MODULE Modula2PrettyPrinter; FROM InOut IMPORT Done, Read, Write, WriteLn, WriteString, OpenInput, OpenOutput, CloseInput, CloseOutput; (* ** Modula-2 Prettyprinter, November 1985. ** ** by Ken Yap, U of Rochester, CS Dept. ** ** Permission to copy, modify, and distribute, but not for profit, ** is hereby granted, provided that this note is included. ** ** adapted from a Pascal Program Formatter ** by J. E. Crider, Shell Oil Company, ** Houston, Texas 77025 ** ** This program formats Modula-2 programs according ** to structured formatting principles ** ** A valid Modula-2 program is read from the input and ** a formatted program is written to the output. ** It is basically a recursive descent parser with actions ** intermixed with syntax scanning. ** ** The actions of the program are as follows: ** ** FORMATTING: Each structured statement is formatted ** in the following pattern (with indentation "indent"): ** ** XXXXXX header XXXXXXXX ** XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ** XXXXX body XXXXXX ** XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ** END ** ** where the header is one of: ** ** IF <expression> THEN ** ELSIF <expression> THEN ** ELSE ** WHILE <expression> DO ** FOR <control variable> := <FOR list> DO ** WITH <RECORD variable> DO ** REPEAT ** LOOP ** CASE <expression> OF ** <CASE label list>: ** ** and the last line begins with UNTIL or is END. ** Other program parts are formatted similarly. The headers are: ** ** <MODULE/PROCEDURE heading>; ** CONST ** TYPE ** VAR ** BEGIN ** (various FOR records AND RECORD variants) ** ** COMMENTS: Each comment that starts before or on a specified ** column on an input line (program constant "commthresh") is ** copied without shifting or reformatting. Each comment that ** starts after "commthresh" is reformatted and left-justified ** following the aligned comment base column ("alcommbase"). ** ** SPACES AND BLANK LINES: Spaces not at line breaks are copied from ** the input. Blank lines are copied from the input if they appear ** between statements (or appropriate declaration units). A blank ** line is inserted above each significant part of each program/ ** procedure if one is not already there. ** ** CONTINUATION: Lines that are too long for an output line are ** continued with additional indentation ("contindent"). *) CONST TAB = 11C; NEWLINE = 12C; (* for Unix *) FF = 14C; maxrwlen = 15; (* size of reserved word strings *) ordminchar = 0; (* ord of lowest char in char set *) ordmaxchar = 127; (* ord of highest char in char set *) (* The following parameters may be adjusted for the installation: *) maxinlen = 255; (* maximum width of input line + 1 *) maxoutlen = 80; (* maximum width of output line *) tabinterval = 8; (* interval between tab columns *) initmargin = 0; (* initial value of output margin *) commthresh = tabinterval; (* column threshhold in input for comments to be aligned *) alcommbase = 40; (* aligned comments in output start after this column *) indent = tabinterval; (* RECOMMENDED indentation increment *) contindent = tabinterval; (* continuation indentation, >indent *) commindent = tabinterval; (* comment continuation indentation *) TYPE natural = INTEGER[0..32767]; inrange = INTEGER[0..maxinlen]; outrange = INTEGER[0..maxoutlen]; errortype = (longline, noendcomm, notquote, longword, notdo, notof, notend, notthen, notbegin, notuntil, notident, notsemicolon, notcolon, notperiod, notparen, noeof); chartype = (illegal, special, chapostrophe, chleftparen, chrightparen, chperiod, digit, chcolon, chsemicolon, chlessthan, chgreaterthan, letter, chleftbrace, chbar); chartypeset = SET OF chartype; (* for reserved word recognition *) resword = ( (* reserved words ordered by