2
   with src1or2 src1or2
		yields %1

pat loc loc cuu $1==1 && $2==2
   with reg
      yields %1

pat loc loc cuu $1==1 && $2==4
   with reg
      uses reusing %1
      yields {const2,0} %1
   with hl_or_de
      yields {const2,0} %1

pat cuu
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,0}
    Call {label,".cii"}

pat loc loc cfi $2==2
leaving loc $1 loc $2 cal ".cfi" asp 4+$1 loe ".fra"

pat loc loc cfi $2==4
leaving loc $1 loc $2 cal ".cfi" asp 4+$1 lfr 4

pat loc loc cif $2==4
leaving loc $1 cal ".cif4" asp $1-2

pat loc loc cif $1==2 && $2==8
with hl_or_de
gen push %1
    push %1
    push %1					leaving loc $1 cal ".cif8"

pat loc loc cif $1==4 && $2==8
with hl_or_de hl_or_de
gen push %2
    push %2
    push %1					leaving loc $1 cal ".cif8"

pat loc loc cuf $2==4
leaving loc $1 cal ".cuf4" asp $1-2

pat loc loc cuf $1==2 && $2==8
with hl_or_de
gen push %1
    push %1
    push %1					leaving loc $1 cal ".cuf8"

pat loc loc cuf $1==4 && $2==8
with hl_or_de hl_or_de
gen push %1
    push %2
    push %1					leaving loc $1 cal ".cuf8"

pat loc loc cff $1==8 && $2==4			leaving cal ".cff4" asp 4

pat loc loc cff $1==4 && $2==8			leaving dup 4 cal ".cff8"

pat loc loc cfu $2==2
leaving loc $1 loc $2 cal ".cfu" asp 4+$1 loe ".fra"

pat loc loc cfu $2==4
leaving loc $1 loc $2 cal ".cfu" asp 4+$1 lfr 4

/* Group 9: Logical instructions         */

pat loc and ($1==0xff) && ($2==2)
   with hl_or_de
      yields %1.2

pat loc and ($1==0xffff) && ($2==2)

pat and $1==2
   with hl_or_de smallpconst2
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         ani {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
      yields a
   with smallpconst2 hl_or_de
      yields %1 %2
         and 2
   with hl_or_de smallnconst2
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         ani {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
         mov %1.2, a
         kill a
      yields %1
   with smallnconst2 hl_or_de
      yields %1 %2
         and 2
   with hl_or_de const2
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         ani {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
         mov %1.2, a
         kill a
         mov a, %1.1
         ani {const1, %2.num >> 8}
         mov %1.1, a
         kill a
      yields %1
   with const2 hl_or_de
      yields %1 %2
         and 2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         ana %2.2
         mov %2.2, a
         kill a
         mov a, %1.1
         ana %2.1
         mov %2.1, a
         kill a
      yields %2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de
      uses areg
         mov a,%1.2
         ana %2.2
         mov %1.2,a
         kill a
         mov a,%1.1
         ana %2.1
         mov %1.1,a
         kill a
      yields %1

pat and defined($1)
   kills ALL
      lxi de,{const2,$1}
      Call {label,".and"}

pat and !defined($1)
   with dereg
      kills ALL
         Call {label,".and"}

pat loc ior ($1==0)

pat ior $1==2
   with hl_or_de smallpconst2
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         ori {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
         mov %1.2, a
         kill a
      yields %1
   with smallpconst2 hl_or_de
      yields %1 %2
         ior 2
   with hl_or_de smallnconst2
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         ori {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
         mov %1.2, a
         kill a
         move {const1, 0xff}, %1.1
      yields %1
   with smallnconst2 hl_or_de
      yields %1 %2
         ior 2
   with hl_or_de const2
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         ori {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
         mov %1.2, a
         kill a
         mov a, %1.1
         ori {const1, %2.num >> 8}
         mov %1.1, a
         kill a
      yields %1
   with const2 hl_or_de
      yields %1 %2
         ior 2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         ora %2.2
         mov %2.2, a
         kill a
         mov a, %1.1
         ora %2.1
         mov %2.1, a
         kill a
      yields %2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de
      uses areg
         mov a,%1.2
         ora %2.2
         mov %1.2,a
         kill a
         mov a,%1.1
         ora %2.1
         mov %1.1,a
         kill a
      yields %1

pat ior defined($1)
kills ALL
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".ior"}

pat ior !defined($1)
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".ior"}

pat loc xor ($1==0)

