/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Id$ */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include "system.h" #include "object.h" #include "out.h" /* astrip -- remove symbols and relocation bits */ char tname[L_tmpnam]; FILE *tf; struct outhead buf; int readerror, writeerror; static int copy(char *, char *, long, FILE *, FILE *); static int strip(char *); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int status; signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); if (sys_tmpnam(tname)==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "astrip: cannot create temporary filename\n"); return(1); } fclose(fopen(tname,"wb")); while(--argc) { if ((status = strip(argv[argc])) > 1) break; } remove(tname); return status; } int strip(char *name) { long size; FILE *fw; if (! rd_open(name)) { fprintf(stderr, "astrip: cannot open %s\n", name); return(1); } readerror = 0; writeerror = 0; rd_ohead(&buf); if(readerror || BADMAGIC(buf)) { fprintf(stderr, "astrip: %s-- bad format\n", name); rd_close(); return(1); } size = OFF_RELO(buf) - SZ_HEAD; buf.oh_flags &= ~HF_LINK; buf.oh_nrelo = 0; buf.oh_nname = 0; buf.oh_nchar = 0; if (! wr_open(tname)) { fprintf(stderr, "astrip: cannot create temp file %s\n", tname); rd_close(); return(2); } wr_ohead(&buf); wr_close(); if (writeerror) { fprintf(stderr, "astrip: write error on temp file %s\n", tname); rd_close(); return(1); } fw = fopen(tname, "ab"); if ((fw == NULL) || (fseek(fw, (long)SZ_HEAD, SEEK_SET)!=0)) { fprintf(stderr, "astrip: cannot create temp file %s\n", tname); rd_close(); fclose(fw); return(2); } if(copy(name, tname, size, rd_fd(), fw)) { rd_close(); fclose(fw); return(1); } rd_close(); fclose(fw); size += SZ_HEAD; if (! rd_open(tname)) { fprintf(stderr, "astrip: cannot read temp file %s\n", tname); return(2); } fw = fopen(name, "wb"); if (fw == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "astrip: cannot write %s\n", name); rd_close(); return(1); } if(copy(tname, name, size, rd_fd(), fw)) { fclose(fw); rd_close(); return(2); } fclose(fw); rd_close(); /* Change the mode to everything. */ chmod(name,S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); return(0); } static int copy(char *fnam, char *tnam, long size, FILE *fr, FILE *fw) { register int s; char lbuf[512]; while(size != (long)0) { s = 512; if(size < 512) s = (int) size; rd_bytes(fr, lbuf, (long) s); if (readerror) { fprintf(stderr, "astrip: unexpected eof on %s\n", fnam); return(1); } wr_bytes(fw, lbuf, (long) s); if (writeerror) { fprintf(stderr, "astrip: write error on %s\n", tnam); return(1); } size -= (long)s; } return(0); } void rd_fatal(void) { readerror = 1; } void wr_fatal(void) { writeerror = 1; }