length *) rwif, rwdo, rwof, rwto, rwin, rwor, (* length: 2 *) rwend, rwfor, rwvar, rwdiv, rwmod, rwset, rwand, rwnot, rwnil, (* length: 3 *) rwthen, rwelse, rwwith, rwcase, rwtype, rwloop, rwfrom, (* length: 4 *) rwbegin, rwelsif, rwuntil, rwwhile, rwarray, rwconst, (* length: 5 *) rwrepeat, rwrecord, rwmodule, rwimport, rwexport, (* length: 6 *) rwpointer, (* length: 7 *) rwprocedure, rwqualified, (* length: 9 *) rwdefinition, (* length: 10 *) rwimplementation, (* length: 14 *) rwx); (* length: 15 for table sentinel *) rwstring = ARRAY [1..maxrwlen] OF CHAR; firstclass = ( (* class of word if on new line *) newclause, (* start of new clause *) continue, (* continuation of clause *) alcomm, (* start of aligned comment *) contalcomm, (* continuation of aligned comment *) uncomm, (* start of unaligned comment *) contuncomm); (* continuation of unaligned comment *) wordtype = RECORD (* data record for word *) whenfirst : firstclass; (* class of word if on new line *) puncfollows : BOOLEAN; (* to reduce dangling punctuation *) blanklncount : natural; (* number of preceding blank lines *) spaces : INTEGER; (* number of spaces preceding word *) base : [-1..maxinlen]; (* inline.buf[base] precedes word *) size : inrange; END; (* length of word in inline.buf *) symboltype = ( (* symbols for syntax analysis *) symodule, sydefinition, syimplementation, syfrom, syimport, syexport, syqual, syproc, declarator, sybegin, syend, syif, sythen, syelsif, syelse, syloop, sycase, syof, syuntil, syrepeat, forwhilewith, sydo, syrecord, ident, intconst, semicolon, leftparen, rightparen, period, colon, bar, othersym, otherword, comment, syeof); symbolset = SET OF symboltype; VAR inline : RECORD (* input line data *) endoffile : BOOLEAN; (* end of file on input? *) ch : CHAR; (* current char, buf[index] *) index : inrange; (* subscript of current char *) len : natural; (* length of input line in buf *) buf : ARRAY [1..maxinlen] OF CHAR; END; outline : RECORD (* output line data *) blanklns : natural; (* number of preceding blank lines *) len : outrange; (* number of chars in buf *) buf : ARRAY [1..maxoutlen] OF CHAR; END; curword : wordtype; (* current word *) margin : outrange; (* left margin *) lnpending : BOOLEAN; (* new line before next symbol? *) inheader : BOOLEAN; (* are we scanning a proc header? *) symbol : symboltype; (* current symbol *) (* Structured Constants *) headersyms : symbolset; (* headers for program parts *) strucsyms : symbolset; (* symbols that begin structured statements *) stmtendsyms : symbolset; (* symbols that follow statements *) stopsyms : symbolset; (* symbols that stop expression scan *) recendsyms : symbolset; (* symbols that stop record scan *) datawords : symbolset; (* to reduce dangling punctuation *) firstrw : ARRAY [1..maxrwlen] OF resword; rwword : ARRAY [rwif..rwimplementation] OF rwstring; rwsy : ARRAY [rwif..rwimplementation] OF symboltype; charclass : ARRAY CHAR OF chartype; symbolclass : ARRAY chartype OF symboltype; PROCEDURE StrCmp(a, b : rwstring) : BOOLEAN; VAR i : INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 1 TO maxrwlen DO IF a[i] # b[i] THEN RETURN FALSE; END; END; RETURN TRUE; END StrCmp; PROCEDURE StructConsts; (* establish values of structured constants *) VAR i : [ordminchar..ordmaxchar]; (* loop index *) ch : CHAR; (* loop index *) PROCEDURE BuildResWord(rw : resword; symword : rwstring; symbol : symboltype); BEGIN rwword[rw] := symword; (* reserved word string *) rwsy[rw] := symbol; (* map to symbol *) END BuildResWord; BEGIN (* StructConsts *) (* symbol sets for syntax analysis *) headersyms := symbolset{symodule, syproc, declarator, sybegin, syend, syeof}; strucsyms := symbolset{sycase, syrepeat, syif, forwhilewith, syloop}; stmtendsyms := symbolset{semicolon, bar, syend, syuntil, syelsif, syelse, syeof}; stopsyms := headersyms + strucsyms + stmtendsyms; recendsyms := symbolset{rightparen, syend, syeof}; datawords := symbolset{otherword, intconst, ident, syend}; (* constants for recognizing reserved words *) firstrw[1] := rwif; (* length: 1 *) firstrw[2] := rwif; (* length: 2 *) BuildResWord(rwif, 'IF ', syif); BuildResWord(rwdo, 'DO ', sydo); BuildResWord(rwof, 'OF ', syof); BuildResWord(rwto, 'TO ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwin, 'IN ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwor, 'OR ', othersym); firstrw[3] := rwend; (* length: 3 *) BuildResWord(rwend, 'END ', syend); BuildResWord(rwfor, 'FOR ', forwhilewith); BuildResWord(rwvar, 'VAR ', declarator); BuildResWord(rwdiv, 'DIV ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwmod, 'MOD ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwset, 'SET ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwand, 'AND ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwnot, 'NOT ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwnil, 'NIL ', otherword); firstrw[4] := rwthen; (* length: 4 *) BuildResWord(rwthen, 'THEN ', sythen); BuildResWord(rwelse, 'ELSE ', syelse); BuildResWord(rwwith, 'WITH ', forwhilewith); BuildResWord(rwloop, 'LOOP ', syloop); BuildResWord(rwfrom, 'FROM ', syfrom); BuildResWord(rwcase, 'CASE ', sycase); BuildResWord(rwtype, 'TYPE ', declarator); firstrw[5] := rwbegin; (* length: 5 *) BuildResWord(rwbegin, 'BEGIN ', sybegin); BuildResWord(rwelsif, 'ELSIF ', syelsif); BuildResWord(rwuntil, 'UNTIL ', syuntil); BuildResWord(rwwhile, 'WHILE ', forwhilewith); BuildResWord(rwarray, 'ARRAY ', othersym); BuildResWord(rwconst, 'CONST ', declarator); firstrw[6] := rwrepeat; (* length: 6 *) BuildResWord(rwrepeat, 'REPEAT ', syrepeat); BuildResWord(rwrecord, 'RECORD ', syrecord); BuildResWord(rwmodule, 'MODULE ', symodule); BuildResWord(rwimport, 'IMPORT ', syimport); BuildResWord(rwexport, 'EXPORT ', syexport); firstrw[7] := rwpointer; (* length: 7 *) BuildResWord(rwpointer, 'POINTER ', othersym); firstrw[8] := rwprocedure; (* length: 8 *) firstrw[9] := rwprocedure; (* length: 9 *) BuildResWord(rwprocedure, 'PROCEDURE ', syproc); BuildResWord(rwqualified, 'QUALIFIED ', syqual); firstrw[10] := rwdefinition; (* length: 10 *) BuildResWord(rwdefinition, 'DEFINITION ', sydefinition); firstrw[11] := rwimplementation;(* length: 11 *) firstrw[12] := rwimplementation;(* length: 12 *) firstrw[13] := rwimplementation;(* length: 13 *) firstrw[14] := rwimplementation;(* length: 14 *) BuildResWord(rwimplementation, 'IMPLEMENTATION ', syimplementation); firstrw[15] := rwx; (* length: 15 FOR table sentinel *) (* constants for lexical scan *) FOR i := ordminchar TO ordmaxchar DO charclass[CHR(i)] := illegal; END; FOR ch := 'a' TO 'z' DO charclass[ch] := letter; charclass[CAP(ch)] := letter; END; FOR ch := '0' TO '9' DO charclass[ch] := digit; END; charclass[' '] := special; charclass['"'] := chapostrophe; charclass['#'] := special; charclass['&'] := special; charclass["'"] := chapostrophe; charclass['('] := chleftparen; charclass[')'] := chrightparen; charclass['*'] := special; charclass['+'] := special; charclass[','] := special; charclass['-'] := special; charclass['.'] := chperiod; charclass['/'] := special; charclass[':'] := chcolon; charclass[';'] := chsemicolon; charclass['<'] := chlessthan; charclass['='] := special; charclass['>'] := chgreaterthan; charclass['@'] := special; charclass['['] := special; charclass[']'] := special; charclass['^'] := special; charclass['{'] := special; charclass['|'] := chbar; charclass['}'] := special; symbolclass[illegal] := othersym; symbolclass[special] := othersym; symbolclass[chapostrophe] := otherword; symbolclass[chleftparen] := leftparen; symbolclass[chrightparen] := rightparen; symbolclass[chperiod] := period; symbolclass[digit] := intconst; symbolclass[chcolon] := colon; symbolclass[chsemicolon] := semicolon; symbolclass[chlessthan] := othersym; symbolclass[chgreaterthan] := othersym; symbolclass[chbar] := bar; symbolclass[letter] := ident; END