/* $Header$ */ /* S E M A N T I C A N A L Y S I S -- C H A P T E R 7 RM */ #include "debug.h" #include "nobitfield.h" #include "idf.h" #include "arith.h" #include "type.h" #include "struct.h" #include "label.h" #include "expr.h" #include "def.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "assert.h" extern char options[]; extern char *symbol2str(); /* Most expression-handling routines have a pointer to a (struct type *) as first parameter. The object under the pointer gets updated in the process. */ ch7sel(expp, oper, idf) register struct expr **expp; struct idf *idf; { /* The selector idf is applied to *expp; oper may be '.' or ARROW. */ register struct type *tp = (*expp)->ex_type; register struct sdef *sd; if (oper == ARROW) { if (tp->tp_fund == POINTER) /* normal case */ tp = tp->tp_up; else { /* constructions like "12->selector" and "char c; c->selector" */ switch (tp->tp_fund) { case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case ENUM: /* Allowed by RM 14.1 */ ch7cast(expp, CAST, pa_type); sd = idf2sdef(idf, tp); tp = sd->sd_stype; break; default: expr_error(*expp, "-> applied to %s", symbol2str(tp->tp_fund)); case ERRONEOUS: (*expp)->ex_type = error_type; return; } } /* tp->tp_fund != POINTER */ } /* oper == ARROW */ else { /* oper == '.' */ /* filter out illegal expressions "non_lvalue.sel" */ if (!(*expp)->ex_lvalue) { expr_error(*expp, "dot requires lvalue"); return; } } switch (tp->tp_fund) { case POINTER: /* for int *p; p->next = ... */ case STRUCT: case UNION: break; case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case ENUM: /* warning will be given by idf2sdef() */ break; default: if (!is_anon_idf(idf)) expr_error(*expp, "selector %s applied to %s", idf->id_text, symbol2str(tp->tp_fund)); case ERRONEOUS: (*expp)->ex_type = error_type; return; } sd = idf2sdef(idf, tp); if (oper == '.') { /* there are 3 cases in which the selection can be performed compile-time: I: n.sel (n either an identifier or a constant) II: (e.s1).s2 (transformed into (e.(s1+s2))) III: (e->s1).s2 (transformed into (e->(s1+s2))) The code performing these conversions is extremely obscure. */ if ((*expp)->ex_class == Value) { /* It is an object we know the address of; so we can calculate the address of the selected member */ (*expp)->VL_VALUE += sd->sd_offset; (*expp)->ex_type = sd->sd_type; if ((*expp)->ex_type == error_type) (*expp)->ex_flags |= EX_ERROR; } else if ((*expp)->ex_class == Oper) { struct oper *op = &((*expp)->ex_object.ex_oper); if (op->op_oper == '.' || op->op_oper == ARROW) { ASSERT(is_cp_cst(op->op_right)); op->op_right->VL_VALUE += sd->sd_offset; (*expp)->ex_type = sd->sd_type; if ((*expp)->ex_type == error_type) (*expp)->ex_flags |= EX_ERROR; } else *expp = new_oper(sd->sd_type, *expp, '.', intexpr(sd->sd_offset, INT)); } } else { /* oper == ARROW */ *expp = new_oper(sd->sd_type, *expp, oper, intexpr(sd->sd_offset, INT)); } (*expp)->ex_lvalue = (sd->sd_type->tp_fund != ARRAY); } ch7incr(expp, oper) register struct expr **expp; { /* The monadic prefix/postfix incr/decr operator oper is applied to *expp. */ arith addend; struct expr *expr; register int fund = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund; if (!(*expp)->ex_lvalue) { expr_error(*expp, "no lvalue with %s", symbol2str(oper)); return; } if (fund == ENUM) { expr_warning(*expp, "%s on enum", symbol2str(oper)); addend = (arith)1; } else if (is_arith_type((*expp)->ex_type)) addend = (arith)1; else if (fund == POINTER) addend = size_of_type((*expp)->ex_type->tp_up, "object"); #ifndef NOBITFIELD else if (fund == FIELD) addend = (arith)1; #endif NOBITFIELD else { expr_error(*expp, "%s on %s", symbol2str(oper), symbol2str((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund) ); return; } expr = intexpr(addend, INT); ch7cast(&expr, CAST, (*expp)->ex_type); #ifndef NOBITFIELD if (fund == FIELD) *expp = new_oper((*expp)->ex_type->tp_up, *expp, oper, expr); else #endif NOBITFIELD *expp = new_oper((*expp)->ex_type, *expp, oper, expr); } ch7cast(expp, oper, tp) register struct expr **expp; register struct type *tp; { /* The expression *expp is cast to type tp; the cast is caused by the operator oper. If the cast has to be passed on to run time, its left operand will be an expression of class Type. */ register struct type *oldtp; if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund == FUNCTION) function2pointer(expp); if ((*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund == ARRAY) array2pointer(expp); if ((*expp)->ex_class == String) string2pointer(expp); oldtp = (*expp)->ex_type; #ifndef NOBITFIELD if (oldtp->tp_fund == FIELD) { field2arith(expp); ch7cast(expp, oper, tp); } else if (tp->tp_fund == FIELD) ch7cast(expp, oper, tp->tp_up); else #endif NOBITFIELD if (oldtp == tp) {} /* life