The interpreter contained here is tested under CP/M on a RC702 Z80 microcomputer. Make it by typing `doas'. E.out files to interpret must be made with a special Pascal library using whatever means available, because the UNIX and CP/M conventions about end of file and end of line differ. Then the following sequence can be used to transmit it to CP/M. cv dl file.hex < Transmission to file.hex under CP/M using pip > LOAD FILE The resulting can be used as an argument to the interpreter. This implementation has been tested but is not guaranteed to be complete. Simple UNIX-system calls have been implemented but anything except terminal I/O has not been thoroughly tested. Please send any errors in the implementation to Hans van Staveren Vrije Universiteit Wiskundig Seminarium De Boelelaan 1081 1081 HV Amsterdam Holland ..!decvax!mcvax!vu44!sater