StructConsts; (* FlushLine/WriteError/ReadLine convert between files and lines. *) PROCEDURE FlushLine; (* Write buffer into output file *) VAR i, j, vircol : outrange; (* loop index *) nonblankseen : BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH outline DO WHILE blanklns > 0 DO WriteLn; blanklns := blanklns - 1; END; IF len > 0 THEN vircol := 0; nonblankseen := FALSE; (* set this to TRUE if you don't want blanks to tab conversion *) FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO IF buf[i+1] <> ' ' THEN IF NOT nonblankseen THEN LOOP j := (vircol DIV tabinterval + 1) * tabinterval; IF j > i THEN EXIT; END; Write(TAB); vircol := j; END; END; nonblankseen := TRUE; WHILE vircol < i DO Write(' '); vircol := vircol + 1; END; Write(buf[i+1]); vircol := i + 1; END; END; WriteLn; len := 0; END; END; END FlushLine; PROCEDURE WriteError(error : errortype; nm : ARRAY OF CHAR); (* report error to output *) VAR i, ix : inrange; (* loop index, limit *) BEGIN FlushLine; WriteString('(* !!! error, '); WriteString(nm); CASE error OF longline: WriteString('shorter line'); | noendcomm: WriteString('END OF comment'); | notquote: WriteString("final ' on line"); | longword: WriteString('shorter word'); | notdo: WriteString('"DO"'); | notof: WriteString('"OF"'); | notend: WriteString('"END"'); | notthen: WriteString('"THEN"'); | notbegin: WriteString('"BEGIN"'); | notuntil: WriteString('"UNTIL"'); | notident: WriteString('"identifier"'); | notsemicolon: WriteString('";"'); | notperiod: WriteString('"."'); | notcolon: WriteString('":"'); | notparen: WriteString('")"'); | noeof: WriteString('END OF file'); END; WriteString(' expected'); IF error >= longword THEN WriteString(', NOT "'); WITH inline DO WITH curword DO IF size > maxrwlen THEN ix := maxrwlen ELSE ix := size; END; FOR i := 1 TO ix DO Write(buf[base + i]); END; END; END; Write('"'); END; IF error = noeof THEN WriteString(', FORMATTING STOPS'); END; WriteString(' !!! *)'); WriteLn; END WriteError; PROCEDURE ReadLine; (* Read line into input buffer *) VAR c : CHAR; (* input character *) BEGIN WITH inline DO len := 0; LOOP Read(c); IF NOT Done THEN endoffile := TRUE; EXIT; END; IF c = NEWLINE THEN EXIT; END; IF c < ' ' THEN (* convert ISO control chars (except leading form feed) to spaces *) IF c = TAB THEN (* ISO TAB char *) c := ' '; (* add last space at end *) WHILE len MOD 8 <> 7 DO len := len + 1; IF len < maxinlen THEN buf[len] := c; END; END; (* END tab handling *) ELSIF (c <> FF) OR (len > 0) THEN c := ' '; END; END; (* END ISO control char conversion *) len := len + 1; IF len < maxinlen THEN buf[len] := c; END; END; IF NOT endoffile THEN IF len >= maxinlen THEN (* input line too long *) WriteError(longline, "(ReadLine), "); len := maxinlen - 1; END; WHILE (len > 0) AND (buf[len] = ' ') DO len := len - 1; END; END; len := len + 1; (* add exactly ONE trailing blank *) buf[len] := ' '; index := 0; END; END ReadLine; PROCEDURE GetChar; (* get next char from input buffer *) BEGIN WITH inline DO index := index + 1; ch := buf[index]; END; END GetChar; PROCEDURE NextChar() : CHAR; (* look at next char in input buffer *) BEGIN RETURN inline.buf[inline.index + 1]; END NextChar; PROCEDURE StartWord(startclass : firstclass); (* note beginning of word, and count preceding lines and spaces *) VAR first : BOOLEAN; (* is word the first on input line? *) BEGIN first := FALSE; WITH inline DO WITH curword DO whenfirst := startclass; blanklncount := 0; WHILE (index >= len) AND NOT endoffile DO IF len = 1 THEN blanklncount := blanklncount + 1; END; IF startclass = contuncomm THEN FlushLine ELSE first := TRUE; END; ReadLine; (* with exactly ONE trailing blank *) GetChar; IF ch = FF THEN FlushLine; Write(FF); blanklncount := 0; GetChar; END; END; spaces := 0; (* count leading spaces *) IF NOT endoffile THEN WHILE ch = ' ' DO spaces := spaces + 1; GetChar; END; END; IF first THEN spaces := 1; END; base := index - 1; END; END; END StartWord; PROCEDURE FinishWord; (* note end of word *) BEGIN WITH inline DO WITH curword DO puncfollows := (symbol IN datawords) AND (ch <> ' '); size := index - base - 1; END; END; END FinishWord; PROCEDURE CopyWord(newline : BOOLEAN; pword : wordtype); (* copy word from input buffer into output buffer *) VAR i : INTEGER; (* outline.len excess, loop index *) BEGIN WITH pword DO WITH outline DO i := maxoutlen - len - spaces - size; IF newline OR (i < 0) OR ((i = 0) AND puncfollows) THEN FlushLine; END; IF len = 0 THEN (* first word on output line *) blanklns := blanklncount; CASE whenfirst OF (* update LOCAL word.spaces *) newclause: spaces := margin; | continue: spaces := margin; | alcomm: spaces := alcommbase; | contalcomm: spaces := alcommbase + commindent; | uncomm: spaces := base; | contuncomm: (* spaces := spaces *); END; IF spaces + size > maxoutlen THEN spaces := maxoutlen - size; (* reduce spaces *) IF spaces < 0 THEN WriteError(longword, "(CopyWord), "); size := maxoutlen; spaces := 0; END; END; END; FOR i := 1 TO spaces DO (* put out spaces *) len := len + 1; buf[len] := ' '; END; FOR i := 1 TO size DO (* copy actual word *) len := len + 1; buf[len] := inline.buf[base + i]; END; END; END; END CopyWord; PROCEDURE DoComment; (* copy aligned or unaligned comment *) PROCEDURE CopyComment(commclass : firstclass; commbase : inrange); (* copy words of comment *) VAR endcomment : BOOLEAN; (* end of comment? *) BEGIN WITH curword DO (* copy comment begin symbol *) whenfirst := commclass; spaces := commbase - outline.len; CopyWord((spaces < 0) OR (blanklncount > 0), curword); END; commclass := VAL(firstclass, ORD(commclass)+1); WITH inline DO REPEAT (* loop for successive words *) StartWord(commclass); endcomment := endoffile; (* premature end? *) IF endcomment THEN WriteError(noendcomm, "(CopyComment), ") ELSE REPEAT IF ch = '*' THEN GetChar; IF ch = ')' THEN endcomment := TRUE; GetChar; END; ELSE GetChar; END; UNTIL (ch = ' ') OR endcomment; END; FinishWord; CopyWord(FALSE, curword) UNTIL endcomment; END; END CopyComment; BEGIN (* DoComment *) IF curword.base < commthresh THEN (* copy comment without alignment *) CopyComment(uncomm, curword.base) ELSE (* align AND format comment *) CopyComment(alcomm, alcommbase); END; END DoComment; PROCEDURE GetSymbol; (* get next non-comment symbol *) PROCEDURE CopySymbol(symbol : symboltype; pword : wordtype); (* copy word(s) of symbol *) BEGIN IF symbol = comment THEN DoComment; (* NOTE: DoComment uses global word! *) lnpending := TRUE; ELSIF symbol = semicolon THEN CopyWord(FALSE, pword); lnpending := NOT inheader; ELSE CopyWord(lnpending, pword); lnpending := FALSE; END; END CopySymbol; PROCEDURE FindSymbol; (* find next symbol in input buffer *) VAR termch : CHAR; (* string terminator *) chclass : chartype; (* classification of leading char *) PROCEDURE CheckResWord; (* check if current identifier is reserved word/symbol *) VAR rw, rwbeyond : resword; (* loop index, limit *) symword : rwstring; (* copy of symbol word *) i : [-1..maxrwlen]; (* loop index *) BEGIN WITH curword DO WITH inline DO