/* $Header$ */ /* EXPRESSION-CODE GENERATOR */ #include "nofloat.h" #include <em.h> #include "debug.h" #include "nobitfield.h" #include "dataflow.h" #include "arith.h" #include "type.h" #include "idf.h" #include "label.h" #include "code.h" #include "assert.h" #include "def.h" #include "expr.h" #include "sizes.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "level.h" #include "stack.h" #include "align.h" #include "mes.h" #include "atw.h" #define CRASH() crash("EVAL: CRASH at line %u", __LINE__) #define toword(n) ((n) < word_size ? word_size : (n)) char *symbol2str(); char *long2str(); arith tmp_pointer_var(); /* EVAL() is the main expression-tree evaluator, which turns any legal expression tree into EM code. Parameters: struct expr *expr pointer to root of the expression tree to be evaluated int val indicates whether the resulting expression is to be dereferenced (if val == RVAL and expr->ex_lvalue == 1) or not (val == LVAL). The latter case indicates that the resulting expression is an lvalue expression which should not be dereferenced by EVAL int code indicates whether the expression tree must be turned into EM code or not. E.g. the expression statement "12;" delivers the expression "12" to EVAL while this should not result in any EM code label false_label, label true_label if the expression is a logical or relational expression and if the loop of the program depends on the resulting value then EVAL generates jumps to the specified program labels, in case they are specified (i.e. are non-zero) */ EVAL(expr, val, code, true_label, false_label) register struct expr *expr; int val, code; label true_label, false_label; { register int gencode = (code == TRUE); switch (expr->ex_class) { case Value: /* just a simple value */ if (gencode) load_val(expr, val); break; case String: /* a string constant */ if (gencode) { struct expr *ex = expr; string2pointer(&ex); expr = ex; C_lae_dlb(expr->VL_LBL, expr->VL_VALUE); } break; #ifndef NOFLOAT case Float: /* a floating constant */ if (gencode) { label datlab = data_label(); C_df_dlb(datlab); C_rom_fcon(expr->FL_VALUE, expr->ex_type->tp_size); C_lae_dlb(datlab, (arith)0); C_loi(expr->ex_type->tp_size); } break; #endif NOFLOAT case Oper: /* compound expression */ { int oper = expr->OP_OPER; register struct expr *left = expr->OP_LEFT; register struct expr *right = expr->OP_RIGHT; register struct type *tp = expr->OP_TYPE; if (tp->tp_fund == ERRONEOUS) /* stop immediately */ break; switch (oper) { case '+': /* We have the following possibilities : int + int, pointer + int, pointer + long, long + long, double + double */ EVAL(left, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) { switch (tp->tp_fund) { case INT: case LONG: if (tp->tp_unsigned) C_adu(tp->tp_size); else C_adi(tp->tp_size); break; case POINTER: C_ads(right->ex_type->tp_size); break; #ifndef NOFLOAT case DOUBLE: C_adf(tp->tp_size); break; #endif NOFLOAT default: crash("bad type +"); } } break; case '-': if (left == 0) { /* unary */ EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) { switch (tp->tp_fund) { case INT: case LONG: case POINTER: C_ngi(tp->tp_size); break; #ifndef NOFLOAT case DOUBLE: C_ngf(tp->tp_size); break; #endif NOFLOAT default: CRASH(); } } break; } /* else binary; we have the following flavours: int - int, pointer - int, pointer - long, pointer - pointer, long - long, double - double */ EVAL(left, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (!gencode) break; switch (tp->tp_fund) { case INT: case LONG: if (tp->tp_unsigned) C_sbu(tp->tp_size); else C_sbi(tp->tp_size); break; case POINTER: if (right->ex_type->tp_fund == POINTER) C_sbs(pointer_size); else { C_ngi(right->ex_type->tp_size); C_ads(right->ex_type->tp_size); } break; #ifndef