/***************************************************************** * * * N S 1 6 0 3 2 B A C K - E N D T A B L E * * * * * * Author: Annita Wilschut. * * * *****************************************************************/ /* * Deze tabel implementeert, naast gewone, ook floating point * instructies. Bij gebrek aan een floating point processor * is het betreffende onderdeel van de tabel echter niet * getest. Wanneer NOFLOAT "aan" is worden er zeker geen * floating point instructies gegenereerd. Na verwijdering van * alle ifdef's worden er bij de vertaling van een programma dat * geen floating point gebruikt, hoogst waarschhijnlijk ook * geen floating point instructies gegenereerd. Dit is echter niet * uitgebreid getest. */ EM_WSIZE=4 EM_PSIZE=4 EM_BSIZE=8 #define NOFLOAT PROPERTIES USELESS /* Bug circumvention */ REG /* Normal registers */ FREG /* Floating point registers */ DFREG(8) /* double floating reg for double precision */ MEMREG /* sp, fp en sb */ REGPAIR(8) /* register pair for extended integer instr */ PROGRAMCOUNTER STACKPOINTER STATICBASE LOCALBASE REGISTERS r0,r1,r2,r7 : REG. r3,r4,r5,r6 : REG regvar . f0,f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6,f7 : FREG. f01("f0")=f0+f1, f23("f2")=f2+f3, f45("f4")=f4+f5, f67("f6")=f6+f7 : DFREG. r01("r0")=r0+r1,r23("r2")=r2+r3 : REGPAIR. sp : STACKPOINTER, MEMREG. pc : PROGRAMCOUNTER. fp : LOCALBASE, MEMREG. sb : STATICBASE, MEMREG. TOKENS const4 = { INT num; } 4 num . LOCAL = { INT ind;} 4 ind "(fp)" . DLOCAL = { INT ind;} 8 ind "(fp)". addr_local = { INT ind; } 4 . addr_external = { ADDR disp; } 4 disp . regrel1 = { REG reg; ADDR disp; } 4 disp "(" reg ")" . regrel2 = { REG reg; ADDR disp; } 4 disp "(" reg ")" . regrel4 = { REG reg; ADDR disp; } 4 disp "(" reg ")" . regrel8 = { REG reg; ADDR disp; } 8 disp "(" reg ")" . memregrel1 = { MEMREG reg; ADDR disp; } 4 disp "(" reg ")" . memregrel2 = { MEMREG reg; ADDR disp; } 4 disp "(" reg ")" . memregrel4 = { MEMREG reg; ADDR disp; } 4 disp "(" reg ")" . memregrel8 = { MEMREG reg; ADDR disp; } 8 disp "(" reg ")" . memrel1 = { MEMREG reg; ADDR disp1; ADDR disp2; } 4 disp2 "(" disp1 "(" reg "))" . memrel2 = { MEMREG reg; ADDR disp1; ADDR disp2; } 4 disp2 "(" disp1 "(" reg "))" . memrel4 = { MEMREG reg; ADDR disp1; ADDR disp2; } 4 disp2 "(" disp1 "(" reg "))" . memrel8 = { MEMREG reg; ADDR disp1; ADDR disp2; } 8 disp2 "(" disp1 "(" reg "))" . absolute1 = { ADDR disp; } 4 "@" disp . absolute2 = { ADDR disp; } 4 "@" disp . absolute4 = { ADDR disp; } 4 "@" disp . absolute8 = { ADDR disp; } 8 "@" disp . TOS = {} 4 "tos" . regcon4 = { REG reg; ADDR disp; } 4 . memregcon4 = { MEMREG reg; ADDR disp; } 4 . memregrelcon4 = { MEMREG reg; ADDR disp1; ADDR disp2;} 4 . label = {ADDR disp; } 4 disp . memregrelsid = {INT ind; MEMREG reg1; REG reg2; } 4 ind "(" reg1 ")[" reg2 ":d]" . abssid = {ADDR disp; REG reg; } 4 "@" disp "[" reg ":d]" . fprelsid = {ADDR disp1; ADDR disp2; REG reg; } 4 disp2 "(" disp1 "(fp))[" reg ":d]" . sprelsid = {ADDR disp1; ADDR disp2; REG reg; } 4 disp2 "(" disp1 "(sp))[" reg ":d]" . SETS src1 = regrel1 + memregrel1 + memrel1 + absolute1 . src2 = regrel2 + memregrel2 + memrel2 + absolute2 . src4 = REG + const4 + LOCAL + regrel4 + memrel4 + memregrel4 + memregrelsid + abssid + absolute4 + addr_external. con4 = regcon4 + memregcon4 + memregrelcon4 . tossrc4 = TOS + src4 . consrc4 = con4 + src4 . fsrc4 = FREG + LOCAL + regrel4 + memrel4 + memregrel4 + memregrelsid + abssid + absolute4 . tosfsrc4 = TOS + fsrc4 . fsrc8 = DFREG + DLOCAL + regrel8 + memrel8 + memregrel8 + absolute8 . tosfsrc8 = TOS + fsrc8 . dst1 = src1 . tosdst1 = TOS + dst1 . dst2 = src2 . tosdst2 = TOS + dst2 . dst4 = REG + LOCAL + regrel4 + memregrel4 + memrel4 + absolute4 + memregrelsid + abssid . tosdst4 = TOS + dst4 . fdst4 = FREG + LOCAL + regrel4 + memregrel4 + memrel4 + absolute4 + memregrelsid + abssid . tosfdst4 = TOS + fdst4 . fdst8 = fsrc8 . tosfdst8 = tosfsrc8 . regrel = regrel1 + regrel2 + regrel4 +regrel8 . memregrel = memregrel1 + memregrel2 + memregrel4 +memregrel8 . memrel = memrel1 + memrel2 + memrel4 +memrel8 . rel = regrel + memregrel + memrel + memregrelsid + fprelsid + sprelsid . absolute = absolute1 + absolute2 + absolute4 + absolute8 + abssid . regs = REG + FREG + DFREG + MEMREG + REGPAIR . allmincon = ALL - (regs + const4 + addr_local + addr_external + regcon4 + memregcon4) . src24 = src2 + src4 . src124 = src1 + src2 + src4 . tossrc24 = TOS + src24 . tossrc124 = TOS + src124 . INSTRUCTIONS movb tossrc124:ro, tosdst1:wo . movw tossrc24:ro, tosdst2:wo . movd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:wo . movf tosfsrc4:ro, tosfdst4:wo . movl tosfsrc8:ro, tosfdst8:wo . movdf tossrc4:ro, tosfdst4:wo . movdl tossrc4:ro, tosfdst8:wo . movfl tosfsrc4:ro, tosfdst8:wo . movlf tosfsrc8:ro, tosfdst4:wo . truncfd tosfsrc4:ro, tosdst4:wo . truncld tosfsrc8:ro, tosdst4:wo . cmpb tossrc124:ro, src1:ro . cmpw tossrc24:ro, src2:ro . cmpd tossrc4:ro, tossrc4:ro . cmpf tosfsrc4:ro, tosfsrc4:ro . cmpl tosfsrc8:ro, tosfsrc8:ro . addd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . addcd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . addf tosfsrc4:ro, tosfdst4:rw . addl tosfsrc8:ro, tosfdst8:rw . subd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . subcd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . subf tosfsrc4:ro, tosfdst4:rw . subl tosfsrc8:ro, tosfdst8:rw . muld tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . mulf tosfsrc4:ro, tosfdst4:rw . mull tosfsrc8:ro, tosfdst8:rw . quod tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . divd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . divf tosfsrc4:ro, tosfdst4:rw . divl tosfsrc8:ro, tosfdst8:rw . remd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . modd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . negd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:wo . negf tosfsrc4:ro, tosfdst4:wo . negl tosfsrc8:ro, tosfdst8:wo . roundfd tosfsrc4:ro, tosdst4:wo . roundld tosfsrc8:ro, tosdst4:wo . andd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:wo . ord tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:wo . xord tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . comd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . ashd tossrc124:ro, tosdst4:rw . lshd tossrc124:ro, tosdst4:rw . rotd tossrc124:ro, tosdst4:rw . movzbd tossrc124:ro, tosdst4:wo . movzwd tossrc24:ro, tosdst4:wo . movxbd tossrc124:ro, tosdst4:wo . movxwd tossrc124:ro, tosdst4:wo . addr tosdst4:ro, tosdst4:wo . movqd const4:ro, tosdst4:wo . cmpqd const4:ro, tossrc4:ro . meid tossrc4:ro, REGPAIR:rw . sxx tosdst4:wo . seqd tosdst4:wo . sned tosdst4:wo . sltd tosdst4:wo . sled tosdst4:wo . sgtd tosdst4:wo . sged tosdst4:wo . shid tosdst4:wo . sfsd tosdst4:wo . tbitd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:ro . cbitd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . sbitd tossrc4:ro, tosdst4:rw . movmd tosdst4:ro, tosdst4:rw, const4 . indexd REG, tossrc4:ro, tossrc4:ro . brxx label . beq label . bne label . ble label . blt label . bge label . bgt label . bfc label . bfs label . blo label . bls label . bhs label . bhi label . br label . acbd const4:ro, tosdst4:rw, label . jsr tosdst4+label . ret const4:ro . adjspd tossrc4:ro . exit label . MOVES from memregrelcon4 to tosdst4 gen addr {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2}, %2 from regcon4 to tosdst4 gen addr {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp}, %2 from memregcon4 to tosdst4 gen addr {memregrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp}, %2 from tossrc4 to tosdst4 gen movd %1, %2 from tossrc124 to tosdst1 gen movb %1, %2 from tossrc24 to tosdst2 gen movw %1, %2 #ifndef NOFLOAT from tosfsrc4 to FREG gen movf %1, %2 from FREG to tosfdst4 gen movf %1, %2 from tosfsrc8 to DFREG gen movl %1, %2 from DFREG to tosfdst8 gen movl %1, %2 #endif STACKINGRULES from src1 to STACK gen movzbd %1, {TOS} from src2 to STACK gen movzwd %1, {TOS} from src4 to STACK gen movd %1, {TOS} #ifndef NOFLOAT from FREG to STACK gen movf %1, {TOS} from DFREG to STACK gen movl %1, {TOS} #endif from MEMREG to STACK gen addr {memregrel4, %1, 0}, {TOS} from addr_local to STACK gen addr {memregrel4, fp, %1.ind}, {TOS} from regcon4 to STACK gen addr {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp}, {TOS} from memregcon4 to STACK gen addr {memregrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp}, {TOS} from memregrelcon4 to STACK gen addr {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2}, {TOS} from DLOCAL to STACK gen movd {LOCAL, %1.ind+4}, {TOS} movd {LOCAL, %1.ind}, {TOS} from absolute8 to STACK gen movd {absolute4, %1.disp+4}, {TOS} movd {absolute4, %1.disp}, {TOS} from memrel8 to STACK gen movd {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2+4}, {TOS} movd {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2}, {TOS} from regrel8 to STACK gen movd {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp+4}, {TOS} movd {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp}, {TOS} from memregrel8 to STACK gen movd {memregrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp+4}, {TOS} movd {memregrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp}, {TOS} COERCIONS from STACK uses REG gen move {TOS}, %a yields %a #ifndef NOFLOAT from STACK uses FREG gen move {TOS}, %a yields %a from STACK uses DFREG gen move {TOS}, %a yields %a #endif from STACK uses REG gen move {TOS}, %a yields {regcon4, %a, 0} from MEMREG yields {memregcon4, %1, 0} from MEMREG uses REG gen addr {memregrel4, %1, 0}, %a yields %a from REG yields {regcon4, %1, 0} from regcon4 gen addr {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp}, %1.reg yields %1.reg from memregcon4 uses REG gen addr {memregrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp}, %a yields %a from LOCAL yields {memregrel4, fp, %1.ind} from addr_local uses REG gen addr {LOCAL, %1.ind}, %a yields %a from src4 uses reusing %1, REG=%1 yields %a from src4 uses reusing %1, REG=%1 yields {regcon4, %a, 0} from memregrelcon4 uses REG gen addr {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2}, %a yields %a from memregrel4 yields {memregrelcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp, 0} from src1 uses REG gen movzbd %1, %a yields %a from src2 uses REG gen movzwd %1, %a yields %a from DLOCAL yields {LOCAL, %1.ind+4} {LOCAL, %1.ind} from absolute8 yields {absolute4, %1.disp+4} {absolute4, %1.disp} from memrel8 yields {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp1+4} {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp1} from regrel8 yields {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp+4} {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp} from memregrel8 yields {memregrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp+4} {memregrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp} PATTERNS /********************************************************************** * Group1 : load instructions * **********************************************************************/ pat loc yields {const4, $1} pat ldc leaving loc 18 trp pat lol yields {LOCAL, $1} pat loe yields {absolute4, $1} pat lil yields {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat lol lof yields {memrel4, fp, $1, $2} pat lal lof yields {LOCAL, $1+$2} pat lae lof yields {absolute4, $1+$2} pat lof with exact MEMREG yields {memregrel4, %1, 0} with REG yields {regrel4, %1, $1} with exact addr_external yields {absolute4, %1.disp+$1} with exact addr_local yields {LOCAL, %1.ind+$1} with exact memregrel4 yields {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp, $1} with exact memregrelcon4 yields {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, $1+%1.disp2} with exact memregcon4 yields {memregrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp+$1} with exact regcon4 yields {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp+$1} with exact LOCAL yields {memrel4, fp, %1.ind, $1} pat lxl $1==0 yields fp pat lxl $1==1 yields {LOCAL, 8} pat lxl $1==2 yields {memrel4, fp, 8, 8} pat lxl $1>2 uses REG={memrel4, fp, 8, 8}, REG={const4, $1-2} gen 1: move {regrel4, %a, 8}, %a acbd {const4, 0-1}, %b, {label, "1b"} yields %a pat lxa $1==0 yields {addr_local, 8} pat lxa $1==1 yields {memregrelcon4, fp, 8, 8} pat lxa $1==2 uses REG={memrel4, fp, 8, 8} yields {regcon4, %a, 8} pat lxa $1>2 uses REG={memrel4, fp, 8, 8}, REG={const4, $1-2} gen 1: move {regrel4, %a, 8}, %a acbd {const4, 0-1}, %b, {label, "1b"} yields {regcon4, %a, 8} pat lol loi $2==1 yields {memrel1, fp, $1, 0} pat lal loi $2==1 yields {memregrel1, fp, $1} pat lae loi $2==1 yields {absolute1, $1} pat lol loi $2==4 yields {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat lal loi $2==4 yields {LOCAL, $1} pat lae loi $2==4 yields {absolute4, $1} pat lal yields {addr_local, $1} pat lae yields {addr_external, $1} pat loi $1==1 with exact MEMREG yields {memregrel1, %1, 0} with REG yields {regrel1, %1, 0} with exact memregcon4 yields {memregrel1, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact regcon4 yields {regrel1, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact memregrel4 yields {memrel1, %1.reg, %1.disp, 0} with exact memregrelcon4 yields {memrel1, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2} with exact addr_local yields {memregrel1, fp, %1.ind} with exact addr_external yields {absolute1, %1.disp} with exact LOCAL yields {memrel1, fp, %1.ind, 0} pat loi $1==2 with exact MEMREG yields {memregrel2, %1, 0} with REG yields {regrel2, %1, 0} with exact memregcon4 yields {memregrel2, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact regcon4 yields {regrel2, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact memregrel4 yields {memrel2, %1.reg, %1.disp, 0} with exact memregrelcon4 yields {memrel2, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2} with exact addr_local yields {memregrel2, fp, %1.ind} with exact addr_external yields {absolute2, %1.disp} with exact LOCAL yields {memrel2, fp, %1.ind, 0} pat loi $1==4 with exact MEMREG yields {memregrel4, %1, 0} with REG yields {regrel4, %1, 0} with exact memregcon4 yields {memregrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact regcon4 yields {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact memregrel4 yields {memrel4,%1.reg,%1.disp,0} with exact memregrelcon4 yields {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1,%1.disp2} with exact addr_local yields {LOCAL, %1.ind} with exact addr_external yields {absolute4, %1.disp} with exact LOCAL yields {memrel4, fp, %1.ind, 0} pat loi $1==8 with REG yields {regrel8, %1, 0} with exact addr_local yields {DLOCAL, %1.ind} with exact addr_external yields {absolute8, %1.disp} with exact LOCAL yields {memrel8, fp, %1.ind, 0} pat loi defined($1) with USELESS with REG STACK uses REG = {const4, $1} gen addd %a, %1 1: subd {const4, 4}, %1 movd {regrel4, %1, 0}, {TOS} acbd {const4, 0-4}, %a, {label, "1b"} pat los $1==4 with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".los"} pat ldl yields {DLOCAL, $1} pat lde yields {absolute8, $1} pat ldf with exact addr_local yields {DLOCAL, %1.ind+$1} with exact addr_external yields {absolute8, %1.disp+$1} with regcon4 yields {regrel8, %1.reg, %1.disp+$1} pat lpi yields {addr_external, $1} /***************************************************************** * Group2 : store instructions * *****************************************************************/ pat stl with src4 + con4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen move %1, {LOCAL, $1} with exact STACK gen move {TOS}, {LOCAL, $1} with exact src1 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen movzbd %1, {LOCAL, $1} #ifndef NOFLOAT with FREG kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen move %1, {LOCAL, $1} #endif pat ste with src4 + con4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen move %1, {absolute4, $1} with exact src1 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen movzbd %1, {absolute4, $1} #ifndef