size := index - base - 1; IF size < maxrwlen THEN symword := ' '; FOR i := 1 TO size DO symword[i] := CAP(buf[ base + i]); END; rw := firstrw[size]; rwbeyond := firstrw[size + 1]; symbol := semicolon; REPEAT IF rw >= rwbeyond THEN symbol := ident ELSIF StrCmp(symword, rwword[rw]) THEN symbol := rwsy[rw] ELSE rw := VAL(resword,ORD(rw)+1); END; UNTIL symbol <> semicolon; END; whenfirst := newclause; END; END; END CheckResWord; PROCEDURE GetName; BEGIN WHILE charclass[] IN chartypeset{letter, digit} DO GetChar; END; CheckResWord; END GetName; PROCEDURE GetNumber; BEGIN WITH inline DO WHILE charclass[ch] = digit DO GetChar; END; IF ch = '.' THEN IF charclass[NextChar()] = digit THEN (* NOTE: NextChar is a function! *) symbol := otherword; GetChar; WHILE charclass[ch] = digit DO GetChar; END; END; END; IF CAP(ch) = 'E' THEN symbol := otherword; GetChar; IF (ch = '+') OR (ch = '-') THEN GetChar; END; WHILE charclass[ch] = digit DO GetChar; END; END; END; END GetNumber; PROCEDURE GetStringLiteral; VAR endstring : BOOLEAN; (* end of string literal? *) BEGIN WITH inline DO endstring := FALSE; REPEAT GetChar; IF ch = termch THEN endstring := TRUE; ELSIF index >= len THEN (* error, final "'" not on line *) WriteError(notquote, "(GetStringLiteral), "); symbol := syeof; endstring := TRUE; END; UNTIL endstring; GetChar; END; END GetStringLiteral; BEGIN (* FindSymbol *) StartWord(continue); WITH inline DO IF endoffile THEN symbol := syeof ELSE termch := ch; (* save for string literal routine *) chclass := charclass[ch]; symbol := symbolclass[chclass]; GetChar; (* second CHAR *) CASE chclass OF chsemicolon, chrightparen, chleftbrace, special, illegal: ; | letter: GetName; | digit: GetNumber; | chapostrophe: GetStringLiteral; | chcolon: IF ch = '=' THEN symbol := othersym; GetChar; END; | chlessthan: IF (ch = '=') OR (ch = '>') THEN GetChar; END; | chgreaterthan: IF ch = '=' THEN GetChar; END; | chleftparen: IF ch = '*' THEN symbol := comment; GetChar; END; | chperiod: IF ch = '.' THEN symbol := colon; GetChar; END; (* Added by me (CJ): *) ELSE END; FinishWord; END; END; (* FindSymbol *) END FindSymbol; BEGIN (* GetSymbol *) REPEAT CopySymbol(symbol, curword); (* copy word for symbol to output *) FindSymbol (* get next symbol *) UNTIL symbol <> comment; END GetSymbol; PROCEDURE StartClause; (* (this may be a simple clause, or the start of a header) *) BEGIN curword.whenfirst := newclause; lnpending := TRUE; END StartClause; PROCEDURE PassSemicolons; (* pass consecutive semicolons *) BEGIN WHILE symbol = semicolon DO GetSymbol; StartClause; END; END PassSemicolons; PROCEDURE StartBody; (* finish header, start body of structure *) BEGIN StartClause; margin := margin + indent; END StartBody; PROCEDURE FinishBody; (* retract margin *) BEGIN margin := margin - indent; END FinishBody; PROCEDURE PassPhrase(finalsymbol : symboltype); (* process symbols until significant symbol encountered *) VAR endsyms : symbolset; (* complete set of stopping symbols *) BEGIN IF symbol <> syeof THEN endsyms := stopsyms; INCL(endsyms, finalsymbol); REPEAT GetSymbol UNTIL symbol IN endsyms; END; END PassPhrase; PROCEDURE Expect(expectedsym : symboltype; error : errortype; syms : symbolset; nm : ARRAY OF CHAR); (* fail if current symbol is not the expected one, then recover *) BEGIN IF symbol = expectedsym THEN GetSymbol ELSE WriteError(error, nm); INCL(syms, expectedsym); WHILE NOT (symbol IN syms) DO GetSymbol; END; IF symbol = expectedsym THEN GetSymbol; END; END; END Expect; PROCEDURE Heading; (* process heading for program or procedure *) PROCEDURE MatchParens; (* process parentheses in heading *) VAR endsyms : symbolset; BEGIN GetSymbol; WHILE NOT (symbol IN recendsyms) DO IF symbol = leftparen