NOFLOAT case DOUBLE: C_sbf(tp->tp_size); break; #endif NOFLOAT default: crash("bad type -"); } break; case '*': if (left == 0) /* unary */ EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); else { /* binary */ EVAL(left, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) switch (tp->tp_fund) { case INT: case LONG: case POINTER: if (tp->tp_unsigned) C_mlu(tp->tp_size); else C_mli(tp->tp_size); break; #ifndef NOFLOAT case DOUBLE: C_mlf(double_size); break; #endif NOFLOAT default: crash("bad type *"); } } break; case '/': EVAL(left, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) switch (tp->tp_fund) { case INT: case LONG: case POINTER: if (tp->tp_unsigned) C_dvu(tp->tp_size); else C_dvi(tp->tp_size); break; #ifndef NOFLOAT case DOUBLE: C_dvf(double_size); break; #endif NOFLOAT default: crash("bad type /"); } break; case '%': EVAL(left, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); ASSERT(tp->tp_fund==INT || tp->tp_fund==LONG); if (gencode) if (tp->tp_unsigned) C_rmu(tp->tp_size); else C_rmi(tp->tp_size); break; case LEFT: EVAL(left, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) if (tp->tp_unsigned) C_slu(tp->tp_size); else C_sli(tp->tp_size); break; case RIGHT: EVAL(left, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) if (tp->tp_unsigned) C_sru(tp->tp_size); else C_sri(tp->tp_size); break; case '<': case LESSEQ: case '>': case GREATEREQ: case EQUAL: case NOTEQUAL: EVAL(left, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) { /* The operands have the same type */ arith size = left->ex_type->tp_size; switch (tp->tp_fund) { case INT: case LONG: if (left->ex_type->tp_unsigned) C_cmu(size); else C_cmi(size); break; #ifndef NOFLOAT case FLOAT: /* thought they were converted??? */ case DOUBLE: C_cmf(size); break; #endif NOFLOAT case POINTER: C_cmp(); break; case ENUM: C_cmi(size); break; default: CRASH(); } if (true_label != 0) { compare(oper, true_label); C_bra(false_label); } else { label l_true = text_label(); label l_end = text_label(); compare(oper, l_true); C_loc((arith)0); C_bra(l_end); C_df_ilb(l_true); C_loc((arith)1); C_df_ilb(l_end); } } break; case '&': case '|': case '^': /* both operands should have type int */ EVAL(left, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) { arith size = tp->tp_size; if (size < word_size) size = word_size; switch (oper) { case '&': C_and(size); break; case '|': C_ior(size); break; case '^': C_xor(size); break; } } break; case '=': #ifndef NOBITFIELD if (left->ex_type->tp_fund == FIELD) { eval_field(expr, code); break; } #endif NOBITFIELD EVAL(right, RVAL, TRUE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) C_dup(ATW(tp->tp_size)); if (left->ex_class != Value) { EVAL(left, LVAL, TRUE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); store_block(tp->tp_size, tp->tp_align); } else store_val(&(left->ex_object.ex_value), left->ex_type); break; case PLUSAB: case MINAB: case TIMESAB: case DIVAB: case MODAB: case LEFTAB: case RIGHTAB: case ANDAB: case XORAB: case ORAB: case POSTINCR: case POSTDECR: case PLUSPLUS: case MINMIN: { arith old_offset, tmp; int compl; /* Complexity of left operand */ #ifndef NOBITFIELD if (left->ex_type->tp_fund == FIELD) { eval_field(expr, code); break; } #endif NOBITFIELD if (left->ex_class == Value) { compl = 0; /* Value */ load_val(left, RVAL); } else if (left->ex_depth == 1 && left->OP_OPER == ARROW) { compl = 1; /* Value->sel */ ASSERT(left->OP_LEFT->ex_class == Value); EVAL(left, RVAL, TRUE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); } else { compl = 2; /* otherwise */ tmp = tmp_pointer_var(&old_offset); EVAL(left, LVAL, TRUE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); C_dup(pointer_size); C_lal(tmp); C_sti(pointer_size); C_loi(left->ex_type->tp_size); } conversion(left->ex_type, tp); if (gencode && (oper == POSTINCR || oper == POSTDECR)) C_dup(tp->tp_size); EVAL(right, RVAL, TRUE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); assop(tp, oper); if (gencode && oper != POSTINCR && oper != POSTDECR) C_dup(tp->tp_size); conversion(tp, left->ex_type); if (compl == 0) store_val(&(left->ex_object.ex_value), left->ex_type); else if (compl == 1) { EVAL(left, LVAL, TRUE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); C_sti(left->ex_type->tp_size); } else { C_lal(tmp); /* always init'd */ C_loi(pointer_size); C_sti(left->ex_type->tp_size); free_tmp_var(old_offset); } break; } case '(': { register struct expr *ex; arith ParSize = (arith)0; if ((ex = right) != NILEXPR) { /* function call with parameters*/ while ( ex->ex_class == Oper && ex->OP_OPER == PARCOMMA ) { EVAL(ex->OP_RIGHT, RVAL, TRUE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); ParSize += ATW(ex->ex_type->tp_size); ex = ex->OP_LEFT; } EVAL(ex, RVAL, TRUE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); ParSize += ATW(ex->ex_type->tp_size); } if (left->ex_class == Value && left->VL_CLASS == Name) { /* e.g., main() { (*((int (*)())0))(); } */ C_cal(left->VL_IDF->id_text); #ifdef DATAFLOW { extern char options[]; if (options['d']) DfaCallFunction( left->VL_IDF->id_text); } #endif DATAFLOW } else { EVAL(left, LVAL, TRUE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); C_cai(); } /* remove parameters from stack */ if (ParSize > (arith)0) C_asp(ParSize); if (gencode) { if (is_struct_or_union(tp->tp_fund)) { C_lfr(pointer_size); load_block(tp->tp_size, tp->tp_align); } else C_lfr(ATW(tp->tp_size)); } break; } case '.': EVAL(left, LVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); ASSERT(is_cp_cst(right)); if (gencode) C_adp(right->VL_VALUE); break; case ARROW: EVAL(left, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); ASSERT(is_cp_cst(right)); if (gencode) C_adp(right->VL_VALUE); break; case ',': EVAL(left, RVAL, FALSE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); break; case '~': EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) C_com(tp->tp_size); break; case '?': /* must be followed by ':' */ { label l_true = text_label(); label l_false = text_label(); label l_end = text_label(); EVAL(left, RVAL, TRUE, l_true, l_false); C_df_ilb(l_true); EVAL(right->OP_LEFT, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); C_bra(l_end); C_df_ilb(l_false); EVAL(right->OP_RIGHT, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); C_df_ilb(l_end); break; } case AND: if (true_label == 0) { label l_true = text_label(); label l_false = text_label(); label l_maybe = text_label(); label l_end = text_label(); EVAL(left, RVAL, TRUE, l_maybe, l_false); C_df_ilb(l_maybe); if (gencode) { EVAL(right, RVAL, TRUE, l_true, l_false); C_df_ilb(l_true); C_loc((arith)1); C_bra(l_end); C_df_ilb(l_false); C_loc((arith)0); C_df_ilb(l_end); } else { EVAL(right, RVAL, FALSE, l_false, l_false); C_df_ilb(l_false); } } else { label l_maybe = text_label(); EVAL(left, RVAL, TRUE, l_maybe, false_label); C_df_ilb(l_maybe); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, true_label, false_label); } break; case OR: if (true_label == 0) { label l_true = text_label(); label l_false = text_label(); label l_maybe = text_label(); label l_end = text_label(); EVAL(left, RVAL, TRUE, l_true, l_maybe); C_df_ilb(l_maybe); if (gencode) { EVAL(right, RVAL, TRUE, l_true, l_false); C_df_ilb(l_false); C_loc((arith)0); C_bra(l_end); C_df_ilb(l_true); C_loc((arith)1); C_df_ilb(l_end); } else { EVAL(right, RVAL, FALSE, l_true, l_true); C_df_ilb(l_true); } } else { label l_maybe = text_label(); EVAL(left, RVAL, TRUE, true_label, l_maybe); C_df_ilb(l_maybe); EVAL(right, RVAL, code, true_label, false_label); } break; case '!': if (true_label == 0) { if (gencode) { label l_true = text_label(); label l_false = text_label(); label l_end = text_label(); EVAL(right, RVAL, TRUE, l_false, l_true); C_df_ilb(l_false); C_loc((arith)0); C_bra(l_end); C_df_ilb(l_true); C_loc((arith)1); C_df_ilb(l_end); } else EVAL(right, RVAL, FALSE, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); } else EVAL(right, RVAL, code, false_label, true_label); break; case INT2INT: #ifndef NOFLOAT case INT2FLOAT: case FLOAT2INT: case FLOAT2FLOAT: #endif NOFLOAT EVAL(right, RVAL, code, NO_LABEL, NO_LABEL); if (gencode) conversion(right->ex_type, left->ex_type); break; default: crash("(EVAL) bad operator %s\n", symbol2str(oper)); } /* If the rvalue of the expression is required but only its lvalue is evaluated, its rvalue is loaded by the following statements: */ if (gencode && val == RVAL && expr->ex_lvalue == 1) load_block(expr->ex_type->tp_size, expr->ex_type->tp_align); break; } default: crash("(EVAL) bad expression class"); } } /* compare() serves as an auxiliary function of EVAL */ compare(relop, lbl) int relop; label lbl; { switch (relop) { case '<': C_zlt(lbl); break; case LESSEQ: C_zle(lbl); break; case '>': C_zgt(lbl); break; case GREATEREQ: C_zge(lbl); break; case EQUAL: C_zeq(lbl); break; case NOTEQUAL: C_zne(lbl); break; default: CRASH(); } } /* assop() generates the opcode of an assignment operators op= */ assop(type, oper) register struct type *type; int oper; { register arith size; register uns = type->tp_unsigned; if ((size = type->tp_size) < word_size) size = word_size; switch (type->tp_fund) { case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case ENUM: switch (oper) { case PLUSAB: case PLUSPLUS: case POSTINCR: if (uns) C_adu(size); else C_adi(size); break; case MINAB: case MINMIN: case POSTDECR: if (uns) C_sbu(size); else C_sbi(size); break; case TIMESAB: if (uns) C_mlu(size); else C_mli(size); break; case DIVAB: if (uns) C_dvu(size); else C_dvi(size); break; case MODAB: if (uns) C_rmu(size); else C_rmi(size); break; case LEFTAB: if (uns) C_slu(size); else C_sli(size); break; case RIGHTAB: if (uns) C_sru(size); else C_sri(size); break; case ANDAB: C_and(size); break; case XORAB: C_xor(size); break; case ORAB: C_ior(size); break; } break; #ifndef NOFLOAT case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: switch (oper) { case PLUSAB: case PLUSPLUS: case POSTINCR: C_adf(size); break; case MINAB: case MINMIN: case POSTDECR: C_sbf(size); break; case TIMESAB: C_mlf(size); break; case DIVAB: C_dvf(size); break; } break; #endif NOFLOAT case POINTER: if (oper == MINAB || oper == MINMIN || oper == POSTDECR) C_ngi(size); C_ads(size); break; case ERRONEOUS: break; default: crash("(assop) bad type %s\n", symbol2str(type->tp_fund)); } } /* tmp_pointer_var() returns the EM address of a new temporary pointer variable needed at increment, decrement and assignment operations to store the address of some variable or lvalue-expression. */ arith tmp_pointer_var(oldoffset) arith *oldoffset; /* previous allocated address */ { register struct stack_level *stl = local_level; *oldoffset = stl->sl_local_offset; stl->sl_local_offset = - align(-stl->sl_local_offset + pointer_size, pointer_align); if (stl->sl_local_offset < stl->sl_max_block) stl->sl_max_block = stl->sl_local_offset; return stl->sl_local_offset; } /* free_tmp_var() returns the address allocated by tmp_pointer_var() and resets the last allocated address. */ free_tmp_var(oldoffset) arith oldoffset; { local_level->sl_local_offset = oldoffset; } /* store_val() generates code for a store operation. There are four ways of storing data: - into a global variable - into an automatic local variable - into a local static variable - absolute addressing */ store_val(vl, tp) register struct value *vl; struct type *tp; { arith size = tp->tp_size; int tpalign = tp->tp_align; int al_on_word; register int inword; register int indword; arith val = vl->vl_value; if (vl->vl_class == Const) { /* absolute addressing */ load_cst(val, pointer_size); store_block(size, tpalign); return; } al_on_word = (tpalign % word_align == 0); if (!