pat xor $1==2
   with hl_or_de smallpconst2
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         xri {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
         mov %1.2, a
         kill a
      yields %1
   with smallpconst2 hl_or_de
      yields %1 %2
         xor 2
   with hl_or_de const2
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         xri {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
         mov %1.2, a
         kill a
         mov a, %1.1
         xri {const1, %2.num >> 8}
         mov %1.1, a
         kill a
      yields %1
   with const2 hl_or_de
      yields %1 %2
         xor 2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.2
         xra %2.2
         mov %2.2, a
         kill a
         mov a, %1.1
         xra %2.1
         mov %2.1, a
         kill a
      yields %2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de
      uses areg
         mov a,%1.2
         xra %2.2
         mov %1.2,a
         kill a
         mov a,%1.1
         xra %2.1
         mov %1.1,a
         kill a
      yields %1

pat xor defined($1)
kills ALL
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".xor"}

pat xor !defined($1)
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".xor"}

pat com $1==2
with hl_or_de
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.2
    mov %1.2,a
    kill a
    mov a,%1.1
    mov %1.1,a				yields %1

pat com defined($1)
kills ALL
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".com"}

pat com !defined($1)
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".com"}

pat rol $1==2
with dereg hlreg
kills ALL
uses areg
gen mov a,e
    ani {const1,15}
    jz {label,3f}
    dad hl
    jnc {label,2f}
    inr l
    dcr a
    jnz {label,1b}
    3:					yields hl

pat rol $1==4
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".rol4"}

pat ror $1==2
with dereg hlreg
kills ALL
uses areg
gen mov a,e
    ani {const1,15}
    jz {label,2f}
    mov e,a
    mov a,l
    mov a,h
    mov h,a
    mov a,l
    mov l,a
    dcr e
    jnz {label,1b}
    2:					yields hl

pat ror $1==4
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".ror4"}

/* Group 10: Set instructions		       */

pat inn $1==2
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".inn2"}		yields de

pat inn defined($1)
kills ALL
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".inn"}			yields de

pat inn !defined($1)
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".inn"}			yields de

pat set $1==2
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".set2"}		yields de

pat set defined($1)
kills ALL
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".set"}

pat set !defined($1)
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".set"}

/* Group 11: Array instructions  	       */

pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==1 && rom($1,1)==0 leaving adi 2
pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==1 && rom($1,1)!=0 leaving adi 2 adp 0-rom($1,1)

pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==2 && rom($1,1)==0
with hlreg
gen dad hl				yields hl leaving adi 2

pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==2 && rom($1,1)!=0
with hlreg
uses dereg={const2,0-rom($1,1)}
gen dad de
    dad hl				yields hl leaving adi 2

pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)==0
with hlreg
gen dad hl
    dad hl				yields hl leaving adi 2

pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)!=0
with hlreg
uses dereg={const2,0-rom($1,1)}
gen dad de
    dad hl
    dad hl				yields hl leaving adi 2

pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==8 && rom($1,1)==0
with hlreg
gen dad hl
    dad hl
    dad hl				yields hl leaving adi 2

pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==8 && rom($1,1)!=0
with hlreg
uses dereg={const2,0-rom($1,1)}
gen dad de
    dad hl
    dad hl
    dad hl				yields hl leaving adi 2

pat lar $1==2
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".lar2"}

pat lar defined($1)
gen Call {label,"eunimpl"}

pat lar !defined($1)
with hl_or_de
kills ALL
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.2
    cpi {const1,2}
    cnz {label,"eunimpl"}
    mov a,%1.1
    ora a
    cnz {label,"eunimpl"}
    Call {label,".lar2"}

pat sar $1==2
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".sar2"}

pat sar defined($1)
kills ALL
gen Call {label,"eunimpl"}

pat sar !defined($1)
with hl_or_de
kills ALL
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.2
    cpi {const1,2}
    cnz {label,"eunimpl"}
    mov a,%1.1
    ora a
    cnz {label,"eunimpl"}
    Call {label,".sar2"}

pat aar $1==2
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".aar2"}

pat aar defined($1)
kills ALL
gen Call {label,"eunimpl"}

pat aar !defined($1)
with hl_or_de
kills ALL
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.2
    cpi {const1,2}
    cnz {label,"eunimpl"}
    mov a,%1.1
    ora a
    cnz {label,"eunimpl"}
    Call {label,".aar2"}

