/* $Header$ */ /* MAIN PROGRAM */ #include #include "nopp.h" #include "target_sizes.h" #include "debug.h" #include "myalloc.h" #include "use_tmp.h" #include "maxincl.h" #include "inputtype.h" #include "input.h" #include "level.h" #include "idf.h" #include "arith.h" #include "type.h" #include "declar.h" #include "tokenname.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "LLlex.h" #include "alloc.h" #include "specials.h" extern struct tokenname tkidf[], tkother[]; extern char *symbol2str(); char options[128]; /* one for every char */ #ifndef NOPP int inc_pos = 1; /* place where next -I goes */ char *inctable[MAXINCL] = { /* list for includes */ ".", "/usr/include", 0 }; char **WorkingDir = &inctable[0]; #endif NOPP struct sp_id special_ids[] = { {"setjmp", SP_SETJMP}, /* non-local goto's are registered */ {0, 0} }; arith short_size = SZ_SHORT, word_size = SZ_WORD, dword_size = (2 * SZ_WORD), int_size = SZ_INT, long_size = SZ_LONG, float_size = SZ_FLOAT, double_size = SZ_DOUBLE, pointer_size = SZ_POINTER; int short_align = AL_SHORT, word_align = AL_WORD, int_align = AL_INT, long_align = AL_LONG, float_align = AL_FLOAT, double_align = AL_DOUBLE, pointer_align = AL_POINTER, struct_align = AL_STRUCT, union_align = AL_UNION; #ifndef NOPP arith ifval; /* ifval will contain the result of the #if expression */ #endif NOPP char *prog_name; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { /* parse and interpret the command line options */ prog_name = argv[0]; #ifdef OWNALLOC init_mem(); #endif OWNALLOC init_hmask(); #ifndef NOPP init_pp(); /* initialise the preprocessor macros */ #endif NOPP /* Note: source file "-" indicates that the source is supplied as standard input. This is only allowed if READ_IN_ONE is not defined! */ #ifdef READ_IN_ONE while (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-') { #else READ_IN_ONE while (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-' && argv[1][1] != '\0') { #endif READ_IN_ONE char *par = &argv[1][1]; if (*par == '-') par++; do_option(par); argc--, argv++; } compile(argc - 1, &argv[1]); #ifdef OWNALLOC #ifdef DEBUG mem_stat(); #endif DEBUG #endif OWNALLOC #ifdef DEBUG hash_stat(); #endif DEBUG return err_occurred; } char *source = 0; char *destination = 0; char *nmlist = 0; #ifdef USE_TMP extern char *mktemp(); /* library routine */ static char tmpname[] = "/tmp/Cem.XXXXXX"; char *tmpfile = 0; #endif USE_TMP compile(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { #ifndef NOPP int pp_only = options['E'] || options['P']; #endif NOPP source = strcmp(argv[0], "-") ? argv[0] : 0; switch (argc) { case 1: #ifndef NOPP if (!pp_only) #endif NOPP fatal("%s: destination file not specified", prog_name); break; case 2: destination = argv[1]; break; case 3: nmlist = argv[2]; destination = argv[1]; break; default: fatal("use: %s source destination [namelist]", prog_name); break; } #ifdef USE_TMP tmpfile = mktemp(tmpname); #endif USE_TMP if (strcmp(destination, "-") == 0) destination = 0; if (!InsertFile(source, (char **) 0)) /* read the source file */ fatal("%s: no source file %s\n", prog_name, source ? source : "stdin"); init(); /* FileName = source; /* needed ??? */ PushLex(); #ifndef NOPP if (pp_only) /* run the preprocessor as if it is stand-alone */ preprocess(); else { #endif NOPP #ifdef USE_TMP init_code(tmpfile); #else USE_TMP init_code(destination); #endif USE_TMP /* compile the source text */ C_program(); end_code(); #ifdef USE_TMP prepend_scopes(destination); AppendFile(tmpfile, destination); sys_remove(tmpfile); #endif USE_TMP #ifdef DEBUG if (options['u']) /* unstack L_UNIVERSAL */ unstack_level(); if (options['f'] || options['t']) dumpidftab("end of main", options['f'] ? 