/* * xref makes cross references. * November 1977 Johan Stevenson */ #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <setjmp.h> /* type of flags() calls */ #define HEAD 0 #define TAIL 1 FILE *input; FILE *output; FILE *hashin; jmp_buf env; /* used by setjmp and longjmp */ int scanout[2]; /* descriptor of output of scan */ int postin[2]; /* descriptor of input of post */ int ch; /*last char*/ int chsy; /*type of last char*/ char id[80]; /*last identifier*/ char fl[80]; /*last filename (see post) */ char buf[80]; /*work space*/ int proc = 0; /*process id of sort*/ int nflag; /*line number flag*/ int nfiles; int argc; char **argv; char *procname; char *file; /*points to current file*/ int pass1 = 1; int pass2 = 1; int only = 0; /* 1 if only selected words needed */ int useroif = 0; /* 1 if user supplied ignore/only file*/ char *oifile = "/usr/lib/xrefign.\0"; int oifsuf = 0; /* index in oifile of last char */ int linecount; int width = 72; /*line width*/ int type; /* which scanner must be used */ int forced = 0; /* scanner type chosen by user */ stop() { if (proc!=0) kill(proc,9); exit(-1); } main(narg,args) char **args; int narg; { argc=narg; argv = args; argc--; argv++; if (signal(SIGHUP,stop) != SIG_DFL) signal(SIGHUP,SIG_IGN); if (signal(SIGINT,stop) != SIG_DFL) signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN); while (argc && argv[0][0]=='-' && argv[0][1]!='\0') { argc--; flags(*argv++,HEAD); } if (argc==0) { argc++; *--argv = "-"; } if (pass1 && pass2) { if (pipe(scanout)<0 || pipe(postin)<0) fatal("pipe failed"); if ((proc=fork()) == 0) { close(0); close(1); dup(scanout[0]); dup(postin[1]); close(scanout[0]); close(scanout[1]); close(postin[0]); close(postin[1]); execl("/bin/sort","xref","+1","-3","+0n",0); execl("/usr/bin/sort","xref","+1","-3","+0n",0); fatal("sort not found"); } if (proc == -1) fatal("fork failed"); close(scanout[0]); close(postin[1]); } else if (pass1) scanout[1] = dup(1); else if (pass2) postin[0] = dup(0); if (pass1) { if (useroif) { if ((hashin = fopen(oifile, "r")) == NULL) fatal("bad ignore/only file: %s",oifile); buildhash(); fclose(hashin); } input = stdin; output = fdopen(scanout[1], "w"); nfiles = argc; setjmp(env); while (argc--) if (argv[0][0] == '-' && argv[0][1] != '\0') flags(*argv++,TAIL); else scan(*argv++); fclose(input); fclose(output); } if (pass2) { input = fdopen(postin[0], "r"); output = stdout; post(); } exit(0); } flags(s,ftype) register char *s; { register c; s++; /* skip - */ switch (c = *s++) { case 'p': case '8': case 'c': case 's': case 'x': forced++; type = c; break; case '1': if (ftype == TAIL) fatal("-1 must precede file arguments"); pass2=0; pass1++; break; case '2': if (ftype == TAIL) fatal("-2 must precede file arguments"); pass1=0; pass2++; break; case 'i': case 'o': only = (c == 'o'); useroif++; if (*s == '\0') fatal("more args expected"); oifile = s; return; case 'w': if (*s == '\0') fatal("more args expected"); width=atoi(s); return; default: fatal("possible flags: cpsxio12w"); } if (*s != '\0') fatal("flags should be given as separate arguments"); } char *tail(s) register char *s; { register char *t; t = s; while (*s) if (*s++ == '/') t = s; return(t); } scan(s) char *s; { register lastc; linecount = 0; nflag = 0; chsy = 0; if (nfiles==1) file = ""; else file = tail(s); if (forced==0) { lastc = suffix(s); if (lastc=='h') lastc = 'c'; if (lastc=='c' || lastc=='p' || lastc=='s' || lastc=='8') type=lastc; else type='x'; } else lastc = type; if (useroif==0) { if (oifsuf == 0) while (oifile[oifsuf] != '\0') oifsuf++; if (lastc != oifile[oifsuf] ) { oifile[oifsuf] = lastc; if ((hashin = fopen(oifile, "r")) == NULL) { oifile[oifsuf] = 'x'; if ((hashin = fopen(oifile, "r")) == NULL) fatal("cannot open %s",oifile); } buildhash(); fclose(hashin); } } if (s[0]=='-' && s[1]=='\0') input = stdin; else if ((input = fopen(s, "r")) == NULL) fatal("cannot open %s",s); switch (type) { case 'x': x_scan(); break; case 'p': p_scan(); break; case '8': a_scan(); break; case 'c': c_scan(); break; case 's': s_scan(); break; } /*this place is never reached*/ } suffix(s) register char *s; { while (*s) s++; if (*(s-2) == '.') return(*--s); return('x'); } fatal(s) char *s; { fprintf(stderr, "xref: %s",s); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); stop(); } /*============================================*/ #define HSIZE 79 struct { int integ; }; struct link { struct link *next; char word[]; } *hashtab[HSIZE]; buildhash() { register struct link *p,*q; register char *s; int i; for (i=0; i<HSIZE; i++) { p = hashtab[i]; hashtab[i] = 0; while (q = p) { p = q->next; free(q); } } ch = getc(hashin); while (ch != EOF) { s = id; do { *s++ = ch; ch = getc(hashin); } while (ch>' '); *s++ = '\0'; h_add(id,s-id); while (ch!='\n' && ch!=EOF) ch = getc(hashin); ch = getc(hashin); } } h_add(s,l) char *s; int l; { register struct link *q,**p; char temp[80]; char *s2; if (h_in(s)) return; s2 = temp; strcpy(s2,s); if (strlen(s2)<=2) strcat(s2,"zz\0"); p = &hashtab[ s2->integ % HSIZE ]; l += 4+((4-(l & 3) & 3)); if ((q = malloc(l)) == 0) fatal("out of space"); q->next = *p; *p = q; strcpy(q->word, s); } h_in(s) char *s; { register struct link *p; char temp[80]; char *s2; s2 = temp; strcpy(s2,s); if (strlen(s)<= 2) strcat(s2,"zz\0"); p = hashtab[ s2->integ % HSIZE ]; while (p) { if (strcmp(s, p->word) == 0) return(1); p = p->next; } return(0); } /*=====================================*/ #define NL -1 #define ERROR 0 #define LETTER 1 #define DIGIT 2 #define QUOTE 3 #define LPAR 4 #define LBRACE 5 #define DQUOTE 6 #define SLASH 7 #define POINT 9 #define LESS 10 #define USCORE 11 #define OTHER 12 #define HASH 13 char cs[128] = { /*NUL*/ ERROR, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, /*010*/ OTHER, OTHER, NL, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, /*020*/ OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, /*030*/ OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, /*' '*/ OTHER, OTHER, DQUOTE, HASH, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, QUOTE, /*'('*/ LPAR, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, POINT, SLASH, /*'0'*/ DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, /*'8'*/ DIGIT, DIGIT, OTHER, OTHER, LESS, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, /*'@'*/ OTHER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, /*'H'*/ LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, /*'P'*/ LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, /*'X'*/ LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, USCORE, /*'`'*/ OTHER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, /*'h'*/ LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, /*'p'*/ LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, /*'x'*/ LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LBRACE, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER, OTHER }; nextch() { if (linecount == 0) { if ((ch=getc(input))==EOF) { fclose(input); longjmp(env,0); } else { chsy = cs[ch]; if (chsy != DIGIT) linecount++; else { nflag = 1; linecount = ch-'0'; chsy = cs[(ch=getc(input))]; while (chsy == DIGIT) { linecount = linecount*10+ch-'0'; chsy = cs[(ch=getc(input))]; } } } } else { if ((ch=getc(input))==EOF) { fclose(input); longjmp(env,0); } if (chsy < 0) { if (nflag == 0) linecount++; else { linecount = ch-'0'; chsy = cs[(ch=getc(input))]; while (chsy == DIGIT) { linecount = linecount*10+ch-'0'; chsy = cs[(ch=getc(input))]; } } } if (ch >= 128) fatal("bad chars on file %s",*--argv); chsy = cs[ch]; } } out(p) char *p; { fprintf(output, "%d %s %s\n",linecount,p,file); } scannumber() { do nextch(); while (chsy == DIGIT); if (ch == '.') { nextch(); if (chsy!=DIGIT) return; do nextch(); while (chsy == DIGIT); } if (ch == 'e') { nextch(); if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') nextch(); while (chsy == DIGIT) nextch(); } } scansymbol(ok1,ok2) { register char *p; p = id; do { *p++ = ch; nextch(); } while (chsy==LETTER || chsy==DIGIT || ch==ok1 || ch==ok2); *p = '\0'; if (h_in(id) == only) out(id); } scanusymbol(ok1,ok2) { register char *p; p = id; do { if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') ch += 'A'-'a'; *p++ = ch; nextch(); } while (chsy==LETTER || chsy==DIGIT || ch==ok1 || ch==ok2); *p = '\0'; if (h_in(id) == only) out(id); } escaped() { if (ch=='\\') nextch(); nextch(); } comment(lastch) { nextch(); if (ch=='*') { nextch(); do { while(ch!