#include "mcg.h" static int hop_count = 1; static struct hop* current_hop; static char* buffer = NULL; static int bufferlen = 0; static int buffersize = 0; static const struct burm_emitter_data emitter_data; struct hop* new_hop(struct basicblock* bb, struct ir* ir) { struct hop* hop = calloc(1, sizeof *hop); hop->id = hop_count++; hop->bb = bb; hop->ir = ir; return hop; } static struct insel* new_insel(enum insel_type type) { struct insel* insel = calloc(1, sizeof(*insel)); insel->type = type; return insel; } void hop_add_string_insel(struct hop* hop, const char* string) { struct insel* insel = new_insel(INSEL_STRING); insel->u.string = string; array_append(&hop->insels, insel); } void hop_add_hreg_insel(struct hop* hop, struct hreg* hreg) { struct insel* insel = new_insel(INSEL_HREG); insel->u.hreg = hreg; array_append(&hop->insels, insel); } void hop_add_vreg_insel(struct hop* hop, struct vreg* vreg) { struct insel* insel = new_insel(INSEL_VREG); insel->u.vreg = vreg; array_append(&hop->insels, insel); } void hop_add_value_insel(struct hop* hop, struct ir* ir) { struct insel* insel = new_insel(INSEL_VALUE); insel->u.value = ir; array_append(&hop->insels, insel); } void hop_add_eoi_insel(struct hop* hop) { struct insel* insel = new_insel(INSEL_EOI); array_append(&hop->insels, insel); } static void print_header(char k, struct hop* hop) { int i; tracef(k, "%c: %d", k, hop->id); if (hop->ir) tracef(k, " from $%d", hop->ir->id); tracef(k, ":"); for (i=0; iins.count; i++) tracef(k, " r%%%d", hop->ins.item[i]->id); for (i=0; ithroughs.count; i++) tracef(k, " =%%%d", hop->throughs.item[i]->id); for (i=0; iouts.count; i++) tracef(k, " w%%%d", hop->outs.item[i]->id); tracef(k, " "); } static char* appendf(const char* fmt, ...) { int n; char* p; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); n = bufferlen + vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, ap) + 1; va_end(ap); if (n > buffersize) { buffersize *= 2; if (buffersize < n) buffersize = n*2; buffer = realloc(buffer, buffersize); } va_start(ap, fmt); vsprintf(buffer+bufferlen, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); bufferlen = n - 1; /* remember the \0 at the end */ return p; } char* hop_render(struct hop* hop) { int i; appendf(""); /* ensure the buffer has been allocated */ bufferlen = 0; buffer[0] = '\0'; for (i=0; iinsels.count; i++) { struct insel* insel = hop->insels.item[i]; switch (insel->type) { case INSEL_EOI: appendf("\n"); break; case INSEL_HREG: { struct hreg* hreg = insel->u.hreg; appendf("%s", hreg->name); break; } case INSEL_VREG: { struct vreg* vreg = insel->u.vreg; struct hreg* hreg = pmap_findright(&hop->regsin, vreg); if (!hreg) hreg = pmap_findright(&hop->regsout, vreg); if (hreg) appendf("%s", hreg->name); else appendf("%%%d", vreg->id); break; } case INSEL_STRING: appendf("%s", insel->u.string); break; case INSEL_VALUE: { struct ir* ir = insel->u.value; switch (ir->opcode) { case IR_BLOCK: appendf("%s", ir->u.bvalue->name); break; case IR_LABEL: appendf("%s", ir->u.lvalue); break; case IR_LOCAL: case IR_CONST: appendf("%d", ir->u.ivalue); break; } break; } } } return buffer; } void hop_print(char k, struct hop* hop) { int i; bool soi = false; char* p; hop_render(hop); print_header(k, hop); p = strtok(buffer, "\n"); if (!p) { print_header(k, hop); tracef(k, "\n"); } while (p) { print_header(k, hop); tracef(k, "%s\n", p); p = strtok(NULL, "\n"); } } /* vim: set sw=4 ts=4 expandtab : */