NOFLOAT with FREG kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen move %1, {absolute4, $1} #endif pat sil with src4 + con4 kills allmincon gen move %1, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} with exact src1 kills allmincon gen movzbd %1, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} #ifndef NOFLOAT with FREG kills allmincon gen move %1, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} #endif pat stf with exact MEMREG src4 + con4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memregrel4, %1, $1} with REG src4 + con4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel4, %1, $1} with exact memregcon4 src4 + con4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memregrel4, %1.reg, $1 + %1.disp} with exact regcon4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel4, %1.reg, $1 + %1.disp} with exact memregrel4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp, $1} with exact memregrelcon4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2 + $1} with exact addr_external consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {absolute4, %1.disp + $1} with exact addr_local consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {LOCAL,%1.ind + $1} #ifndef NOFLOAT with REG FREG kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel4, %1, $1} #endif pat lal sti $2==4 with consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %1, {LOCAL, $1} pat lae sti $2==4 with consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %1, {absolute4, $1} pat lol sti $2==4 with consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %1, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat lol sti $2==1 with src124 kills allmincon gen move %1, {memrel1, fp, $1, 0} pat sti $1 == 4 with exact MEMREG consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memregrel4, %1, 0} with REG consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel4, %1, 0} #ifndef NOFLOAT with REG FREG kills allmincon gen movf %2, {regrel4, %1, 0} #endif with exact memregcon4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memregrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact regcon4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact memregrel4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp, 0} with exact memregrelcon4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2} with exact addr_external consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {absolute4, %1.disp} with exact addr_local consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {LOCAL, %1.ind} with exact LOCAL consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memrel4, fp, %1.ind, 0} pat sti $1 == 2 with regcon4 src24 kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel2, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact addr_external src24 kills allmincon gen move %2, {absolute2, %1.disp} with exact addr_local src24 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memregrel2, fp, %1.ind} pat sti $1 == 1 with exact MEMREG src124 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memregrel1, %1, 0} with REG src124 kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel1, %1, 0} with exact memregcon4 src124 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memregrel1, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact regcon4 src124 kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel1, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact memregrel4 src124 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memrel1, %1.reg, %1.disp, 0} with exact memregrelcon4 src124 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memrel1, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2} with exact addr_external src124 kills allmincon gen move %2, {absolute1, %1.disp} with exact addr_local src124 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memregrel1, fp, %1.ind} with exact LOCAL src124 kills allmincon gen move %2, {memrel1, fp, %1.ind, 0} pat sti $1==8 #ifndef