/* Group 12: Compare instructions              */

pat cmi $1==2					leaving sbi 2

pat cmi $1==4
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,1}
    Call {label,".cmi4"}		yields de

pat cmf $1==4
leaving cal ".cmf4" asp 8 lfr 2

pat cmf $1==8
leaving cal ".cmf8" asp 16 lfr 2

pat cmu zlt $1==2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a, %2.2
         sub %1.2
         mov a, %2.1
         sbb %1.1
         jc {label, $2}
   with const2 hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a, %2.2
         sui {const1, %1.num & 0xff}
         mov a, %2.1
         sbi {const1, %1.num >> 8}
         jc {label, $2}
   with hl_or_de const2 STACK
      uses areg
         mvi a, {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
         sub %1.2
         mvi a, {const1, %2.num >> 8}
         sbb %1.1
         jc {label, $2}

pat cmu zgt $1==2
      exg 2
      cmu 2
      zlt $2

pat cmu zge $1==2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a, %2.2
         sub %1.2
         mov a, %2.1
         sbb %1.1
         jnc {label, $2}
   with const2 hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a, %2.2
         sui {const1, %1.num & 0xff}
         mov a, %2.1
         sbi {const1, %1.num >> 8}
         jnc {label, $2}
   with hl_or_de const2 STACK
      uses areg
         mvi a, {const1, %2.num & 0xff}
         sub %1.2
         mvi a, {const1, %2.num >> 8}
         sbb %1.1
         jnc {label, $2}

pat cmu zle $1==2
      exg 2
      cmu 2
      zge $2

pat cmu $1==2
with hl_or_de hl_or_de
uses areg
gen mov a,%2.1
    cmp %1.1
    jz {label,2f}
    jc {label,1f}
    lxi %2,{const2,1}
    jmp {label,3f}
    lxi %2,{const2,0-1}
    jmp {label,3f}
    mov a,%2.2
    cmp %1.2
    jc {label,1b}
    jnz {label,0b}
    lxi %2,{const2,0}
    3:					yields %2

pat cmu $1==4
kills ALL
gen mvi a,{const1,0}
    Call {label,".cmi4"}		yields de

pat cms $1==2					leaving cmi 2

pat cms defined($1)
kills ALL
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".cms"}			yields de

pat cms !defined($1)
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".cms"}			yields de

pat cmp						leaving cmu 2

pat tlt
with hl_or_de
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.1
    mvi a,{const1,0}
    mov %1.1,a
    adc a
    mov %1.2,a				yields %1

pat tle
with hl_or_de
uses hl_or_de={const2,1}, areg
gen xra a
    add %1.1
    jm {label,2f}
    jnz {label,1f}
    xra a
    add %1.2
    jz {label,2f}
    dcx %a
    2:					yields %a

pat teq
with hl_or_de
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.1
    ora %1.2
    move {const2,0},%1
    jnz {label,1f}
    inx %1
    1:					yields %1

pat tne
with hl_or_de
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.1
    ora %1.2
    move {const2,0},%1
    jz {label,1f}
    inx %1
    1:					yields %1

pat tge
with hl_or_de
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.1
    mvi a,{const1,0}
    mov %1.1,a
    adc a
    mov %1.2,a				yields %1

pat tgt
with hl_or_de
uses hl_or_de={const2,0}, areg
gen xra a
    add %1.1
    jm {label,2f}
    jnz {label,1f}
    xra a
    add %1.2
    jz {label,2f}
    inx %a
    2:					yields %a

pat loc cmi teq and $1>=0 && $1<=255 && $2==2 && $4==2
with exact areg hl_or_de
gen cpi {const1,$1}
    jz {label,1f}
    move {const2,0},%2
    1:					yields %2
with hl_or_de hl_or_de
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.2
    cpi {const1,$1}
    jnz {label,1f}
    mov a,%1.1
    ora a
    jz {label,2f}
    move {const2,0},%2
    2:					yields %2

pat loc cmi tne and $1>=0 && $1<=255 && $2==2 && $4==2
with exact areg hl_or_de
gen cpi {const1,$1}
    jnz {label,1f}
    move {const2,0},%2
    1:					yields %2
with hl_or_de hl_or_de
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.2
    cpi {const1,$1}
    jnz {label,1f}
    mov a,%1.1
    ora a
    jnz {label,1f}
    move {const2,0},%2
    1:					yields %2

pat loc cmi teq ior $1>=0 && $1<=255 && $2==2 && $4==2
with exact areg hl_or_de
gen cpi {const1,$1}
    jnz {label,1f}
    move {const2,1},%2
    1:					yields %2
with hl_or_de hl_or_de
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.2
    cpi {const1,$1}
    jnz {label,1f}
    mov a,%1.1
    ora a
    jnz {label,1f}
    move {const2,1},%2
    1:					yields %2

