/* $Id$ */ /* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* V A L U E N U M B E R I N G M E T H O D */ #include <em_mnem.h> #include "../share/types.h" #include "../share/global.h" #include "../share/debug.h" #include "../share/utils.h" #include "cs.h" #include "cs_alloc.h" #include "cs_aux.h" #include "cs_entity.h" #include "cs_avail.h" #include "cs_stack.h" #include "cs_kill.h" #include "cs_partit.h" #include "cs_getent.h" #include "cs_profit.h" STATIC void push_entity(entity_p enp, line_p lfirst) { /* Build token and Push it. */ struct token tk; tk.tk_vn = enp->en_vn; tk.tk_size = enp->en_size; tk.tk_lfirst = lfirst; Push(&tk); } STATIC void put_expensive_load(bblock_p bp, line_p lnp, line_p lfirst, entity_p enp) { struct avail av; occur_p ocp; av.av_instr = INSTR(lnp); av.av_size = enp->en_size; av.av_operand = enp->en_vn; ocp = newoccur(lfirst, lnp, bp); av_enter(&av, ocp, EXPENSIVE_LOAD); } STATIC void put_aar(bblock_p bp, line_p lnp, line_p lfirst, entity_p enp) { /* Enter the implicit AAR in a LAR or SAR, where enp points to * the ENARRELEM, and AAR computes its address. */ struct avail av; occur_p ocp; assert(INSTR(lnp) == op_lar || INSTR(lnp) == op_sar); assert(enp->en_kind == ENARRELEM); av.av_instr = op_aar; av.av_size = ps; av.av_ofirst = enp->en_arbase; av.av_osecond = enp->en_index; av.av_othird = enp->en_adesc; /* Before we enter an available AAR, we must check whether we * may convert this LAR/SAR to AAR LOI/STI. This is so we * don't LOI/STI a large or unknown size. */ if (may_become_aar(&av)) { ocp = newoccur(lfirst, lnp, bp); av_enter(&av, ocp, TERNAIR_OP); } } STATIC void push_avail(avail_p avp, line_p lfirst) { struct token tk; tk.tk_vn = avp->av_result; tk.tk_size = avp->av_size; tk.tk_lfirst = lfirst; Push(&tk); } STATIC void push_unair_op(bblock_p bp, line_p lnp, token_p tkp1) { struct avail av; occur_p ocp; av.av_instr = INSTR(lnp); av.av_size = avsize(lnp); av.av_operand = tkp1->tk_vn; ocp = newoccur(tkp1->tk_lfirst, lnp, bp); push_avail(av_enter(&av, ocp, UNAIR_OP), tkp1->tk_lfirst); } STATIC void push_binair_op(bblock_p bp, line_p lnp, token_p tkp1, token_p tkp2) { struct avail av; occur_p ocp; av.av_instr = INSTR(lnp); av.av_size = avsize(lnp); av.av_oleft = tkp1->tk_vn; av.av_oright = tkp2->tk_vn; ocp = newoccur(tkp1->tk_lfirst, lnp, bp); push_avail(av_enter(&av, ocp, BINAIR_OP), tkp1->tk_lfirst); } STATIC void push_ternair_op(bblock_p bp, line_p lnp, token_p tkp1, token_p tkp2, token_p tkp3) { struct avail av; occur_p ocp; av.av_instr = INSTR(lnp); av.av_size = avsize(lnp); av.av_ofirst = tkp1->tk_vn; av.av_osecond = tkp2->tk_vn; av.av_othird = tkp3->tk_vn; ocp = newoccur(tkp1->tk_lfirst, lnp, bp); push_avail(av_enter(&av, ocp, TERNAIR_OP), tkp1->tk_lfirst); } STATIC void push_remainder(bblock_p bp, line_p lnp, token_p tkp1, token_p tkp2) { /* Enter the implicit division tkp1 / tkp2, * then push the remainder tkp1 % tkp2. */ struct avail av; occur_p ocp; assert(INSTR(lnp) == op_rmi || INSTR(lnp) == op_rmu); av.av_size = avsize(lnp); av.av_oleft = tkp1->tk_vn; av.av_oright = tkp2->tk_vn; /* Check whether we may convert RMI/RMU to DVI/DVU. */ if (may_become_dv()) { /* The division is DVI in RMI, or DVU in RMU. */ av.av_instr = (INSTR(lnp) == op_rmi ? op_dvi : op_dvu); /* In postfix, a b % becomes a b a b / * -. We must * keep a and b on the stack, so the first instruction * to eliminate is lnp, not tkp1->l_first. */ ocp = newoccur(lnp, lnp, bp); av_enter(&av, ocp, BINAIR_OP); } av.av_instr = INSTR(lnp); ocp = newoccur(tkp1->tk_lfirst, lnp, bp); push_avail(av_enter(&av, ocp, REMAINDER), tkp1->tk_lfirst); } STATIC