/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* t o p g e n . g * * Grammar of optimizer description, and some code generation */ %token LETTER, DIGIT, OTHER, SPACE; %token LINE_TERMINATOR, OPERAND_SEPARATOR, INSTRUCTION_SEPARATOR, PATTERN_SEPARATOR, OPEN_BRACKET, CLOSE_BRACKET; %lexical LLlex; %start LLparse, optim_description; { # include # include "token.h" # include "symtab.h" # include "misc.h" char idbuf[BUFSIZ], buf[BUFSIZ]; int countid; /* # of variables */ int countpat; /* # of patterns */ char * malloc(); char * strcpy(); static int patlen; /* Maximum number of instructions in pattern */ static int maxoperand; /* Maximum number of operands of instruction */ extern FILE *input; /* file descriptor of inputfile */ } optim_description { struct symtab *p; } : SPACE* parameter_line* { p = findident("MAXOP",LOOKING,&deftable); if (p == 0) maxoperand = 2; /* default */ else maxoperand = p->s_num; } separator SPACE* mode_definitions separator SPACE* patterns separator { register int c; fprintf(genc, linedir, lineno, inpfile); while ((c = getc(input)) != EOF) { putc(c,genc); } } ; parameter_line { struct symtab *p;} : identifier { p = findident(idbuf,ENTERING,&deftable);} SPACE value { p->s_num = atoi(buf);} /* This action in fact only needed for MAXOP */ LINE_TERMINATOR SPACE* { fprintf(genh,"#define %s %s\n",p->s_name,buf);} ; value { char *p1 = buf;} : [ [ OPEN_BRACKET | CLOSE_BRACKET | OPERAND_SEPARATOR | PATTERN_SEPARATOR | INSTRUCTION_SEPARATOR | SPACE | LETTER | DIGIT | OTHER | '%' ] { *p1++ = dot.t_attrib;} ]* { *p1 = '\0';} ; mode_definitions { int lin; } : { fputs("tok_chk(varno) {\n\tint r;\n", genc); fputs("\tchar *VAL;\n\n",genc); fputs("\tVAL = var[varno].value;\n",genc); fputs("\tswitch(varno) {\n",genc); } [ token_list constraint(&lin) { fprintf(genc,linedir,lin,inpfile); fprintf(genc,"\t\tr = (%s); break;\n",buf); } LINE_TERMINATOR SPACE* ]* { fputs("\tdefault :\n\t\tassert(0);\n",genc); fputs("\t}\n\treturn r;\n}\n\n",genc); } ; token_list : new_identifier SPACE* [ OPERAND_SEPARATOR SPACE* new_identifier SPACE* ]* ; new_identifier { struct symtab *p;} : identifier { p = findident(idbuf,ENTERING,&idtable); p->s_num = ++countid; fprintf(genc,"\tcase %d:\n", countid); } ; constraint (int *lin;) { char *p = buf; } : OPEN_BRACKET { *lin = lineno;} [ [ LINE_TERMINATOR | OPERAND_SEPARATOR | PATTERN_SEPARATOR | INSTRUCTION_SEPARATOR | LETTER | DIGIT | SPACE | OTHER | '%' ] { *p++ = dot.t_attrib;} ]* { *p = '\0'; if (onlyspace(buf)) strcpy(buf,"TRUE"); } CLOSE_BRACKET SPACE* ; patterns { int lin; char *constr; int np, nr; } : [ { countpat++; constr = (char *) 0; fprintf(genc,"struct instr_descr pat%d[] = {\n", countpat); } instruction_list(&np) { if (np > patlen) patlen = np; fputs("\n};\n\n",genc); } [ constraint(&lin) { /* Save the constraint, we need it later on */ constr = malloc((unsigned)(strlen(buf)+1)); strcpy(constr,buf); } ]? PATTERN_SEPARATOR { fprintf(genc,"struct instr_descr rep%d[] = {\n", countpat); } replacement(&nr) { fputs("\n};\n\n",genc);} LINE_TERMINATOR SPACE* { addpattern(constr,lin,np,nr);} ]* { printhashtable(); printpatterns(); fprintf(genh,"#define NRVARS %d\n",countid); fprintf(genh,"#define NRPATTERNS %d\n",countpat); fprintf(genh,"#define MIN_WINDOW_SIZE %d\n", patlen+3); fclose(genh); } ; instruction_list(int *n;) : instruction(1) { *n = 1;} [ INSTRUCTION_SEPARATOR { fputs(",\n",genc);} SPACE* instruction(0) { *n += 1;} ]* ; instruction(int opt;) { int count;} : opcode(opt) { if (strcmp(buf,"ANY") != 0) { fprintf(genc,"\t{\"%s\"",buf); } else fputs("\t{(char *) 0",genc); count = 0; } [ operand { count = 1;} [ OPERAND_SEPARATOR { count++;} SPACE* operand ]* { if (count > maxoperand) { error("Too many operands"); } } ]? { while (count++ < maxoperand) { fputs(",{\"\",-1,\"\"}",genc); } putc('}',genc); } ; opcode(int opt;) { char *p = buf;} : [ [ LETTER | DIGIT | OTHER ] { *p++ = dot.t_attrib;} ]+ SPACE+ { *p = '\0'; if (opt) addtohashtable(buf,countpat); } ; operand { register struct symtab *p = 0;} : { fputs(",{\"",genc);} [ identifier { if (!p) { p = findident(idbuf,LOOKING,&idtable); if (p) fprintf(genc,"\",%d,\"",p->s_num); else fputs(idbuf,genc); } else fputs(idbuf,genc); } | DIGIT { putc(dot.t_attrib,genc);} | OTHER { putc(dot.t_attrib,genc);} ]+ { if (p) fputs("\"}",genc); else fputs("\",0,\"\"}",genc); } SPACE* ; replacement (int *n;) {register i;} : SPACE* { *n = 0;} [ instruction(0) { *n = 1;} [ INSTRUCTION_SEPARATOR { fputs(",\n", genc);} SPACE* instruction(0) { *n += 1;} ]* | /* empty replacement, but there must be a * structure initializer anyway */ { fputs("\t{\"\"",genc); for (i = 0; i < maxoperand; i++) { fputs(",{\"\",-1,\"\"}",genc); } putc('}',genc); } ] ; identifier { char *p = idbuf; } : LETTER { *p++ = dot.t_attrib;} [ %while (1) LETTER { *p++ = dot.t_attrib;} | DIGIT { *p++ = dot.t_attrib;} ]* { *p = '\0';} ; separator : '%' '%' SPACE* LINE_TERMINATOR ;