/* * (c) copyright 1983 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * * This product is part of the Amsterdam Compiler Kit. * * Permission to use, sell, duplicate or disclose this software must be * obtained in writing. Requests for such permissions may be sent to * * Dr. Andrew S. Tanenbaum * Wiskundig Seminarium * Vrije Universiteit * Postbox 7161 * 1007 MC Amsterdam * The Netherlands * */ /* * machine dependent back end routines for the Intel 8080. */ con_part(sz,w) register sz; word w; { while (part_size % sz) part_size++; if (part_size == 2) part_flush(); if (sz == 1) { w &= 0xFF; if (part_size) w <<= 8; part_word |= w; } else { assert(sz == 2); part_word = w; } part_size += sz; } con_mult(sz) word sz; { long l; if (argval != 4) fatal("bad icon/ucon size"); l = atol(str); fprintf(codefile,".short\t%d\n",(int)l); fprintf(codefile,".short\t%d\n",(int)(l>>16)); } con_float() { fatal("no reals"); } prolog(nlocals) full nlocals; { fprintf(codefile,"\tpush\tb\n\tlxi\th,0\n\tdad\tsp\n\tmov\tb,h\n\tmov\tc,l\n"); switch (nlocals) { case 8: fprintf(codefile,"\tpush\th\n"); case 6: fprintf(codefile,"\tpush\th\n"); case 4: fprintf(codefile,"\tpush\th\n"); case 2: fprintf(codefile,"\tpush\th\n"); case 0: break; default: fprintf(codefile,"\tlxi\th,%d\n\tdad\tsp\n\tsphl\n",-nlocals); break; } } mes(type) word type ; { int argt ; switch ( (int)type ) { case ms_ext : for (;;) { switch ( argt=getarg( ptyp(sp_cend)|ptyp(sp_pnam)|sym_ptyp) ) { case sp_cend : return ; default: strarg(argt) ; fprintf(codefile,".define %s\n",argstr) ; break ; } } default : while ( getarg(any_ptyp) != sp_cend ) ; break ; } } char *segname[] = { ".text", ".data", ".data", ".bss" };