/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header$ */ #include "../lpass1/l_class.h" #include "class.h" #include "inpdef.h" #include <ctype.h> #define INP_NPUSHBACK 1 #include <inp_pkg.spec> #include <inp_pkg.body> #include "private.h" int LineNr = 1; /* Two dangerous macro's. They replace a single statement by * two statements */ #define loadchar(ch) LoadChar(ch); if (ch=='\n') LineNr++ #define pushback(ch) PushBack(); if (ch=='\n') LineNr-- /* all the ReadX() functions return 0 upon EOI */ PRIVATE int ReadString(); PRIVATE int ReadInt(); PRIVATE int ReadArgs(); PRIVATE int ReadArg(); PRIVATE SkipChar(); int get_id(id) struct inpdef *id; { /* A low-level function which just reads a definition */ if (!ReadString(id->id_name, ':', NAMESIZE)) return 0; if (!ReadInt(&id->id_statnr)) return 0; SkipChar(':'); loadchar(id->id_class); if (id->id_class == EOI) return 0; SkipChar(':'); if (is_class(id, CL_FUNC|CL_DEF) || is_class(id, CL_FUNC|CL_USAGE)) { /* read the argument information */ id->id_args = 1; if (!ReadInt(&id->id_nrargs)) return 0; SkipChar(':'); if (!ReadArgs(id->id_nrargs, id->id_argtps)) return 0; if (id->id_class == FC) { /* function call */ if (!ReadInt(&id->id_valused)) return 0; } else { /* function definition */ if (!ReadInt(&id->id_valreturned)) return 0; } SkipChar(':'); } else { id->id_args = 0; } if (!ReadString(id->id_type, ':', TYPESIZE)) return 0; if (!ReadInt(&id->id_line)) return 0; SkipChar(':'); if (!ReadString(id->id_file, '\n', FNAMESIZE)) return 0; return 1; } PRIVATE int ReadString(buf, delim, maxsize) char *buf; { /* Reads a string until 'delim' is encountered; delim is discarded. If 'maxsize-1' is exceeded or the string contains a newline (which is not delim), panic() is called. A '\0' is appended to the string. */ int ch = 0; int nread = 0; while (nread < maxsize - 1) { loadchar(ch); if (ch == EOI) return 0; if (ch == delim) break; if (ch == '\n') { panic("newline in string"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } buf[nread++] = (char)ch; } buf[nread++] = '\0'; if (ch != delim) { panic("string too long"); /*NOTREACHED*/ } return 1; } PRIVATE int ReadInt(ip) int *ip; { /* Reads a decimal integer until a character which is not * a digit is encountered. * Non-digits except minus-sign in front of the number are discarded. * Doesn't check on overflow. * Just a minus-sign is interpreted as 0. (To prevent a look-ahead.) */ int ch; int negative = 0; int res = 0; do { loadchar(ch); } while (!isdigit(ch) && ch != '-'); if (ch == EOI) return 0; if (ch == '-') negative = 1; else res = ch - '0'; loadchar(ch); while (isdigit(ch)) { res = 10*res + ch - '0'; loadchar(ch); } pushback(ch); *ip = negative ? -res : res; return 1; } PRIVATE int ReadArgs(nrargs, buf) char *buf; { /* Reads a string into buf with format <type1>:<type2>: ... :<typeN>:\0 Note: format must include the final colon. */ int i; int charcount = 1; if (nrargs < 0) { /* variable # of args */ nrargs = -nrargs - 1; } *buf = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < nrargs; i++) { int n; if (!ReadArg(buf, ARGTPSSIZE-charcount-1)) return 0; n = strlen(buf) + 1; charcount += n; buf += n - 1; *buf++ = ':'; } *buf = '\0'; return 1; } PRIVATE int ReadArg(buf, size) char *buf; int size; { int ch; loadchar(ch); switch (ch) { case '"': /* formal format or actual string */ *buf++ = ch; if (!ReadString(buf, ch, size-1)) return 0; buf += strlen(buf); *buf++ = ch; *buf++ = '\0'; SkipChar(':'); return 1; default: /* normal type */ pushback(ch); return ReadString(buf, ':', size); case EOI: return 0; } } PRIVATE SkipChar(ch) { int c; loadchar(c); if (c != ch) { panic("bad format, '%c' expected; '%c' read", ch, c); /*NOTREACHED*/ } }