pat loc cmi tne ior $1>=0 && $1<=255 && $2==2 && $4==2
with exact areg hl_or_de
gen cpi {const1,$1}
    jz {label,1f}
    move {const2,1},%2
    1:					yields %2
with hl_or_de hl_or_de
uses areg
gen mov a,%1.2
    cpi {const1,$1}
    jnz {label,1f}
    mov a,%1.1
    ora a
    jz {label,2f}
    move {const2,1},%2
    2:					yields %2

pat loc cmi teq $1>=0 && $1<=255 && $2==2
with exact areg
uses hl_or_de={const2,0}
gen cpi {const1,$1}
    jnz {label,1f}
    inx %a
    1:					yields %a
with hl_or_de
uses hl_or_de={const2,0}, areg
gen mov a,%1.2
    cpi {const1,$1}
    jnz {label,1f}
    mov a,%1.1
    ora a
    jnz {label,1f}
    inx %a
    1:					yields %a

pat loc cmi tne $1>=0 && $1<=255 && $2==2
with exact areg
uses hl_or_de={const2,0}
gen cpi {const1,$1}
    jz {label,1f}
    inx %a
    1:					yields %a
with hl_or_de
uses hl_or_de={const2,1}, areg
gen mov a,%1.2
    cpi {const1,$1}
    jnz {label,1f}
    mov a,%1.1
    ora a
    jnz {label,1f}
    dcx %a
    1:					yields %a

pat loc cmi $1>=0 && $1<=255 && $2==2
with exact areg
uses hl_or_de
gen sui {const1,$1}
    mov %a.2,a
    mov %a.1,a				yields %a
with					yields {const2,$1}
						leaving cmi 2

pat loc cmi $1<0 && $2==2
with exact areg				yields {const2,0-1}
with 					yields {const2,$1}
						leaving cmi 2

/* Group 13: Branch instructions           */

pat loc beq $1>=0 && $1<=255
with exact reg
uses reusing %1, areg=%1
gen cpi {const1,$1}
    jz {label,$2}
with					yields {const2,$1}
						leaving beq $2
pat loc bne $1>=0 && $1<=255
with exact reg
uses reusing %1, areg=%1
gen cpi {const1,$1}
    jnz {label,$2}
with					yields {const2,$1}
						leaving bne $2
pat bra
   with STACK
         jmp {label,$1}

pat blt
   with hlreg dereg STACK
      uses areg
         #ifdef USE_I80_RSTS
            rst {const1, 5}
            Call {label, ".cmps_mag"}
         jc {label, $1}

pat bgt
      exg 2
      blt $1

pat bge
   with hlreg dereg STACK
      uses areg
         #ifdef USE_I80_RSTS
            rst {const1, 5}
            Call {label, ".cmps_mag"}
         jnc {label, $1}

pat ble
      exg 2
      bge $1

pat beq
   with const2 hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a, %2.2
         cpi {const1, %1.num & 0xff}
         jnz {label, 1f}
         mov a, %2.1
         cpi {const1, %1.num >> 8}
         jz {label, $1}
   with hl_or_de const2 STACK
         exg 2
         beq $1
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a,%2.2
         cmp %1.2
         jnz {label,1f}
         mov a,%2.1
         cmp %1.1
         jz {label,$1}

pat bne
   with const2 hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a, %2.2
         cpi {const1, %1.num & 0xff}
         jnz {label, $1}
         mov a, %2.1
         cpi {const1, %1.num >> 8}
         jnz {label, $1}
   with hl_or_de const2 STACK
         exg 2
         beq $1
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a,%2.2
         cmp %1.2
         jnz {label,$1}
         mov a,%2.1
         cmp %1.1
         jnz {label,$1}

pat zlt
   with STACK
         pop psw
         ora a
         jm {label,$1}
   with hl_or_de STACK
         mov a,%1.1
         ora a
         jm {label,$1}

pat zle
   with hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.1
         ora a
         jm {label, $1}
         jnz {label, 1f}
         ora %1.2
         jz {label, $1}

pat zeq
   with hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a,%1.1
         ora %1.2
         jz {label,$1}

pat zne
   with hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a,%1.1
         ora %1.2
         jnz {label,$1}

pat zge
   with STACK
         pop psw
         jnc {label,$1}
   with hl_or_de STACK
         mov a,%1.1
         ora a
         jp {label,$1}

pat zgt
   with hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a, %1.1
         ora a
         jm {label, 1f}
         jnz {label, $1}
         ora %1.2
         jnz {label, $1}

pat lol zeq
   with STACK
      uses hlreg={const2,$1}, areg
         dad lb
         mov a,{m}
         inx hl
         ora {m}
         jz {label,$2}

pat lol zne
   with STACK
      uses hlreg={const2,$1}, areg
         dad lb
         mov a,{m}
         inx hl
         ora {m}
         jnz {label,$2}

pat ior zeq $1==2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a,%1.1
         ora %1.2
         ora %2.1
         ora %2.2
         jz {label,$2}

pat ior zne $1==2
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de STACK
      uses areg
         mov a,%1.1
         ora %1.2
         ora %2.1
         ora %2.2
         jnz {label,$2}

