/* $Header$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* I N T E R M E D I A T E C O D E * * I C . C */ #include <stdio.h> #include "../share/types.h" #include "../share/debug.h" #include "../share/def.h" #include "../share/map.h" #include "../../../h/em_spec.h" #include "../../../h/em_pseu.h" #include "../../../h/em_flag.h" #include "../../../h/em_mes.h" #include "ic.h" #include "ic_lookup.h" #include "ic_aux.h" #include "ic_io.h" #include "ic_lib.h" #include "../share/alloc.h" #include "../share/global.h" #include "../share/files.h" #include "../share/put.h" #include "../share/aux.h" /* Global variables */ dblock_p db; dblock_p curhol = (dblock_p) 0; /* hol block in current scope */ dblock_p ldblock; /* last dblock */ proc_p lproc; /* last proc */ short tabval; /* used by table1, table2 and table3 */ offset tabval2; char string[IDL+1]; line_p firstline; /* first line of current procedure */ line_p lastline; /* last line read */ int labelcount; /* # labels in current procedure */ short fragm_type = DUNKNOWN; /* fragm. type: DCON, DROM or DUNKNOWN */ short fragm_nr = 0; /* fragment number */ obj_id lastoid = 0; proc_id lastpid = 0; dblock_id lastdid = 0; lab_id lastlid = 0; offset mespar = UNKNOWN_SIZE; /* argumument of ps_par message of current procedure */ extern process_lines(); extern int readline(); extern line_p readoperand(); extern line_p inpseudo(); main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { /* The input files must be legal EM Compact * Assembly Language files, as produced by the EM Peephole * Optimizer. * Their file names are passed as arguments. * The output consists of the files: * - lfile: the EM code in Intermediate Code format * - dfile: the data block table file * - pfile: the proc table file * - pdump: the names of all procedures * - ddump: the names of all data blocks */ FILE *lfile, *dfile, *pfile, *pdump, *ddump; lfile = openfile(lname2,"w"); pdump = openfile(argv[1],"w"); ddump = openfile(argv[2],"w"); while (next_file(argc,argv) != NULL) { /* Read all EM input files, process the code * and concatenate all output. */ process_lines(lfile); dump_procnames(prochash,NPROCHASH,pdump); dump_dblocknames(symhash,NSYMHASH,ddump); /* Save the names of all procedures that were * first come accross in this file. */ cleanprocs(prochash,NPROCHASH,PF_EXTERNAL); cleandblocks(symhash,NSYMHASH,DF_EXTERNAL); /* Make all procedure names that were internal * in this input file invisible. */ } fclose(lfile); fclose(pdump); fclose(ddump); /* remove the remainder of the hashing tables */ cleanprocs(prochash,NPROCHASH,0); cleandblocks(symhash,NSYMHASH,0); /* Now write the datablock table and the proctable */ dfile = openfile(dname2,"w"); putdtable(fdblock, dfile); pfile = openfile(pname2,"w"); putptable(fproc, pfile,FALSE); exit(0); } /* Value returned by readline */ #define NORMAL 0 #define WITH_OPERAND 1 #define EOFILE 2 #define PRO_INSTR 3 #define END_INSTR 4 #define DELETED_INSTR 5 STATIC add_end() { /* Add an end-pseudo to the current instruction list */ lastline->l_next = newline(OPNO); lastline = lastline->l_next; lastline->l_instr = ps_end; } process_lines(fout) FILE *fout; { line_p lnp; short instr; bool eof; /* Read and process the code contained in the current file, * on a per procedure basis. * On the fly, fragments are formed. Recall that two * successive CON pseudos are allocated consecutively * in a single fragment, unless these CON pseudos are * separated in the assembly language program by one * of: ROM, BSS, HOL and END (and of course EndOfFile). * The same is true for ROM pseudos. * We keep track of a fragment type (DROM after a ROM * pseudo, DCON after a CON and DUNKNOWN after a HOL, * BSS, END or EndOfFile) and a fragment number (which * is incremented every time we enter a new fragment). * Every