/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". * */ char rcs_id[] = "$Header$" ; /* This program can be used to test C-compilers */ int t, ect, tct; /**********************************************************************/ /* * Testing basic function calls * */ main() { tct = 0; ect = 0; test1(); test2(); test3(); test4(); test5(); test6(); printf("End of test program, %d tests completed, %d errors detected\n", tct,ect); return 0 ; } e(n) int n; { ect++; printf("Error %d in test%d \n",n,t); } one() { return(1); } two() { return(2); } three() { return(3); } four() { return(4); } five() { return(5); } plus() { return ( one() + two() + three() + four() + five() ); } multipl() { return( one() * two() * three() * four() * five() ); } subtr() { return( - one() - two() - three() - four() - five() ); } test1() { int i; int count; t = 1; tct++; if ( one() != 1 ) e(1); if ( two() != 2 ) e(2); if ( three() != 3 ) e(3); if ( four() != 4 ) e(4); if ( five() != 5 ) e(5); if ( (one() + two()) != 3 ) e(6); if ( ((((((one() + two())))))) != 3) e(7); if ( (one() * three()) != 3) e(8); if (( (four() + three()) * two()) != 14) e(9); if ( (four() + four()) != (two() * four()) ) e(10); if ( (four() - four()) / three() ) e(11); if (( four() + 3 * 12 - ( one() * two() * 2 ) ) != 36 ) e(12); if ( one() & two() & four() & three() ) e(13); if ( !( three() && two() ) ) e(14); for (i=0; i<8; i++) { count = one() + two() + three() + four(); count = count * one(); count = count * two() - one() - two() - three() - four(); } if (count != 10) e(15); if ( !one() ) e(16); if ( plus() != 15 ) e(17); if ( multipl() != 120 ) e(18); if ( subtr() != -15 ) e(19); if ( -subtr() != plus() ) e(18); if ( -subtr() != plus() ) e(21); } echo(a) int a; { return ( a ); } min(a,b) int a,b; { if ( a < b ) return(a); return(b); } max1(a,b) int a,b; { if ( a < b ) return(b); return(a); } max2(a,b) int a,b; { return ( ( a < b ? b : a ) ); } test2() { int i,j; int a,b; t = 2; tct++; if ( echo(1) != 1 ) e(1); if ( echo(3) != 3 ) e(2); if ( echo(0) ) e(3); if ( echo(2) + echo(3) != echo(5) ) e(4); if ( echo( 2 + 3 ) != 5 ) e(5); if ( echo ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 ) != 10 + echo(5) ) e(6); if (( echo( 2<<1 ) ) != 4 ) e(7); if ( echo( 2 >> 1 ) != 1 ) e(8); if ( echo( 1 << 4 ) != echo( 2 << 3 ) ) e(9); if ( echo( echo(4) ) != echo(4) ) e(10); if (( echo ( echo ( echo( echo ( echo ( 3 ) ) ) ) ) ) != 3 ) e(11); if ( echo( echo( echo(2+3-4+echo(4)*echo(2))) ) != 9 ) e(12); if ( min(1,2) != 1) e(13); if (min(0,45) != 0) e(14); if (min(45,0) != 0) e(15); if (min(-72,-100) != -100) e(16); if (min(-100,-72) != -100) e(17); if (min(1<<3,2<<3) != (1<<3) ) e(18); if ( min( echo(3), echo(3) ) != echo (echo(3)) ) e(19); if ( max1('a','b') != 'b' ) e(20); if ( max1('b','a') != 'b' ) e(21); if ( max1(-3,54+2) != ( -3 < 54+2 ? 