/* Group 14: Procedure call instructions     */

pat cal
kills ALL
gen Call {label,$1}

pat cai
with hlreg
kills ALL
gen Call {label, ".pchl"}

pat lfr $1==2				yields de

pat lfr	$1<=8
with STACK
uses areg={const1,$1/2}, hlreg={label,".fra"+$1}, dereg
gen 1:
    dcx hl
    mov d,{m}
    dcx hl
    mov e,{m}
    push de
    dcr a
    jnz {label,1b}

pat lfr ret $1==$2				leaving ret 0

pat ret $1==0
with STACK
uses hlreg
gen jmp {label, ".ret"}

pat ret $1==2
with dereg STACK
uses hlreg
gen jmp {label, ".ret"}

pat ret $1<=8
with STACK
uses areg={const1,$1/2}, hlreg={label,".fra"}, dereg
gen 1:
    pop de
    mov {m},e
    inx hl
    mov {m},d
    inx hl
    dcr a
    jnz {label,1b}
	jmp {label, ".ret"}

/* Group 15: Miscellaneous		  */

pat asp $1==0 /* do nothing */

pat asp ($1==2)
   with hl_or_de
   with STACK
      uses hlreg
         pop hl

pat asp ($1==4)
   with hl_or_de hl_or_de
   with STACK
      uses hlreg
         pop hl
         pop hl

pat asp ($1<0) && ($1>0-12)
   with STACK
         push hl
         asp $1+2

pat asp ($1>4) && ($1<12)
   with STACK
      uses hlreg
         pop hl
         asp $1-2

pat asp
   with STACK
      uses hlreg={const2,$1}
         dad sp

pat ass $1==2
with hlreg STACK
gen dad sp

pat blm
kills ALL
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".blm"}

pat bls
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".blm"}

pat csa
kills ALL
gen jmp {label,".csa"}

pat csb
kills ALL
gen jmp {label,".csb"}

pat dch						leaving loi 2

pat dup $1==2
with src1or2				yields %1 %1

pat dup $1==4
with src1or2 src1or2			yields %2 %1 %2 %1

pat dup
kills ALL
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".dup"}

pat dus $1==2
with dereg
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".dup"}

pat exg $1==2
with src1or2 src1or2			yields %1 %2

pat exg defined($1)
kills ALL
gen lxi de,{const2,$1}
    Call {label,".exg"}

pat fil
uses hlreg={label,$1}
gen shld {label,"hol0"+4}

pat gto
with STACK
gen lhld {label,$1+2}
    lhld {label,$1+4}
    move hl,lb
    lhld {label,$1}

pat lim
uses hlreg
gen lhld {label,".ignmask"}		yields hl

pat lin
uses hlreg={const2,$1}
gen shld {label,"hol0"}

pat lni
uses hlreg
gen lhld {label,"hol0"}
    inx hl
    shld {label,"hol0"}

pat lor $1==0				yields lb

pat lor $1==1
with STACK
uses hlreg={const2,0}
gen dad sp				yields hl

pat lor $1==2
uses hlreg
gen lhld {label,".reghp"}		yields hl

pat lpb						leaving adp SL

pat mon
kills ALL
gen Call {label,".mon"}

pat nop
kills ALL
#ifdef DEBUG
gen Call {label,".nop"}

pat rck
with hl_or_de STACK

pat rtt						leaving ret 0

pat sig
with dereg
uses hlreg
   gen lhld {label,".trapproc"}
       shld {label,".trapproc"}		yields de
with STACK
uses hlreg
   gen lhld {label,".trapproc"}
       shld {label,".trapproc"}

pat sim
with hlreg
gen shld {label,".ignmask"}

pat str $1==0
with localbase

pat str $1==1
with hlreg
gen sphl.

pat str $1==2
with hlreg
gen shld {label,".reghp"}

pat trp
   with areg
      kills ALL
      gen Call {label,".trp"}