/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ #ifndef NORCSID static char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; #endif /* This program converts either human-readable or compact EM assembly code to calls of the procedure-interface. It must be linked with two libraries: - a library to read EM code, according to read_em(3) - a library implementing the em_code(3) interface. Thus, this program could serve as an EM_encoder, an EM_decoder, or some code generator, depending on how it is linked. */ #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "system.h" #include "print.h" #include "em_pseu.h" #include "em_mnem.h" #include "em_spec.h" #include "em_flag.h" #include "em_ptyp.h" #include "em.h" #include "em_comp.h" char *filename; /* Name of input file */ int errors; /* Number of errors */ extern char *C_error; void error(const char *, ...); void fatal(const char *, ...); int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct e_instr buf; register struct e_instr *p = &buf; if (argc >= 2) { filename = argv[1]; } else filename = 0; if (!EM_open(filename)) { fatal(EM_error); } EM_getinstr(p); C_init((arith) EM_wordsize, (arith) EM_pointersize); if (argc >= 3) { if (!C_open(argv[2])) { fatal("C_open failed"); } } else if (!C_open( (char *) 0)) fatal("C_open failed"); C_magic(); while (p->em_type != EM_EOF) { if (p->em_type == EM_FATAL) { fatal("%s", EM_error); } if (EM_error) { error("%s", EM_error); } if (p->em_type != EM_ERROR && !C_out(p)) { error("%s", C_error); } EM_getinstr(p); } C_close(); EM_close(); exit(errors ? 1 : 0); } /* VARARGS */ void error(const char *s, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, s); fprint(STDERR, "%s, line %d: ", filename ? filename : "standard input", EM_lineno); doprnt(STDERR, s, ap); fprint(STDERR, "\n"); errors++; va_end(ap); } /* VARARGS */ void fatal(const char *s, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, s); if (C_busy()) C_close(); error(s, ap); exit(1); }