54+2 : -3 ) ) e(22); if (max1('a'+'b'+34,'a'*2) != max2('a'*2,'a'+'b'+34)) e(23); if (max1(345/23,4) != max1( echo(345/23), 4) ) e(24); if ( max1( max1(2,3), max1(2,3) ) != max1(2,3) ) e(25); for (i=3; i<5; i++) if ((max1(i,-i)) != i) e(26); for (j=min('a',34); j<max2('a',34); j++) { if ( j<min(max1('a',34),min('a',34)) ) e(27); if ( j>max1(min(34,'a'),max2(34,'a')) ) e(28); } a=b= -32768; if ( min(echo(a),a) != a) e(29); if ( max1(echo(b),max1(b,b)) != b) e(30); } sum(k) int k; { if (k<=0) return(0); return(k+sum(k-1)); } formula(k) int k; { if (k<=0) return(0); return ( ((((( (k*(k+1))/2 ))))) ); } test3() { int k; int count; t = 3; tct++; count=0; if ( sum(-4) != 0 ) e(1); if ( sum(0) != 0 ) e(2); if ( sum(2) != 3 ) e(3); if ( sum(10) != 55 ) e(4); if ( sum(34) != formula(34) ) e(5); if ( sum(101) != formula(101) ) e(6); if ( sum( sum(11) ) != formula( formula(11) ) ) e(7); if ( sum( sum(11) ) != formula( sum(11) ) ) e(8); if ( sum( sum( sum(4) )) != sum ( formula ( sum( 4) )) ) e(9); for (k = sum(-45); k<sum('a'); k += sum('b') ) if (count++) e(10); if ( echo( sum ( formula( five() ))) != formula ( sum(5) ) ) e(11); } test4() { int i,j,k,l,m; int a[50]; int b[1][2][3][4][5]; t = 4; tct++; b[0][1][2][3][4] = one(); if ( b[0][1][2][3][4] != 1) e(1); if ( b[0][one()][two()][three()][four()] != 1) e(2); if ( b[0][one()][five()-3][one()+2][four()] != b[0][1][2][2*2-1][4]) e(3); for (i=0; i<50; i++) a[i] = i+1; if (a[one()-1] != one()) e(4); if (echo(a[4]) != 5) e(5); if ( echo( a[ echo(6) ] ) != 7 ) e(6); if ( a[a[a[0]]] != 3 ) e(7); for (i=11; i<22; i++) if ( echo( a[i+echo('b'-'a'-1)] ) != i+1) e(8); for (i=0; i<1; i++) for (j=0; j<2; j++) for (k=0; k<3; k++) for (l=0; l<4; l++) for (m=0; m<5; m++) b[echo(i)][echo(j)][echo(k)][l][echo(m)] = j*k*l*m; for (i=3; i; --i) for (j=4; j; --j) if (b[0][max1( max1(0,0), 1)][2][i][j] != 1*2*echo(i)*j ) e(9); } /* More testing */ func(sw,i) int sw; /* switch selector */ int i; /* value to be returned */ { int a[10]; switch(sw) { case 0: return(-i); break; case 1: return ( echo(i*i) - (i-1)*i ); break; case 2: return ( 2*func(0,i) ); break; case 3: a[0] = 3; a[3] = 1; a[1] = 8; a[8] = i; return( 3*a[a[a[a[0]]]] ); } return(-32768); } /* testing function arguments */ f1(i,j) int i,j; { return( i!=j ); } f2(ptr) int *ptr; { int *locptr; locptr = ptr; return ( *ptr | *locptr ); } swap(a,b) int *a,*b; { int temp; temp = *a; *a = *b; *b = temp; } test5() { int k,l; int *ptr; t = 5; tct++; for (k = -6353; k < -6003; k++) if (f1(k,k+3-echo(3))) e(1); k = 'a' - 723; ptr = &k; if ( f2(ptr) != f2(&k) ) e(3); if ( f2(ptr) + f2(&k) != 2*k ) e(4); if ( f1(*ptr,*ptr) ) e(5); if ( f1(*ptr,k) ) e(6); if ( f1( f2(&k), *ptr ) ) e(7); k = l=28; swap(&k,&l); if ( k != l ) e(8); *ptr = k; swap(&k,ptr); if ( k != *ptr ) e(9); l = -5; k = 'h'; ptr = &k; swap(ptr,&l); if ( l != 'h' ) e(10); if ( k != -5 ) e(11); if ( *ptr != -5 ) e(12); if ( ptr != &k ) e(13); } icount(i) int i; { return(i+1); } test6() { int i; tct++; t=6; for (i=0; i<10; i++) if (func(0,i) != -i) e(i); for (i=10; i<20; i++) if ( -func(2,i) != 2*i) e(i); if (func(func(0,0),0) != 0) e(20); if (func(-func(0,1),32) != 32) e(21); if (max1(32767,10) != max2(32767,10)) e(22); if (func(3,10) != 30) e(22); if (icount(1)!=2) e(23); if (icount(2)!=3) e(24); if (icount(32766) != 32767) e(25); if (icount((int)-32768) != -32767) e(26); if (icount(icount(1)) != 3) e(27); if ( icount( (int)&i ) != (int)&i + 1 ) e(28) ; if (icount(icount(icount(icount(icount(icount(icount(icount(0))))))))!=8) e(29); }