data block is assigned such a number * when we come accross its defining occurrence. */ eof = FALSE; firstline = (line_p) 0; lastline = (line_p) 0; while (!eof) { linecount++; /* for error messages */ switch(readline(&instr, &lnp)) { /* read one line, see what kind it is */ case WITH_OPERAND: /* instruction with operand, e.g. LOL 10 */ lnp = readoperand(instr); lnp->l_instr = instr; /* Fall through! */ case NORMAL: VL(lnp); if (lastline != (line_p) 0) { lastline->l_next = lnp; } lastline = lnp; break; case EOFILE: eof = TRUE; fragm_type = DUNKNOWN; if (firstline != (line_p) 0) { add_end(); putlines(firstline,fout); firstline = (line_p) 0; } break; case PRO_INSTR: VL(lnp); labelcount = 0; if (firstline != lnp) { /* If PRO is not the first * instruction: */ add_end(); putlines(firstline,fout); firstline = lnp; } lastline = lnp; break; case END_INSTR: curproc->p_nrformals = mespar; mespar = UNKNOWN_SIZE; assert(lastline != (line_p) 0); lastline->l_next = lnp; putlines(firstline,fout); /* write and delete code */ firstline = (line_p) 0; lastline = (line_p) 0; cleaninstrlabs(); /* scope of instruction labels ends here, * so forget about them. */ fragm_type = DUNKNOWN; break; case DELETED_INSTR: /* EXP, INA etc. are deleted */ break; default: error("illegal readline"); } } } int readline(instr_out, lnp_out) short *instr_out; line_p *lnp_out; { register line_p lnp; short n; /* Read one line. If it is a normal EM instruction without * operand, we can allocate a line struct for it here. * If so, return a pointer to it via lnp_out, else just * return the instruction code via instr_out. */ VA((short *) instr_out); VA((short *) lnp_out); switch(table1()) { /* table1 sets string, tabval or tabval2 and * returns an indication of what was read. */ case ATEOF: return EOFILE; case INST: *instr_out = tabval; /* instruction code */ return WITH_OPERAND; case DLBX: /* data label defining occurrence, precedes * a data block. */ db = block_of_lab(string); /* global variable, used by inpseudo */ lnp = newline(OPSHORT); SHORT(lnp) = (short) db->d_id; lnp->l_instr = ps_sym; *lnp_out = lnp; if (firstline == (line_p) 0) { firstline = lnp; /* only a pseudo (e.g. PRO) or data label * can be the first instruction. */ } return NORMAL; case ILBX: /* instruction label defining occurrence */ labelcount++; lnp = newline(OPINSTRLAB); lnp->l_instr = op_lab; INSTRLAB(lnp) = instr_lab(tabval); *lnp_out = lnp; return NORMAL; case PSEU: n = tabval; lnp = inpseudo(n); /* read a pseudo */ if (lnp == (line_p) 0) return DELETED_INSTR; *lnp_out = lnp; lnp->l_instr = n; if (firstline == (line_p) 0) { firstline = lnp; /* only a pseudo (e.g. PRO) or data label * can be the first instruction. */ } if (n == ps_end) return END_INSTR; if (n == ps_pro) return PRO_INSTR; return NORMAL; } /* NOTREACHED */ } line_p readoperand(instr) short instr; { /* Read the operand of the given instruction. * Create a line struct and return a pointer to it. */ register line_p lnp; short flag; VI(instr); flag = em_flag[ instr - sp_fmnem] & EM_PAR; if (flag == PAR_NO) { return (newline(OPNO)); } switch(table2()) { case sp_cend: return(newline(OPNO)); case CSTX1: /* constant */ /* If the instruction has the address * of an external variable as argument, * the constant must be regarded as an * offset in the current hol block, * so an object must be created. * Similarly, the instruction may have * an instruction label as argument. */ switch(flag) { case PAR_G: lnp = newline(OPOBJECT); OBJ(lnp) = object((char *) 0,(offset) tabval, opr_size(instr)); break; case PAR_B: lnp = newline(OPINSTRLAB); INSTRLAB(lnp) = instr_lab(tabval); break; default: lnp = newline(OPSHORT); SHORT(lnp) = tabval; break; } break; #ifdef LONGOFF case CSTX2: /* double constant */ if (flag == PAR_G) { lnp = newline(OPOBJECT); OBJ(lnp) = object((char *) 0, tabval2, opr_size(instr)); break; } lnp = newline(OPOFFSET); OFFSET(lnp) = tabval2; break; #endif case ILBX: /* applied occurrence instruction label */ lnp = newline(OPINSTRLAB); INSTRLAB(lnp) = instr_lab(tabval); break; case DLBX: /* applied occurrence data label */ lnp = newline(OPOBJECT); OBJ(lnp) = object(string, (offset) 0, opr_size(instr) ); break; case VALX1: lnp = newline(OPOBJECT); OBJ(lnp) = object(string, (offset) tabval, opr_size(instr) ); break; #ifdef LONGOFF case VALX2: lnp = newline(OPOBJECT); OBJ(lnp) = object(string,tabval2, opr_size(instr) ); break; #endif case sp_pnam: lnp = newline(OPPROC); PROC(lnp) = proclookup(string,OCCURRING); VP(PROC(lnp)); break; default: assert(FALSE); } return lnp; } line_p inpseudo(n) short n; { int m; line_p lnp; byte pseu; short nlast; /* Read the (remainder of) a pseudo instruction, the instruction * code of which is n. The END pseudo may be deleted (return 0). * The pseudos INA, EXA, INP and EXP (visibility pseudos) must * also be deleted, although the effects they have on the * visibility of global names and procedure names must first * be recorded in the datablock or procedure table. */ switch(n) { case ps_hol: case ps_bss: case ps_rom: case ps_con: if (lastline == (line_p) 0 || !is_datalabel(lastline)) { if (n == ps_hol) { /* A HOL need not be preceded * by a label. */ curhol = db = block_of_lab((char *) 0); } else { assert(lastline != (line_p) 0); nlast = INSTR(lastline); if (n == nlast && (n == ps_rom || n == ps_con)) { /* Two successive roms/cons are * combined into one data block * if the second is not preceded by * a data label. */ lnp = arglist(0); pseu = (byte) (n == ps_rom?DROM:DCON); combine(db,lastline,lnp,pseu); oldline(lnp); return (line_p) 0; } else { error("datablock without label"); } } } VD(db); m = (n == ps_hol || n == ps_bss ? 3 : 0); lnp = arglist(m); /* Read the arguments, 3 for hol or bss and a list * of undetermined length for rom and con. */ dblockdef(db,n,lnp); /* Fill in d_pseudo, d_size and d_values fields of db */ if (fragm_type != db->d_pseudo & BMASK) { /* Keep track of fragment numbers, * enter a new fragment. */ fragm_nr++; switch(db->d_pseudo) { case DCON: case DROM: fragm_type = db->d_pseudo; break; default: fragm_type = DUNKNOWN; break; } } db->d_fragmnr = fragm_nr; return lnp; case ps_ina: getsym(DEFINING); /* Read and lookup a symbol. As this must be * the first occurrence of the symbol and we * say it's a defining occurrence, getsym will * automatically make it internal (according to * the EM visibility rules). * The result (a dblock pointer) is voided. */ return (line_p) 0; case ps_inp: getproc(DEFINING); /* same idea */ return (line_p) 0; case ps_exa: getsym(OCCURRING); return (line_p) 0; case ps_exp: getproc(OCCURRING); return (line_p) 0; case ps_pro: curproc = getproc(DEFINING); /* This is a real defining occurrence of a proc */ curproc->p_localbytes = get_off(); curproc->p_flags1 |= PF_BODYSEEN; /* Record the fact that we came accross * the body of this procedure. */ lnp = newline(OPPROC); PROC(lnp) = curproc; lnp->l_instr = (byte) ps_pro; return lnp; case ps_end: curproc->p_nrlabels = labelcount; lnp = newline(OPNO); get_off(); /* Void # localbytes, which we already know * from the PRO instruction. */ return lnp; case ps_mes: lnp = arglist(0); switch((int) aoff(ARG(lnp),0)) { case ms_err: error("ms_err encountered"); case ms_opt: error("ms_opt encountered"); case ms_emx: ws = aoff(ARG(lnp),1); ps = aoff(ARG(lnp),2); break; case ms_ext: /* this message was already processed * by the lib package */ case ms_src: /* Don't bother about linecounts */ oldline(lnp); return (line_p) 0; case ms_par: mespar = aoff(ARG(lnp),1); /* #bytes of parameters of current proc */ break; } return lnp; default: assert(FALSE); } /* NOTREACHED */ }