='*') nextch(); nextch(); } while (ch!=lastch); nextch(); } } acmnt1() { /* handle a .COMMENT ..... .COMMENT */ register char *p; register int cont; p = id; nextch(); if (chsy==DIGIT) scannumber(); else { do { *p++ = ch; nextch(); } while (chsy==LETTER); /* see if the word is COMMENT */ *p = '\0'; p = id; if (strcmp("COMMENT",p)) { /* skip to next .COMMENT */ cont = 1; while (cont) { while (chsy != POINT) nextch(); nextch(); p = id; do { *p++ = ch; nextch(); } while (chsy==LETTER); *p = '\0'; p = id; cont = strcmp("COMMENT",p); } } else { /* do hash lookup - could be pragmat (ignore) or record field */ if (h_in(id)==only) out(id); } } } acmnt2() { register char *p; int cont; /* handle a CO ..... CO comment */ p = id; *p++ = 'C'; nextch(); if (ch!='O') { /* do a scansymbol */ do { *p++ =ch; nextch(); } while (chsy==LETTER || chsy==DIGIT || chsy==USCORE); if (h_in(id)==only) out(id); } else { /* found a CO .... CO */ cont = 1; while (cont) { while (ch!='C') nextch(); nextch(); cont = (ch!='O'); } nextch(); } } p_scan() { nextch(); for(;;) switch (chsy) { case LETTER: case USCORE: scanusymbol('_','\0'); break; case DIGIT: scannumber(); break; case QUOTE: do nextch(); while (ch!='\''); nextch(); break; case DQUOTE: do nextch(); while (ch!='"'); nextch(); break; case LPAR: comment(')'); break; case LBRACE: do nextch(); while (ch!='}'); default: nextch(); } } a_scan() { nextch(); for(;;) switch (chsy) { case LETTER: if (ch=='C') acmnt2(); else scanusymbol('_','\0'); break; case DIGIT: scannumber(); break; case QUOTE: do nextch(); while (ch!='\''); nextch(); break; case DQUOTE: do nextch(); while (ch!='"'); nextch(); break; case HASH: nextch(); while (ch!='#') nextch(); nextch(); break; case POINT: acmnt1(); break; default: nextch(); } } c_scan() { nextch(); for (;;) switch (chsy) { case LETTER: case USCORE: scansymbol('_','\0'); break; case DIGIT: scannumber(); break; case SLASH: comment('/'); break; case QUOTE: do escaped(); while (ch!='\''); nextch(); break; case DQUOTE: do escaped(); while (ch!='"'); default: nextch(); } } s_scan() { nextch(); for(;;) switch(chsy) { case LETTER: case POINT: scansymbol('_','.'); break; case DIGIT: do nextch(); while (chsy==DIGIT); if (ch=='.' || ch=='f' || ch=='b') nextch(); break; case DQUOTE: nextch(); case QUOTE: escaped(); escaped(); break; case SLASH: do nextch(); while (ch!='\n'); break; case LESS: nextch(); do escaped(); while (ch!='>'); break; default: nextch(); } } x_scan() { register char *p; nextch(); for (;;) switch (chsy) { case LETTER: p=id; do { if (ch<'A' || ch>'Z') *p++ = ch; else *p++ = ch - 'A' + 'a'; nextch(); if (ch=='-') { nextch(); if (ch=='\n') do nextch(); while (chsy!=LETTER); else *p++ = '-'; } } while (chsy==LETTER || chsy==DIGIT); *p = '\0'; if (h_in(id) == only) out(id); break; default: nextch(); } } /*=========================================*/ int N; post() { register n,l,i; int first,newid,newfl,withfile; first = 1; id[0] = '\0'; ch = getc(input); while (ch != EOF) { l = getfld('\t'); if ((i=atoi(buf)) == 0) fatal("line number expected"); l = getfld('\t'); newid = strcmp(id,buf); if (newid) { strcpy(id,buf); if (first == 0) putc('\n',output); fprintf(output,"%s",id); if (l > 7) putc('\n',output); putc('\t',output); fl[0] = '\0'; } l = getfld('\n'); newfl = strcmp(fl,buf); if (newfl) { strcpy(fl,buf); if (newid == 0) fprintf(output,"\n\t"); fprintf(output,"%s",fl); if (l > 7) fprintf(output,"\n\t"); putc('\t',output); } if (first) { first = 0; withfile = newfl; N = width - 12; if (withfile) N -= 8; if (N<0) fatal("line width too small"); N = (N/5) + 1; } if (newid || newfl) n = N; else if (n==0) { fprintf(output,"\n\t"); if (withfile) putc('\t',output); n = N; } else putc(' ',output); n--; fprintf(output,"%4d",i); } putc('\n',output); } getfld(stopch) { register char *p; p = buf; while (ch!=EOF && ch!=stopch) { *p++ = ch; ch = getc(input); } *p = '\0'; ch = getc(input); return(p-buf); }