/* $Id$ */
 * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
 * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright".
extern offset	array_elemsize(valnum vm);
					 * Returns the size of array-elements,
					 * if vn is the valuenumber of the
					 * address of an array-descriptor.

extern occur_p	occ_elem(Lindex i);	/*
					 * Returns a pointer to the occurrence
					 * of which i is an index in a set.

extern entity_p	en_elem(Lindex i);	/*
					 * Returns a pointer to the entity
					 * of which i is an index in a set.

extern valnum	newvalnum(void);	/*
					 * Returns a completely new
					 * value number.

extern void	start_valnum(void);	/*
					 * Restart value numbering.