/* $Header$ */ /* S W I T C H - S T A T E M E N T A D M I N I S T R A T I O N */ #include "debug.h" #include "botch_free.h" #include "density.h" #include "idf.h" #include "label.h" #include "arith.h" #include "switch.h" #include "code.h" #include "storage.h" #include "assert.h" #include "expr.h" #include "type.h" #include "em.h" #define compact(nr, low, up) (nr != 0 && (up - low) / nr <= (DENSITY - 1)) static struct switch_hdr *switch_stack = 0; code_startswitch(expr) struct expr *expr; { /* stack a new case header and fill in the necessary fields. */ register label l_table = text_label(); register label l_break = text_label(); register struct switch_hdr *sh = new_switch_hdr(); stat_stack(l_break, NO_LABEL); sh->sh_break = l_break; sh->sh_default = 0; sh->sh_table = l_table; sh->sh_nrofentries = 0; sh->sh_type = expr->ex_type; /* the expression switched */ sh->sh_lowerbd = sh->sh_upperbd = (arith)0; /* ??? */ sh->sh_entries = (struct case_entry *) 0; /* case-entry list */ sh->next = switch_stack; /* push onto switch-stack */ switch_stack = sh; code_expr(expr, RVAL, TRUE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); /* evaluate the switch expr. */ C_bra(l_table); /* goto start of switch_table */ } code_endswitch() { register struct switch_hdr *sh = switch_stack; register label tablabel; register struct case_entry *ce, *tmp; if (sh->sh_default == 0) /* no default occurred yet */ sh->sh_default = sh->sh_break; C_bra(sh->sh_break); /* skip the switch table now */ C_ilb(sh->sh_table); /* switch table entry */ tablabel = data_label(); /* the rom must have a label */ C_ndlb(tablabel); C_rom_begin(); C_co_ilb(sh->sh_default); if (compact(sh->sh_nrofentries, sh->sh_lowerbd, sh->sh_upperbd)) { /* CSA */ register arith val; C_co_cst(sh->sh_lowerbd); C_co_cst(sh->sh_upperbd - sh->sh_lowerbd); ce = sh->sh_entries; for (val = sh->sh_lowerbd; val <= sh->sh_upperbd; val++) { ASSERT(ce); if (val == ce->ce_value) { C_co_ilb(ce->ce_label); ce = ce->next; } else C_co_ilb(sh->sh_default); } C_rom_end(); C_lae_ndlb(tablabel, (arith)0); /* perform the switch */ C_csa(sh->sh_type->tp_size); } else { /* CSB */ C_co_cst((arith)sh->sh_nrofentries); for (ce = sh->sh_entries; ce; ce = ce->next) { /* generate the entries: value + prog.label */ C_co_cst(ce->ce_value); C_co_ilb(ce->ce_label); } C_rom_end(); C_lae_ndlb(tablabel, (arith)0); /* perform the switch */ C_csb(sh->sh_type->tp_size); } C_ilb(sh->sh_break); switch_stack = sh->next; /* unstack the switch descriptor */ /* free the allocated switch structure */ for (ce = sh->sh_entries; ce; ce = tmp) { tmp = ce->next; free_case_entry(ce); } free_switch_hdr(sh); stat_unstack(); } code_case(val) arith val; { register struct case_entry *ce; register struct switch_hdr *sh = switch_stack; if (sh == 0) { error("case statement not in switch"); return; } ce = new_case_entry(); C_ilb(ce->ce_label = text_label()); ce->ce_value = val; if (sh->sh_entries == 0) { /* first case entry */ ce->next = (struct case_entry *) 0; sh->sh_entries = ce; sh->sh_lowerbd = sh->sh_upperbd = ce->ce_value; sh->sh_nrofentries = 1; } else { /* second etc. case entry */ /* find the proper place to put ce into the list */ register struct case_entry *c1 = sh->sh_entries, *c2 = 0; if (val < sh->sh_lowerbd) sh->sh_lowerbd = val; else if (val > sh->sh_upperbd) sh->sh_upperbd = val; while (c1 && c1->ce_value < ce->ce_value) { c2 = c1; c1 = c1->next; } /* At this point three cases are possible: 1: c1 != 0 && c2 != 0: insert ce somewhere in the middle 2: c1 != 0 && c2 == 0: insert ce right after the head 3: c1 == 0 && c2 != 0: append ce to last element The case c1 == 0 && c2 == 0 cannot occur! */ if (c1) { if (c1->ce_value == ce->ce_value) { error("multiple case entry for value %ld", ce->ce_value); free_case_entry(ce); return; } if (c2) { ce->next = c2->next; c2->next = ce; } else { ce->next = sh->sh_entries; sh->sh_entries = ce; } } else { ASSERT(c2); ce->next = (struct case_entry *) 0; c2->next = ce; } (sh->sh_nrofentries)++; } } code_default() { register struct switch_hdr *sh = switch_stack; if (sh == 0) { error("default not in switch"); return; } if (sh->sh_default != 0) { error("multiple entry for default in switch"); return; } C_ilb(sh->sh_default = text_label()); }