(inword = (size == word_size && al_on_word))) indword = (size == dword_size && al_on_word); if (vl->vl_class == Name) { register struct idf *id = vl->vl_data.vl_idf; register struct def *df = id->id_def; if (df->df_level == L_GLOBAL) { if (inword) C_ste_dnam(id->id_text, val); else if (indword) C_sde_dnam(id->id_text, val); else { C_lae_dnam(id->id_text, val); store_block(size, tpalign); } } else { ASSERT(df->df_sc != STATIC); if (inword) C_stl(df->df_address + val); else if (indword) C_sdl(df->df_address + val); else { C_lal(df->df_address + val); store_block(size, tpalign); df->df_register = REG_NONE; } } } else { label dlb = vl->vl_data.vl_lbl; ASSERT(vl->vl_class == Label); if (inword) C_ste_dlb(dlb, val); else if (indword) C_sde_dlb(dlb, val); else { C_lae_dlb(dlb, val); store_block(size, tpalign); } } } /* load_val() generates code for stacking a certain value (from ex), which can be obtained in one of the following ways: - value from absolute addressed memory - constant value - function result - global variable - static variable - local variable */ load_val(expr, val) register struct expr *expr; /* expression containing the value */ int val; /* generate either LVAL or RVAL */ { register struct type *tp = expr->ex_type; int rvalue = (val == RVAL && expr->ex_lvalue != 0); arith size = tp->tp_size; int tpalign = tp->tp_align; int al_on_word; register int inword, indword; arith val = expr->VL_VALUE; if (expr->VL_CLASS == Const) { if (rvalue) { /* absolute addressing */ load_cst(val, pointer_size); load_block(size, tpalign); } else /* integer, unsigned, long, enum etc */ load_cst(val, size); return; } if (rvalue) { al_on_word = (tpalign % word_align == 0); if (!(inword = (size == word_size && al_on_word))) indword = (size == dword_size && al_on_word); } if (expr->VL_CLASS == Label) { if (rvalue) { if (inword) C_loe_dlb(expr->VL_LBL, val); else if (indword) C_lde_dlb(expr->VL_LBL, val); else { C_lae_dlb(expr->VL_LBL, val); load_block(size, tpalign); } } else { C_lae_dlb(expr->VL_LBL, (arith)0); C_adp(val); } } else { register struct idf *id = expr->VL_IDF; register struct def *df; ASSERT(expr->VL_CLASS == Name); if ((df = id->id_def)->df_type->tp_fund == FUNCTION) /* the previous statement tried to catch a function identifier, which may be cast to a pointer to a function. ASSERT(!(rvalue)); ??? */ C_lpi(id->id_text); else if (df->df_level == L_GLOBAL) { if (rvalue) { if (inword) C_loe_dnam(id->id_text, val); else if (indword) C_lde_dnam(id->id_text, val); else { C_lae_dnam(id->id_text, val); load_block(size, tpalign); } } else { C_lae_dnam(id->id_text, (arith)0); C_adp(val); } } else { ASSERT(df->df_sc != STATIC); if (rvalue) { if (inword) C_lol(df->df_address + val); else if (indword) C_ldl(df->df_address + val); else { C_lal(df->df_address + val); load_block(size, tpalign); df->df_register = REG_NONE; } } else { C_lal(df->df_address); C_adp(val); df->df_register = REG_NONE; } } } } load_cst(val, siz) arith val, siz; { if (siz <= word_size) C_loc(val); else if (siz == dword_size) C_ldc(val); else { label datlab; C_df_dlb(datlab = data_label()); C_rom_icon(long2str((long)val, 10), siz); C_lae_dlb(datlab, (arith)0); C_loi(siz); } }