.NH 2
The Intermediate Code construction phase
The first phase of the global optimizer,
constructs a major part of the intermediate code.
To be specific, it produces:
.IP -
the EM text
.IP -
the object table
.IP -
part of the procedure table
The calling, change and use attributes of a procedure
and all its flags except the external and bodyseen flags
are computed by the next phase (Control Flow phase).
As explained before,
the intermediate code does not contain
any names of variables or procedures.
The normal identifiers are replaced by identifying
Yet, the output of the global optimizer must
contain normal identifiers, as this
output is in Compact Assembly Language format.
We certainly want all externally visible names
to be the same in the input as in the output,
because the optimized EM module may be a library unit,
used by other modules.
IC dumps the names of all procedures and data labels
on two files:
.IP -
the procedure dump file, containing tuples (P_ID, procedure name)
.IP -
the data dump file, containing tuples (D_ID, data label name)
The names of instruction labels are not dumped,
as they are not visible outside the procedure
in which they are defined.
The input to IC consists of one or more files.
Each file is either an EM module in Compact Assembly Language
format, or a Unix archive file (library) containing such modules.
IC only extracts those modules from a library that are
needed somehow, just as a linker does.
It is advisable to present as much code
of the EM program as possible to the optimizer,
although it is not required to present the whole program.
If a procedure is called somewhere in the EM text,
but its body (text) is not included in the input,
its bodyseen flag in the procedure table will still
be off.
Whenever such a procedure is called,
we assume the worst case for everything;
it will change and use all variables it has access to,
it will call every procedure etc.
Similarly, if a data label is used
but not defined, the PSEUDO attribute in its data block
will be set to UNKNOWN.
.NH 3
Part of the code for the EM Peephole Optimizer
staveren peephole toplass
has been used for IC.
Especially the routines that read and unravel
Compact Assembly Language and the identifier
lookup mechanism have been used.
New code was added to recognize objects,
build the object and procedure tables and to
output the intermediate code.
IC uses singly linked linear lists for both the
procedure and object table.
Hence there are no limits on the size of such
a table (except for the trivial fact that it must fit
in main memory).
Both tables are outputted after all EM code has
been processed.
IC reads the EM text of one entire procedure
at a time,
processes it and appends the modified code to
the EM text file.
EM code is represented internally as a doubly linked linear
list of EM instructions.
Objects are recognized by looking at the operands
of instructions that reference global data.
If we come across the instructions:
l l.
LDE X+6	-- Load Double External
LAE X+20	-- Load Address External
we conclude that the data block
preceded by the data label X contains an object
at offset 6 of size twice the word size,
and an object at offset 20 of unknown size.
A data block entry of the object table is allocated
at the first reference to a data label.
If this reference is a defining occurrence
or a INA pseudo instruction,
the label is not externally visible
keizer architecture
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In this case, the external flag of the data block
is turned off.
If the first reference is an applied occurrence
or a EXA pseudo instruction, the flag is set.
We record this information, because the
optimizer may change the order of defining and
applied occurrences.
The INA and EXA pseudos are removed from the EM text.
They may be regenerated by the last phase
of the optimizer.
Similar rules hold for the procedure table
and the INP and EXP pseudos.
.NH 3
Source files of IC
The source files of IC consist
of the files ic.c, ic.h and several packages.
.UL ic.h
contains type definitions, macros and
variable declarations that may be used by
ic.c and by every package.
.UL ic.c
contains the definitions of these variables,
the procedure
.UL main
and some high level I/O routines used by main.
Every package xxx consists of two files.
ic_xxx.h contains type definitions,
macros, variable declarations and
procedure declarations that may be used by
every .c file that includes this .h file.
The file ic_xxx.c provides the
definitions of these variables and
the implementation of the declared procedures.
IC uses the following packages:
.IP lookup: 18
procedures that loop up procedure, data label
and instruction label names; procedures to dump
the procedure and data label names.
.IP lib:
one procedure that gets the next useful input module;
while scanning archives, it skips unnecessary modules.
.IP aux:
several auxiliary routines.
.IP io:
low-level I/O routines that unravel the Compact
Assembly Language.
.IP put:
routines that output the intermediate code