/* * (c) copyright 1987 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". */ /* $Header$ */ /* C O N S T A N T E X P R E S S I O N H A N D L I N G */ #include "target_sizes.h" #include "idf.h" #include <flt_arith.h> #include "arith.h" #include "type.h" #include "label.h" #include "expr.h" #include "sizes.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "assert.h" arith full_mask[MAXSIZE];/* full_mask[1] == 0XFF, full_mask[2] == 0XFFFF, .. */ arith max_int; /* maximum integer on target machine */ arith max_unsigned; /* maximum unsigned on target machine */ extern int ResultKnown; cstbin(expp, oper, expr) register struct expr **expp, *expr; { /* The operation oper is performed on the constant expressions *expp(ld) and expr(ct), and the result restored in *expp. */ register arith o1 = (*expp)->VL_VALUE; register arith o2 = expr->VL_VALUE; int uns = (*expp)->ex_type->tp_unsigned; ASSERT(is_ld_cst(*expp) && is_cp_cst(expr)); switch (oper) { case '*': o1 *= o2; break; case '/': if (o2 == 0) { if (!ResultKnown) expr_error(expr, "division by 0"); else expr_warning(expr, "division by 0"); break; } if (uns) { /* this is more of a problem than you might think on C compilers which do not have unsigned arith (== long (probably)). */ if (o2 & arith_sign) {/* o2 > max_arith */ o1 = ! (o1 >= 0 || o1 < o2); /* this is the unsigned test o1 < o2 for o2 > max_arith */ } else { /* o2 <= max_arith */ arith half, bit, hdiv, hrem, rem; half = (o1 >> 1) & ~arith_sign; bit = o1 & 01; /* now o1 == 2 * half + bit and half <= max_arith and bit <= max_arith */ hdiv = half / o2; hrem = half % o2; rem = 2 * hrem + bit; o1 = 2 * hdiv + (rem < 0 || rem >= o2); /* that is the unsigned compare rem >= o2 for o2 <= max_arith */ } } else o1 /= o2; break; case '%': if (o2 == 0) { if (!ResultKnown) expr_error(expr, "modulo by 0"); else expr_warning(expr, "modulo by 0"); break; } if (uns) { if (o2 & arith_sign) {/* o2 > max_arith */ o1 = (o1 >= 0 || o1 < o2) ? o1 : o1 - o2; /* this is the unsigned test o1 < o2 for o2 > max_arith */ } else { /* o2 <= max_arith */ arith half, bit, hrem, rem; half = (o1 >> 1) & ~arith_sign; bit = o1 & 01; /* now o1 == 2 * half + bit and half <= max_arith and bit <= max_arith */ hrem = half % o2; rem = 2 * hrem + bit; o1 = (rem < 0 || rem >= o2) ? rem - o2 : rem; } } else o1 %= o2; break; case '+': o1 += o2; break; case '-': o1 -= o2; break; case LEFT: o1 <<= o2; break; case RIGHT: if (o2 == 0) break; if (uns) { o1 >>= 1; o1 &= ~arith_sign; o1 >>= (o2-1); } else o1 >>= o2; break; case '<': { arith tmp = o1; o1 = o2; o2 = tmp; } /* Fall through */ case '>': if (uns) { o1 = (o1 & arith_sign ? (o2 & arith_sign ? o1 > o2 : 1) : (o2 & arith_sign ? 0 : o1 > o2) ); } else o1 = o1 > o2; break; case LESSEQ: { arith tmp = o1; o1 = o2; o2 = tmp; } /* Fall through */ case GREATEREQ: if (uns) { o1 = (o1 & arith_sign ? (o2 & arith_sign ? o1 >= o2 : 1) : (o2 & arith_sign ? 0 : o1 >= o2) ); } else o1 = o1 >= o2; break; case EQUAL: o1 = o1 == o2; break; case NOTEQUAL: o1 = o1 != o2; break; case '&': o1 &= o2; break; case '|': o1 |= o2; break; case '^': o1 ^= o2; break; } (*expp)->VL_VALUE = o1; cut_size(*expp); (*expp)->ex_flags |= expr->ex_flags; (*expp)->ex_flags &= ~EX_PARENS; free_expression(expr); } cut_size(expr) register struct expr *expr; { /* The constant value of the expression expr is made to conform to the size of the type of the expression. */ register arith o1 = expr->VL_VALUE; int uns = expr->ex_type->tp_unsigned; int size = (int) expr->ex_type->tp_size; ASSERT(expr->ex_class == Value); if (expr->ex_type->tp_fund == POINTER) { /* why warn on "ptr-3" ? This quick hack fixes it */ uns = 0; } if (uns) { if (o1 & ~full_mask[size]) if (!ResultKnown) expr_warning(expr, "overflow in unsigned constant expression"); o1 &= full_mask[size]; } else { int nbits = (int) (arith_size - size) * 8; arith remainder = o1 & ~full_mask[size]; if (remainder != 0 && remainder != ~full_mask[size]) if (!ResultKnown) expr_warning(expr,"overflow in constant expression"); o1 <<= nbits; /* ??? */ o1 >>= nbits; } expr->VL_VALUE = o1; } init_cst() { register int i = 0; register arith bt = (arith)0; while (!(bt < 0)) { bt = (bt << 8) + 0377, i++; if (i == MAXSIZE) fatal("array full_mask too small for this machine"); full_mask[i] = bt; } if ((int)long_size > arith_size) fatal("sizeof (arith) insufficient on this machine"); max_int = full_mask[(int)int_size] & ~(1L << ((int)int_size * 8 - 1)); max_unsigned = full_mask[(int)int_size]; }