/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header$ */ /* EXPRESSION SYNTAX PARSER */ { #include "lint.h" #include "arith.h" #include "LLlex.h" #include "type.h" #include "idf.h" #include "label.h" #include "expr.h" #include "code.h" #include "noRoption.h" extern char options[]; extern struct expr *intexpr(); } /* 7.1 */ primary(register struct expr **expp;) : IDENTIFIER {dot2expr(expp);} | constant(expp) | STRING {dot2expr(expp);} | '(' expression(expp) ')' {(*expp)->ex_flags |= EX_PARENS;} ; secundary(register struct expr **expp;) : primary(expp) [ index_pack(expp) | parameter_pack(expp) | selection(expp) ]* ; index_pack(struct expr **expp;) {struct expr *e1;} : '[' expression(&e1) ']' {ch7bin(expp, '[', e1);} ; parameter_pack(struct expr **expp;) {struct expr *e1 = 0;} : '(' parameter_list(&e1)? ')' {ch7bin(expp, '(', e1);} ; selection(struct expr **expp;) {int oper; struct idf *idf;} : [ '.' | ARROW ] {oper = DOT;} identifier(&idf) {ch7sel(expp, oper, idf);} ; parameter_list(struct expr **expp;) {struct expr *e1 = 0;} : assignment_expression(expp) {any2opnd(expp, PARCOMMA);} [ ',' assignment_expression(&e1) {any2opnd(&e1, PARCOMMA);} {ch7bin(expp, PARCOMMA, e1);} ]* ; /* 7.2 */ postfixed(struct expr **expp;) {int oper;} : secundary(expp) [ postop(&oper) {ch7incr(expp, oper);} | empty ] ; %first first_of_type_specifier, type_specifier; unary(register struct expr **expp;) {struct type *tp; int oper;} : %if (first_of_type_specifier(AHEAD) && AHEAD != IDENTIFIER) cast(&tp) unary(expp) { ch7cast(expp, CAST, tp); (*expp)->ex_flags |= EX_CAST; } | postfixed(expp) | unop(&oper) unary(expp) {ch7mon(oper, expp);} | size_of(expp) ; size_of(register struct expr **expp;) {struct type *tp;} : SIZEOF [%if (first_of_type_specifier(AHEAD) && AHEAD != IDENTIFIER) cast(&tp) { *expp = intexpr(size_of_type(tp, "type"), INT); (*expp)->ex_flags |= EX_SIZEOF; } | unary(expp) {ch7mon(SIZEOF, expp);} ] ; /* 7.3-7.12 */ /* The set of operators in C is stratified in 15 levels, with level N being treated in RM 7.N. In principle each operator is assigned a rank, ranging from 1 to 15. Such an expression can be parsed by a construct like: binary_expression(int maxrank;) {int oper;} : binary_expression(maxrank - 1) [%if (rank_of(DOT) <= maxrank) binop(&oper) binary_expression(rank_of(oper)-1) ]? ; except that some call of 'unary' is necessary, depending on the grammar. This simple view is marred by three complications: 1. Level 15 (comma operator) is not allowed in many contexts and is different. 2. Level 13 (conditional operator) is a ternary operator, which does not fit this scheme at all. 3. Level 14 (assignment operators) group right-to-left, as opposed to 2-12, which group left-to-right (or are immaterial). 4. The operators in level 14 start with operators in levels 2-13 (RM 7.14: The two parts of a compound assignment operator are separate tokens.) This causes LL1 problems. This forces us to have four rules: binary_expression for level 2-12 conditional_expression for level 13 assignment_expression for level 14 and expression for the most general expression */ binary_expression(int maxrank; struct expr **expp;) {int oper; struct expr *e1;} : unary(expp) [%while (rank_of(DOT) <= maxrank && AHEAD != '=') /* '?', '=', and ',' are no binops, and the test for AHEAD != '=' keeps the other assignment operators out */ binop(&oper) binary_expression(rank_of(oper)-1, &e1) { ch7bin(expp, oper, e1); } ]* ; /* 7.13 */ conditional_expression(struct expr **expp;) /* There is some unfortunate disagreement about what is allowed between the '?' and the ':' of a conditional_expression. Although the Ritchie compiler does not even allow conditional_expressions there, some other compilers (e.g., VAX) accept a full assignment_expression there, and programs (like, e.g., emacs) rely on it. So we have little choice. */ {struct expr *e1 = 0, *e2 = 0;} : /* allow all binary operators */ binary_expression(rank_of('?') - 1, expp) [ '?' expression(&e1) { #ifndef NOROPTION check_conditional(e1, '?', "between ? and :"); #endif } ':' assignment_expression(&e2) { #ifndef NOROPTION check_conditional(e2, '=', "after :"); #endif ch7bin(&e1, ':', e2); opnd2test(expp, '?'); #ifdef LINT if (is_cp_cst(*expp)) hwarning("condition in ?: is constant"); #endif LINT ch7bin(expp, '?', e1); } ]? ; /* 7.14 */ assignment_expression(struct expr **expp;) { int oper; struct expr *e1 = 0; } : conditional_expression(expp) [%prefer /* (rank_of(DOT) <= maxrank) for any asgnop */ asgnop(&oper) assignment_expression(&e1) {ch7asgn(expp, oper, e1);} | empty /* LLgen artefact ??? */ ] ; /* 7.15 */ expression(struct expr **expp;) {struct expr *e1;} : assignment_expression(expp) [ ',' assignment_expression(&e1) { ch7bin(expp, ',', e1); } ]* ; unop(int *oper;) : ['*' | '&' | '-' | '!' | '~' | PLUSPLUS | MINMIN] {*oper = DOT;} ; postop(int *oper;): PLUSPLUS {*oper = POSTINCR;} | MINMIN {*oper = POSTDECR;} ; multop: '*' | '/' | '%' ; addop: '+' | '-' ; shiftop: LEFT | RIGHT ; relop: '<' | '>' | LESSEQ | GREATEREQ ; eqop: EQUAL | NOTEQUAL ; arithop: multop | addop | shiftop | '&' | '^' | '|' ; binop(int *oper;) : [ arithop | relop | eqop | AND | OR ] {*oper = DOT;} ; asgnop(register int *oper;): '=' {*oper = DOT;} | '+' '=' {*oper = PLUSAB;} | '-' '=' {*oper = MINAB;} | '*' '=' {*oper = TIMESAB;} | '/' '=' {*oper = DIVAB;} | '%' '=' {*oper = MODAB;} | LEFT '=' {*oper = LEFTAB;} | RIGHT '=' {*oper = RIGHTAB;} | '&' '=' {*oper = ANDAB;} | '^' '=' {*oper = XORAB;} | '|' '=' {*oper = ORAB;} | [ PLUSAB | MINAB | TIMESAB | DIVAB | MODAB | LEFTAB | RIGHTAB | ANDAB | XORAB | ORAB ] { char *symbol2str(); warning("old-fashioned assignment operator, use %s", symbol2str(DOT)); *oper = DOT; } ; constant(struct expr **expp;) : [ INTEGER | FLOATING ] {dot2expr(expp);} ; /* 15 */ constant_expression (struct expr **expp;) : assignment_expression(expp) {chk_cst_expr(expp);} ; identifier(struct idf **idfp;) : [ IDENTIFIER | TYPE_IDENTIFIER ] { *idfp = dot.tk_idf; } ;