void fiddle_stack(line_p lnp) { /* The instruction in lnp does something to the valuenumber-stack. */ struct token dummy; offset size; /* Partly initialize dummy. */ dummy.tk_lfirst = lnp; switch (INSTR(lnp)) { default: assert(FALSE); break; case op_lor: dummy.tk_vn = newvalnum(); dummy.tk_size = ps; Push(&dummy); break; case op_asp: if ((size = off_set(lnp)) > 0) { Pop(&dummy, size); } else { dummy.tk_vn = newvalnum(); dummy.tk_size = size; Push(&dummy); } break; case op_dup: Dup(lnp); break; case op_ass: case op_dus: case op_exg: case op_los: /* Don't waste effort. */ clr_stack(); break; case op_sig: Pop(&dummy, (offset) ps); break; case op_lfr: dummy.tk_vn = newvalnum(); dummy.tk_size = off_set(lnp); Push(&dummy); break; case op_beq: case op_bge: case op_bgt: case op_bne: case op_ble: case op_blt: Pop(&dummy, (offset) ws); Pop(&dummy, (offset) ws); break; case op_bra: case op_csa:/* ??? */ case op_csb:/* ??? */ case op_gto:/* ??? */ case op_ret:/* ??? */ case op_rtt:/* ??? */ break; case op_zeq: case op_zge: case op_zgt: case op_zne: case op_zle: case op_zlt: case op_trp: Pop(&dummy, (offset) ws); break; case op_rck: Pop(&dummy, (offset) ps); break; } } STATIC proc_p find_proc(vn) valnum vn; { /* Find the procedure-identifier with valuenumber vn. */ entity_p enp; enp = find_entity(vn); if (enp != (entity_p) 0 && enp->en_kind == ENPROC) return enp->en_pro; return (proc_p) 0; } STATIC void side_effects(line_p lnp) { /* Lnp contains a cai or cal instruction. We try to find the callee * and see what side-effects it has. */ struct token tk; proc_p pp; if (INSTR(lnp) == op_cai) { Pop(&tk, (offset) ps); pp = find_proc(tk.tk_vn); } else { assert(INSTR(lnp) == op_cal); pp = PROC(lnp); } if (pp != (proc_p) 0) { kill_call(pp); } else { kill_much(); } } STATIC void hopeless(int instr) { /* The effect of `instr' is too difficult to * compute. We assume worst case behaviour. */ switch (instr) { default: assert(FALSE); break; case op_mon: case op_str: case op_nop: /* for volatiles */ /* We can't even trust "static" entities. */ kill_all(); clr_stack(); break; case op_blm: case op_bls: case op_sts: kill_much(); clr_stack(); break; } } void vnm(bblock_p bp) { register line_p lnp; register entity_p rep; line_p lfirst; struct token tk, tk1, tk2, tk3; for (lnp = bp->b_start; lnp != (line_p) 0; lnp = lnp->l_next) { rep = getentity(lnp, &lfirst); switch (instrgroup(lnp)) { case SIMPLE_LOAD: push_entity(rep, lfirst); break; case LOAD_ARRAY: put_aar(bp, lnp, lfirst, rep); /* Fall through ... */ case EXPENSIVE_LOAD: push_entity(rep, lfirst); put_expensive_load(bp, lnp, lfirst, rep); break; case STORE_DIRECT: kill_direct(rep); Pop(&tk, rep->en_size); rep->en_vn = tk.tk_vn; break; case STORE_ARRAY: put_aar(bp, lnp, lfirst, rep); /* Fall through ... */ case STORE_INDIR: kill_indir(rep); Pop(&tk, rep->en_size); rep->en_vn = tk.tk_vn; break; case UNAIR_OP: Pop(&tk1, op11size(lnp)); push_unair_op(bp, lnp, &tk1); break; case BINAIR_OP: Pop(&tk2, op22size(lnp)); Pop(&tk1, op12size(lnp)); push_binair_op(bp, lnp, &tk1, &tk2); break; case TERNAIR_OP: Pop(&tk3, op33size(lnp)); Pop(&tk2, op23size(lnp)); Pop(&tk1, op13size(lnp)); push_ternair_op(bp, lnp, &tk1, &tk2, &tk3); break; case REMAINDER: Pop(&tk2, op22size(lnp)); Pop(&tk1, op12size(lnp)); push_remainder(bp, lnp, &tk1, &tk2); break; case KILL_ENTITY: kill_direct(rep); break; case SIDE_EFFECTS: side_effects(lnp); break; case FIDDLE_STACK: fiddle_stack(lnp); break; case IGNORE: break; case HOPELESS: hopeless(INSTR(lnp)); break; case BBLOCK_END: fiddle_stack(lnp); break; default: assert(FALSE); break; } } }