/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Id$ */ #ifndef __OUT_H_INCLUDED #define __OUT_H_INCLUDED #include <stdint.h> /* * output format for ACK assemblers */ struct outhead { uint16_t oh_magic; /* magic number */ uint16_t oh_stamp; /* version stamp */ uint16_t oh_flags; /* several format flags */ uint16_t oh_nsect; /* number of outsect structures */ uint16_t oh_nrelo; /* number of outrelo structures */ uint16_t oh_nname; /* number of outname structures */ uint32_t oh_nemit; /* sum of all os_flen */ uint32_t oh_nchar; /* size of string area */ }; #define O_MAGIC 0x0202 /* magic number of output file */ #define O_STAMP 0 /* version stamp */ #define MAXSECT 64 /* Maximum number of sections */ #define HF_LINK 0x0004 /* unresolved references left */ #define HF_8086 0x0008 /* os_base specially encoded */ struct outsect { uint32_t os_base; /* startaddress in machine */ uint32_t os_size; /* section size in machine */ uint32_t os_foff; /* startaddress in file */ uint32_t os_flen; /* section size in file */ uint32_t os_lign; /* section alignment */ }; struct outrelo { uint16_t or_type; /* type of reference */ uint16_t or_sect; /* referencing section */ uint16_t or_nami; /* referenced symbol index */ uint32_t or_addr; /* referencing address */ }; struct outname { union { char *on_ptr; /* symbol name (in core) */ long on_off; /* symbol name (in file) */ } on_u; #define on_mptr on_u.on_ptr #define on_foff on_u.on_off uint16_t on_type; /* symbol type */ uint16_t on_desc; /* debug info */ uint32_t on_valu; /* symbol value */ }; /* * relocation type bits */ #define RELSZ 0x0fff /* relocation length */ #define RELO1 1 /* 1 byte */ #define RELO2 2 /* 2 bytes */ #define RELO4 3 /* 4 bytes */ #define RELOPPC 4 /* PowerPC 26-bit address */ #define RELOH2 5 /* write top 2 bytes of 4 byte word */ #define RELOVC4 6 /* VideoCore IV address in 32-bit instruction */ #define RELPC 0x2000 /* pc relative */ #define RELBR 0x4000 /* High order byte lowest address. */ #define RELWR 0x8000 /* High order word lowest address. */ /* * section type bits and fields */ #define S_TYP 0x007F /* undefined, absolute or relative */ #define S_EXT 0x0080 /* external flag */ #define S_ETC 0x7F00 /* for symbolic debug, bypassing 'as' */ /* * S_TYP field values */ #define S_UND 0x0000 /* undefined item */ #define S_ABS 0x0001 /* absolute item */ #define S_MIN 0x0002 /* first user section */ #define S_MAX (S_TYP-1) /* last user section */ #define S_CRS S_TYP /* on_valu is symbol index which contains value */ /* * S_ETC field values */ #define S_SCT 0x0100 /* section names */ #define S_LIN 0x0200 /* hll source line item */ #define S_FIL 0x0300 /* hll source file item */ #define S_MOD 0x0400 /* ass source file item */ #define S_COM 0x1000 /* Common name. */ #define S_STB 0xe000 /* entries with any of these bits set are reserved for debuggers */ /* * structure sizes on disk (bytes in file; add digits in SF_*) * Note! These are NOT the sizes in memory (64-bit architectures will have * a different layout). */ #define SZ_HEAD 20 #define SZ_SECT 20 #define SZ_RELO 10 #define SZ_NAME 12 /* * file access macros */ #define BADMAGIC(x) ((x).oh_magic!=O_MAGIC) #define OFF_SECT(x) SZ_HEAD #define OFF_EMIT(x) (OFF_SECT(x) + ((long)(x).oh_nsect * SZ_SECT)) #define OFF_RELO(x) (OFF_EMIT(x) + (x).oh_nemit) #define OFF_NAME(x) (OFF_RELO(x) + ((long)(x).oh_nrelo * SZ_RELO)) #define OFF_CHAR(x) (OFF_NAME(x) + ((long)(x).oh_nname * SZ_NAME)) #endif /* __OUT_H_INCLUDED */