#include "decl.h" #include <alloc.h> extern char *malloc(), *realloc(), *Salloc(); /* This file contains some routines needed in "pars.g" to handle the action- * grammarrule. The assembler-instructions are handeld in blocks rather than * one at a time. So these routines provide saving and removing of assembler- * instructions. */ char **as_instructions; /* The buffer(?) where the instructions are saved */ int quantum = 0, /* Max. nr. of instructions in as_instructions[] */ nr_instr, /* Number of saved instructions */ first_action, /* Is this block of assembler-instr. the first after * a '==>' or '::=' ? */ last_action; /* Is this block followed by a '.' ? */ init_as_block() { nr_instr = 0; if ( quantum == 0) { quantum = 16; as_instructions = (char **)malloc( quantum*sizeof( char *)); } } save_as( instr) char *instr; /* Save a copy of 'instr' */ { if ( nr_instr == quantum) { quantum *= 2; as_instructions = (char **) realloc( as_instructions, quantum*sizeof( char *)); } as_instructions[nr_instr++] = Salloc( instr, strlen( instr) + 1); } do_block_assemble() { int i; if ( nr_instr > 0) { block_assemble( as_instructions, nr_instr, first_action, last_action); for ( i=0; i<nr_instr; i++) free( as_instructions[i]); } }