is easy */ else if (tp->tp_fund == VOID) /* Easy again */ (*expp)->ex_type = void_type; else if (is_arith_type(oldtp) && is_arith_type(tp)) { int oldi = is_integral_type(oldtp); int i = is_integral_type(tp); if (oldi && i) { if ( oldtp->tp_fund == ENUM && tp->tp_fund == ENUM && oper != CAST ) expr_warning(*expp, "%s on enums of different types", symbol2str(oper)); int2int(expp, tp); } #ifndef NOFLOAT else if (oldi && !i) { if (oldtp->tp_fund == ENUM && oper != CAST) expr_warning(*expp, "conversion of enum to %s\n", symbol2str(tp->tp_fund)); int2float(expp, tp); } else if (!oldi && i) float2int(expp, tp); else /* !oldi && !i */ float2float(expp, tp); #else NOFLOAT else crash("(ch7cast) floats not implemented\n"); #endif NOFLOAT } else if (oldtp->tp_fund == POINTER && tp->tp_fund == POINTER) { if (oper != CAST) expr_warning(*expp, "incompatible pointers in %s", symbol2str(oper)); (*expp)->ex_type = tp; /* free conversion */ } else if (oldtp->tp_fund == POINTER && is_integral_type(tp)) { /* from pointer to integral */ if (oper != CAST) expr_warning(*expp, "illegal conversion of pointer to %s", symbol2str(tp->tp_fund)); if (oldtp->tp_size > tp->tp_size) expr_warning(*expp, "conversion of pointer to %s loses accuracy", symbol2str(tp->tp_fund)); if (oldtp->tp_size != tp->tp_size) int2int(expp, tp); else (*expp)->ex_type = tp; } else if (tp->tp_fund == POINTER && is_integral_type(oldtp)) { /* from integral to pointer */ switch (oper) { case CAST: break; case EQUAL: case NOTEQUAL: case '=': case RETURN: if (is_cp_cst(*expp) && (*expp)->VL_VALUE == (arith)0) break; default: expr_warning(*expp, "illegal conversion of %s to pointer", symbol2str(oldtp->tp_fund)); break; } if (oldtp->tp_size > tp->tp_size) expr_warning(*expp, "conversion of %s to pointer loses accuracy", symbol2str(oldtp->tp_fund)); if (oldtp->tp_size != tp->tp_size) int2int(expp, tp); else (*expp)->ex_type = tp; } else if (oldtp->tp_fund == ERRONEOUS) { /* we just won't look */ (*expp)->ex_type = tp; /* brute force */ } else if (oldtp->tp_size == tp->tp_size && oper == CAST) { expr_warning(*expp, "dubious conversion based on equal size"); (*expp)->ex_type = tp; /* brute force */ } else { if (oldtp->tp_fund != ERRONEOUS && tp->tp_fund != ERRONEOUS) expr_error(*expp, "cannot convert %s to %s", symbol2str(oldtp->tp_fund), symbol2str(tp->tp_fund) ); (*expp)->ex_type = tp; /* brute force */ } } ch7asgn(expp, oper, expr) register struct expr **expp; struct expr *expr; { /* The assignment operators. "f op= e" should be interpreted as "f = (typeof f)((typeof (f op e))f op (typeof (f op e))e)" and not as "f = f op (typeof f)e". Consider, for example, (i == 10) i *= 0.9; (i == 9), where typeof i == int. The resulting expression tree becomes: op= / \ / \ f (typeof (f op e))e EVAL should however take care of evaluating (typeof (f op e))f */ int fund = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_fund; struct type *tp; /* We expect an lvalue */ if (!(*expp)->ex_lvalue) { expr_error(*expp, "no lvalue in lhs of %s", symbol2str(oper)); (*expp)->ex_depth = 99; /* no direct store/load at EVAL() */ /* what is 99 ??? DG */ } if (oper == '=') { ch7cast(&expr, oper, (*expp)->ex_type); tp = expr->ex_type; } else { /* turn e into e' where typeof(e') = typeof (f op e) */ struct expr *extmp = intexpr((arith)0, INT); /* this is really $#@&*%$# ! */ extmp->ex_lvalue = 1; extmp->ex_type = (*expp)->ex_type; ch7bin(&extmp, oper, expr); /* Note that ch7bin creates a tree of the expression ((typeof (f op e))f op (typeof (f op e))e), where f ~ extmp and e ~ expr. We want to use (typeof (f op e))e. Ch7bin does not create a tree if both operands were illegal or constants! */ tp = extmp->ex_type; /* perform the arithmetic in type tp */ if (extmp->ex_class == Oper) { expr = extmp->OP_RIGHT; extmp->OP_RIGHT = NILEXPR; free_expression(extmp); } else expr = extmp; } #ifndef NOBITFIELD if (fund == FIELD) *expp = new_oper((*expp)->ex_type->tp_up, *expp, oper, expr); else *expp = new_oper((*expp)->ex_type, *expp, oper, expr); #else NOBITFIELD *expp = new_oper((*expp)->ex_type, *expp, oper, expr); #endif NOBITFIELD (*expp)->OP_TYPE = tp; /* for EVAL() */ } /* Some interesting (?) questions answered. */ int is_integral_type(tp) struct type *tp; { switch (tp->tp_fund) { case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case ENUM: return 1; #ifndef NOBITFIELD case FIELD: return is_integral_type(tp->tp_up); #endif NOBITFIELD default: return 0; } } int is_arith_type(tp) struct type *tp; { switch (tp->tp_fund) { case CHAR: case SHORT: case INT: case LONG: case ENUM: #ifndef NOFLOAT case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: #endif NOFLOAT return 1; #ifndef NOBITFIELD case FIELD: return is_arith_type(tp->tp_up); #endif NOBITFIELD default: return 0; } }