(* reseq.p *) (* ******* *) (* A program to renumber a text file. To use this utility type : reseq <file1 >file2 start step to create file2 as a renumbered version of file1, starting with line number start, with increments of step. NOTE : file1 and file2 had better be different !!! *) (* Version 1.1 written Friday 31 July 1987 by Jon Abbott. *) program reseq(input,output); type buf = packed array [1..10] of char; string = ^ buf; var c : char; start,step,i : integer; numbered : boolean; function argc: integer; extern; function argv(i: integer): string; extern; procedure number; begin if i<10 then write('0000',i:1) else if i<100 then write('000',i:2) else if i<1000 then write('00',i:3) else if i<10000 then write('0',i:4) else write(i:5); if not numbered then write(' '); if not eoln then write(c); while not eoln do begin read(c); write(c) end; readln; writeln; i:=i+step end; function getarg(n:integer) : integer; var s : string; i,g :integer; begin s := argv(n); i:=1; while (not (s^[i] in ['0'..'9'])) and (i<10) do i:=i+1; g := 0; if not (s^[i] in ['0'..'9']) then g := 100 else while (i<11) and (s^[i] in ['0'..'9']) do begin g := g*10+ord(s^[i])-ord('0'); i := i+1 end; getarg := g end; begin start := 100; step := 10; if argc>1 then start := getarg(1); if argc>2 then step := getarg(2); if argc>3 then writeln('Syntax : reseq <file1 >file2 start step : subsequent args ignored'); read(c); numbered := (c in ['0'..'9']); i := start; while not eof do begin if numbered then while c in ['0'..'9'] do read(c); number; if not eof then if not eoln then read(c) end end.