/* * (c) copyright 1990 by the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. * See the copyright notice in the ACK home directory, in the file "Copyright". * * Author: Ceriel J.H. Jacobs */ /* D E B U G G E R S Y M B O L T A B L E */ /* $Id$ */ #include "dbsymtab.h" #ifdef DBSYMTAB #include <alloc.h> #include <em_arith.h> #include <em_label.h> #include <em_code.h> #include <flt_arith.h> #include <stb.h> #include "LLlex.h" #include "stack.h" #include "def.h" #include "type.h" #include "struct.h" #include "field.h" #include "idf.h" #include "Lpars.h" #include "level.h" extern long full_mask[]; extern char *sprint(); #define INCR_SIZE 64 static struct db_str { unsigned sz; char *base; char *currpos; } db_str; static create_db_str() { if (! db_str.base) { db_str.base = Malloc(INCR_SIZE); db_str.sz = INCR_SIZE; } db_str.currpos = db_str.base; } static addc_db_str(c) int c; { int df = db_str.currpos - db_str.base; if (df >= db_str.sz-1) { db_str.sz += INCR_SIZE; db_str.base = Realloc(db_str.base, db_str.sz); db_str.currpos = db_str.base + df; } *db_str.currpos++ = c; *db_str.currpos = '\0'; } static adds_db_str(s) char *s; { while (*s) addc_db_str(*s++); } static stb_type(tp) register struct type *tp; { char buf[128]; static int stb_count; long l; if (tp->tp_dbindex > 0) { adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "%d", tp->tp_dbindex)); return; } if (tp->tp_dbindex < 0 && tp->tp_size < 0) { adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "%d", -tp->tp_dbindex)); return; } if (tp->tp_dbindex <= 0) { tp->tp_dbindex = ++stb_count; } adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "%d=", tp->tp_dbindex)); switch(tp->tp_fund) { /* simple types ... */ case VOID: adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "%d", void_type->tp_dbindex)); break; case INT: case LONG: case CHAR: case SHORT: l = full_mask[(int)tp->tp_size]; if (tp->tp_unsigned) { adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "r%d;0;%ld", tp->tp_dbindex, l)); } else { l &= ~ (1L << ((int)tp->tp_size * 8 - 1)); adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "r%d;%ld;%ld", tp->tp_dbindex, -l-1, l)); } break; case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "r%d;%ld;0", tp->tp_dbindex, (long)tp->tp_size)); break; /* constructed types ... */ case POINTER: addc_db_str('*'); stb_type(tp->tp_up); break; case ARRAY: if (tp->tp_size > 0) { adds_db_str("ar"); stb_type(int_type); adds_db_str(sprint(buf, ";0;%ld;", tp->tp_size / tp->tp_up->tp_size - 1)); stb_type(tp->tp_up); } break; case ENUM: if (tp->tp_size < 0) { adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "xe%s:", tp->tp_idf->id_text)); tp->tp_dbindex = -tp->tp_dbindex; break; } addc_db_str('e'); { register struct stack_entry *se = local_level->sl_entry; while (se) { register struct def *edef = se->se_idf->id_def; while (edef) { if (edef->df_type == tp && edef->df_sc == ENUM) { adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "%s:%ld,", se->se_idf->id_text, edef->df_address)); } edef = edef->next; } se = se->next; } } addc_db_str(';'); break; case STRUCT: case UNION: if (tp->tp_size < 0) { adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "x%c%s:", tp->tp_fund == STRUCT ? 's' : 'u', tp->tp_idf->id_text)); tp->tp_dbindex = -tp->tp_dbindex; break; } adds_db_str(sprint(buf, "%c%ld", tp->tp_fund == STRUCT ? 's' : 'u', tp->tp_size)); { register struct sdef *sdef = tp->tp_sdef; while (sdef) { adds_db_str(sdef->sd_idf->id_text); addc_db_str(':'); if (sdef->sd_type->tp_fund == FIELD) { stb_type(sdef->sd_type->tp_up); adds_db_str(sprint(buf, ",%ld,%ld;", sdef->sd_offset*8+sdef->sd_type->tp_field->fd_shift, sdef->sd_type->tp_field->fd_width)); } else { stb_type(sdef->sd_type); adds_db_str(sprint(buf, ",%ld,%ld;", sdef->sd_offset*8, sdef->sd_type->tp_size*8)); } sdef = sdef->sd_sdef; } } addc_db_str(';'); break; case FUNCTION: addc_db_str('f'); stb_type(tp->tp_up); } } stb_tag(tg, str) register struct tag *tg; char *str; { create_db_str(); adds_db_str(str); adds_db_str(":T"); stb_type(tg->tg_type); addc_db_str(';'); C_ms_stb_cst(db_str.base, N_LSYM, tg->tg_type == void_type || tg->tg_type->tp_size >= 32767 ? 0 : (int)tg->tg_type->tp_size, (arith) 0); } stb_typedef(tp, str) register struct type *tp; char *str; { create_db_str(); adds_db_str(str); adds_db_str(":t"); stb_type(tp); addc_db_str(';'); C_ms_stb_cst(db_str.base, N_LSYM, tp == void_type || tp->tp_size >= 32767 ? 0 : (int)tp->tp_size, (arith) 0); } stb_string(df, kind, str) register struct def *df; char *str; { register struct type *tp = df->df_type; create_db_str(); adds_db_str(str); addc_db_str(':'); switch(kind) { case FUNCTION: addc_db_str(df->df_sc == STATIC ? 'f' : 'F'); stb_type(tp->tp_up); addc_db_str(';'); C_ms_stb_pnam(db_str.base, N_FUN, 1 /* proclevel */, str); break; default: if (df->df_sc == FORMAL || (df->df_sc == REGISTER && df->df_address >= 0)) { /* value parameter */ addc_db_str('p'); stb_type(tp); addc_db_str(';'); C_ms_stb_cst(db_str.base, N_PSYM, 0, df->df_address); } else if (df->df_sc != AUTO && df->df_sc != REGISTER) { /* global */ int stabtp = df->df_initialized ? N_STSYM : N_LCSYM; if (df->df_sc == STATIC) { if (df->df_level >= L_LOCAL) { addc_db_str('V'); } else { addc_db_str('S'); } } else { addc_db_str('G'); } stb_type(tp); addc_db_str(';'); if (df->df_sc == STATIC && df->df_level >= L_LOCAL) { C_ms_stb_dlb(db_str.base, stabtp, 0, (label) df->df_address, (arith) 0); } else { C_ms_stb_dnam(db_str.base, stabtp, 0, str, (arith) 0); } } else { /* local variable */ stb_type(tp); /* assign type num to avoid difficult to parse string */ addc_db_str(';'); C_ms_stb_cst(db_str.base, N_LSYM, 0, df->df_address); } break; } } #endif /* DBSYMTAB */