THEN MatchParens ELSE GetSymbol; END; END; endsyms := stopsyms + recendsyms; Expect(rightparen, notparen, endsyms, "(MatchParens), "); END MatchParens; BEGIN (* heading *) GetSymbol; PassPhrase(leftparen); IF symbol = leftparen THEN inheader := TRUE; MatchParens; inheader := FALSE; END; IF symbol = colon THEN PassPhrase(semicolon); END; Expect(semicolon, notsemicolon, stopsyms, "(Heading), "); END Heading; PROCEDURE DoRecord; (* process record declaration *) BEGIN GetSymbol; StartBody; PassFields(FALSE); FinishBody; Expect(syend, notend, recendsyms, "(DoRecord), "); END DoRecord; PROCEDURE DoVariant; (* process (case) variant part *) BEGIN PassPhrase(syof); Expect(syof, notof, stopsyms, "(Dovariant), "); StartBody; PassFields(TRUE); FinishBody; END DoVariant; PROCEDURE DoParens(forvariant : BOOLEAN); (* process parentheses in record *) BEGIN GetSymbol; IF forvariant THEN StartBody; END; PassFields(FALSE); lnpending := FALSE; (* for empty field list *) Expect(rightparen, notparen, recendsyms, "(DoParens), "); IF forvariant THEN FinishBody; END; END DoParens; PROCEDURE PassFields(forvariant : BOOLEAN); (* process declarations *) BEGIN WHILE NOT (symbol IN recendsyms) DO IF symbol = semicolon THEN PassSemicolons ELSIF symbol = syrecord THEN DoRecord ELSIF symbol = sycase THEN DoVariant ELSIF symbol = leftparen THEN DoParens(forvariant) ELSE GetSymbol; END; END; END PassFields; PROCEDURE Statement; (* process statement *) BEGIN CASE symbol OF sycase: CaseStatement; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms, "(Case), "); | syif: IfStatement; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms, "(If), "); | syloop: LoopStatement; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms, "(Loop), "); | syrepeat: RepeatStatement; | forwhilewith: ForWhileWithStatement; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms, "(ForWhileWith), "); | ident: AssignmentProccall; | semicolon: ; (*!!! Added by me (CJ) *) ELSE ; END; END Statement; PROCEDURE AssignmentProccall; (* pass an assignment statement or procedure call *) BEGIN WHILE NOT (symbol IN stmtendsyms) DO GetSymbol; END; END AssignmentProccall; PROCEDURE StatementSequence; (* process sequence of statements *) BEGIN Statement; LOOP IF symbol <> semicolon THEN EXIT; END; GetSymbol; Statement; END; END StatementSequence; PROCEDURE IfStatement; (* process if statement *) BEGIN PassPhrase(sythen); Expect(sythen, notthen, stopsyms, "(Ifstatement), "); StartBody; StatementSequence; FinishBody; WHILE symbol = syelsif DO StartClause; PassPhrase(sythen); Expect(sythen, notthen, stopsyms, "(Elseif), "); StartBody; (* new line after 'THEN' *) StatementSequence; FinishBody; END; IF symbol = syelse THEN StartClause; GetSymbol; StartBody; (* new line after 'ELSE' *) StatementSequence; FinishBody; END; END IfStatement; PROCEDURE CaseStatement; (* process case statement *) BEGIN PassPhrase(syof); Expect(syof, notof, stopsyms, "(caseStatement), "); StartClause; OneCase; WHILE symbol = bar DO GetSymbol; OneCase; END; IF symbol = syelse THEN GetSymbol; StartBody; StatementSequence; FinishBody; END; END CaseStatement; PROCEDURE OneCase; (* process one case clause *) BEGIN IF NOT (symbol IN symbolset{bar, syelse}) THEN PassPhrase(colon); Expect(colon, notcolon, stopsyms, "(OneCase), "); StartBody; (* new line, indent after colon *) StatementSequence; FinishBody; (* left-indent after case *) END; END OneCase; PROCEDURE RepeatStatement; (* process repeat statement *) BEGIN GetSymbol; StartBody; (* new line, indent after 'REPEAT' *) StatementSequence; FinishBody; (* left-ident after UNTIL *) StartClause; (* new line before UNTIL *) Expect(syuntil, notuntil, stmtendsyms, "(repeatstatement), "); PassPhrase(semicolon); END