0 : 0); #endif DEBUG #ifndef NOPP } #endif NOPP PopLex(); } init() { init_cst(); /* initialize variables of "cstoper.c" */ reserve(tkidf); /* mark the C reserved words as such */ init_specials(special_ids); /* mark special ids as such */ if (options['R']) reserve(tkother); char_type = standard_type(CHAR, 0, 1, (arith)1); uchar_type = standard_type(CHAR, UNSIGNED, 1, (arith)1); short_type = standard_type(SHORT, 0, short_align, short_size); ushort_type = standard_type(SHORT, UNSIGNED, short_align, short_size); /* Treat type `word' as `int', having its own size and alignment requirements. This type is transparent to the user. */ word_type = standard_type(INT, 0, word_align, word_size); uword_type = standard_type(INT, UNSIGNED, word_align, word_size); int_type = standard_type(INT, 0, int_align, int_size); uint_type = standard_type(INT, UNSIGNED, int_align, int_size); long_type = standard_type(LONG, 0, long_align, long_size); ulong_type = standard_type(LONG, UNSIGNED, long_align, long_size); float_type = standard_type(FLOAT, 0, float_align, float_size); double_type = standard_type(DOUBLE, 0, double_align, double_size); void_type = standard_type(VOID, 0, 0, (arith)0); label_type = standard_type(LABEL, 0, 0, (arith)0); error_type = standard_type(ERRONEOUS, 0, 1, (arith)1); /* Pointer Arithmetic type: all arithmetics concerning pointers is supposed to be performed in the pointer arithmetic type which is equal to either int_type or long_type, depending on the pointer_size */ if (pointer_size == word_size) pa_type = word_type; else if (pointer_size == short_size) pa_type = short_type; else if (pointer_size == int_size) pa_type = int_type; else if (pointer_size == long_size) pa_type = long_type; else fatal("pointer size incompatible with any integral size"); if (short_size > int_size || int_size > long_size) fatal("sizes of short/int/long decreasing"); /* Build a type for function returning int, RM 13 */ funint_type = construct_type(FUNCTION, int_type, (arith)0); string_type = construct_type(POINTER, char_type, (arith)0); /* Define the standard type identifiers. */ add_def(str2idf("char"), TYPEDEF, char_type, L_UNIVERSAL); add_def(str2idf("int"), TYPEDEF, int_type, L_UNIVERSAL); add_def(str2idf("float"), TYPEDEF, float_type, L_UNIVERSAL); add_def(str2idf("double"), TYPEDEF, double_type, L_UNIVERSAL); add_def(str2idf("void"), TYPEDEF, void_type, L_UNIVERSAL); stack_level(); } init_specials(si) struct sp_id *si; { while (si->si_identifier) { struct idf *idf = str2idf(si->si_identifier); if (idf->id_special) fatal("maximum identifier length insufficient"); idf->id_special = si->si_flag; si++; } } #ifndef NOPP preprocess() { /* preprocess() is the "stand-alone" preprocessor which consecutively calls the lexical analyzer LLlex() to get the tokens and prints them in a suitable way. */ static unsigned int lastlineno = 0; static char *lastfilenm = ""; while (LLlex() != EOI) { if (lastlineno != dot.tk_line) { if (strcmp(lastfilenm, dot.tk_file) == 0) { if (dot.tk_line - lastlineno <= 1) { lastlineno++; printf("\n"); } else { lastlineno = dot.tk_line; if (!options['P']) printf("\n#line %ld \"%s\"\n", lastlineno, lastfilenm ); } } else { lastfilenm = dot.tk_file; lastlineno = dot.tk_line; if (!options['P']) printf("\n#line %ld \"%s\"\n", lastlineno, lastfilenm); } } else if (strcmp(lastfilenm, dot.tk_file) != 0) { lastfilenm = dot.tk_file; if (!options['P']) printf("\n#line %ld \"%s\"\n", lastlineno, lastfilenm); } switch (DOT) { case IDENTIFIER: case TYPE_IDENTIFIER: printf(dot.tk_idf->id_text); printf(" "); break; case STRING: printf("\"%s\" ", dot.tk_bts); break; case INTEGER: printf("%ld ", dot.tk_ival); break; case FLOATING: printf("%s ", dot.tk_fval); break; case EOI: case EOF: return; default: /* very expensive... */ printf("%s ", symbol2str(DOT)); } } } #endif NOPP #ifdef USE_TMP AppendFile(src, dst) char *src, *dst; { File *fp_src, *fp_dst; char buf[BUFSIZ]; int n; if (sys_open(src, OP_READ, &fp_src) == 0) fatal("cannot read %s", src); if (dst) { if (sys_open(dst, OP_APPEND, &fp_dst) == 0) fatal("cannot write to %s", src); } else fp_dst = STDOUT; while (sys_read(fp_src, buf, BUFSIZ, &n) != 0 && n > 0) if (sys_write(fp_dst, buf, n) == 0) fatal("(AppendFile) write error"); if (n != 0) fatal("(AppendFile) read error"); sys_close(fp_src); if (fp_dst != STDOUT) sys_close(fp_dst); } #endif USE_TMP