/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Author: M.L. Kersten ** Here all the global objects are defined. */ #include "symbols.h" #include "graph.h" #include "Lpars.h" #ifndef NORCSID # define RCS_BEM "$Header$" #endif #define MAXINT 32768 #define MININT -32767 /* #define EMINTSIZE "EM_WSIZE" */ /* #define EMPTRSIZE "EM_PSIZE" */ /* #define EMFLTSIZE "EM_DSIZE" */ #define EMINTSIZE 4 #define EMPTRSIZE 4 #define EMFLTSIZE 8 #define MAXPIECES 100 #define MAXFILENAME 200 #define CHANNEL 0 #define THRESHOLD 40 /* for splitting blocks */ #define void int /* Some C compilers don't know void */ extern int BEMINTSIZE, BEMPTRSIZE, BEMFLTSIZE; extern char *program; /* name of source program */ extern char *inpfile; /* input tko compiler */ extern char *outfile; /* output from compiler */ extern char datfname[MAXFILENAME]; /* data statements file */ extern char tmpfname[MAXFILENAME]; /* temporary statements file */ extern File *emfile; /* EM output file */ extern File *datfile; /* data file */ extern File *tmp_file; /* compiler temporary */ extern File *yyin; /* Compiler input */ extern int endofinput; extern int wflag; extern int hflag; extern int traceflag; extern int yydebug; extern int yylineno; extern int listing; extern int nolins; extern int threshold; extern int debug; extern int tronoff; extern label err_goto_label; extern int dataused; extern Linerecord *currline; extern char *itoa(); extern char *salloc(); extern char *sprintf(); extern char *strcpy(); extern char *strcat(); extern char *malloc();