RepeatStatement; PROCEDURE LoopStatement; (* process loop statement *) BEGIN GetSymbol; StartBody; (* new line, indent after LOOP *) StatementSequence; FinishBody; (* left-ident before END *) END LoopStatement; PROCEDURE ForWhileWithStatement; (* process for, while, or with statement *) BEGIN PassPhrase(sydo); Expect(sydo, notdo, stopsyms, "(ForWhileWithstatement), "); StartBody; StatementSequence; FinishBody; END ForWhileWithStatement; PROCEDURE ProcedureDeclaration; (* pass a procedure declaration *) BEGIN ProcedureHeading; Block; Expect(ident, notident, stmtendsyms, "(Proceduredeclaration)1, "); Expect(semicolon, notsemicolon, stmtendsyms, "(Proceduredeclaration)2, "); END ProcedureDeclaration; PROCEDURE ProcedureHeading; BEGIN StartClause; Heading; END ProcedureHeading; PROCEDURE Block; BEGIN WHILE symbol IN symbolset{declarator, symodule, syproc} DO Declaration; END; IF symbol = sybegin THEN GetSymbol; StartBody; StatementSequence; FinishBody; END; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms, "(Block), "); END Block; PROCEDURE Declaration; BEGIN IF symbol = declarator THEN StartClause; (* CONST, TYPE, VAR *) GetSymbol; StartBody; REPEAT PassPhrase(syrecord); IF symbol = syrecord THEN DoRecord; END; IF symbol = semicolon THEN PassSemicolons; END; UNTIL symbol IN headersyms; FinishBody; ELSIF symbol = symodule THEN ModuleDeclaration; ELSIF symbol = syproc THEN ProcedureDeclaration; END; END Declaration; PROCEDURE ModuleDeclaration; BEGIN PassPhrase(semicolon); PassSemicolons; WHILE symbol IN symbolset{syimport, syexport, syfrom} DO ImportExport; END; Block; Expect(ident, notident, stmtendsyms, "(ModuleDeclaration), "); END ModuleDeclaration; PROCEDURE ImportExport; BEGIN IF symbol = syfrom THEN PassPhrase(syimport); END; IF symbol = syimport THEN GetSymbol; ELSIF symbol = syexport THEN GetSymbol; IF symbol = syqual THEN GetSymbol; END; END; StartBody; PassPhrase(semicolon); FinishBody; GetSymbol; END ImportExport; PROCEDURE OneDefinition; BEGIN IF symbol = declarator THEN Declaration; ELSIF symbol = syproc THEN ProcedureHeading; END; END OneDefinition; PROCEDURE DefinitionModule; BEGIN GetSymbol; PassPhrase(semicolon); GetSymbol; WHILE symbol IN symbolset{syimport, syexport, syfrom} DO ImportExport; END; WHILE symbol IN symbolset{declarator, syproc} DO OneDefinition; END; Expect(syend, notend, stmtendsyms, "DefinitionModule1, " ); GetSymbol; Expect(period, notperiod, stmtendsyms, 'DefintionModule2, '); END DefinitionModule; PROCEDURE ProgramModule; BEGIN ModuleDeclaration; Expect(period, notperiod, stmtendsyms, "ProgramModule, "); END ProgramModule; PROCEDURE CompilationUnit; BEGIN IF symbol = syimplementation THEN GetSymbol; ProgramModule; ELSIF symbol = sydefinition THEN DefinitionModule; ELSE ProgramModule; END; END CompilationUnit; PROCEDURE CopyRemainder; (* copy remainder of input *) BEGIN WriteError(noeof, "(Copyremainder), "); WITH inline DO REPEAT CopyWord(FALSE, curword); StartWord(contuncomm); IF NOT endoffile THEN REPEAT GetChar UNTIL ch = ' '; END; FinishWord; UNTIL endoffile; END; END CopyRemainder; PROCEDURE Initialize; (* initialize global variables *) BEGIN WITH inline DO endoffile := FALSE; ch := ' '; index := 0; len := 0; END; WITH outline DO blanklns := 0; len := 0; END; WITH curword DO whenfirst := contuncomm; puncfollows := FALSE; blanklncount := 0; spaces := 0; base := 0; size := 0; END; margin := initmargin; lnpending := FALSE; symbol := othersym; inheader := FALSE; END Initialize; BEGIN StructConsts; Initialize; (* Files may be opened here. *) OpenInput("mod"); OpenOutput("mod"); GetSymbol; CompilationUnit; IF NOT inline.endoffile THEN CopyRemainder; END; FlushLine; CloseInput; CloseOutput; END Modula2PrettyPrinter.