NOFLOAT with regcon4 DFREG kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel8, %1.reg, %1.disp} with exact addr_external DFREG kills allmincon gen move %2, {absolute8, %1.disp} with exact addr_local DFREG kills allmincon gen move %2, {memregrel8, fp, %1.ind} #endif with regcon4 consrc4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %1, {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp} move %2, {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp+4} pat sti defined($1) with USELESS with REG STACK uses REG={const4, $1} gen 1: movd {TOS}, {regrel4, %1, 0} addr {regrel4, %1, 4}, %1 acbd {const4, 0-4}, %a, {label, "1b"} pat sts with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".sts"} pat sdl with consrc4 consrc4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-8 < $1 && %ind+8 > $1 gen move %1, {LOCAL, $1} move %2, {LOCAL, $1+4} #ifndef NOFLOAT with DFREG kills rel, LOCAL %ind-8 < $1 && %ind+8 > $1 gen move %1, {DLOCAL, $1} #endif pat sde with consrc4 consrc4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen move %1, {absolute4, $1} move %2, {absolute4, $1+4} #ifndef NOFLOAT with DFREG kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen move %1, {absolute8, $1} #endif pat sdf with exact addr_local consrc4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {LOCAL, %1.ind+$1} move %3, {LOCAL, %1.ind+4+$1} with exact addr_external consrc4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {absolute4, %1.disp+$1} move %3, {absolute4, %1.disp+4+$1} with regcon4 consrc4 consrc4 kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp+$1} move %3, {regrel4, %1.reg, %1.disp+$1+4} #ifndef NOFLOAT with exact addr_local DFREG kills allmincon gen move %2, {DLOCAL, %1.ind+$1} with exact addr_external DFREG kills allmincon gen move %2, {absolute8, %1.disp+$1} with exact regcon4 DFREG kills allmincon gen move %2, {regrel8, %1.reg, %1.disp+$1} #endif /***************************************************************** * Group3 : integer arithmetic * *****************************************************************/ pat loe loc adi ste $3==4 && $1==$4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen addd {const4, $2}, {absolute4, $1} pat lol loc adi stl $3==4 && $1==$4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen addd {const4, $2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil loc adi sil $3==4 && $1==$4 kills allmincon gen addd {const4, $2}, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat lol adi stl $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen addd %1, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil adi sil $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills allmincon gen addd %1, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat loe adi ste $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen addd %1, {absolute4, $1} pat adi $1 == 4 with exact MEMREG const4 yields {memregcon4, %1, %2.num} with exact REG const4 yields {regcon4, %1, %2.num} with exact const4 REG yields {regcon4, %2, %1.num} with exact memregrel4 const4 yields {memregrelcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp, %2.num} with exact memregcon4 const4 yields {memregcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp + %2.num} with exact regcon4 const4 yields {regcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp + %2.num} with exact memregrelcon4 const4 yields {memregrelcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2+%2.num} with exact addr_local const4 yields {addr_local, %1.ind+%2.num} with exact LOCAL const4 yields {memregrelcon4, fp, %1.ind, %2.num} with exact const4 LOCAL yields {memregrelcon4, fp, %2.ind, %1.num} with exact const4 addr_local yields {addr_local, %2.ind+%1.num} with exact MEMREG addr_external yields {memregcon4, %1, %2.disp} with exact REG addr_external yields {regcon4, %1, %2.disp} with exact memregrel4 addr_external yields {memregrelcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp, %2.disp} with exact memregcon4 addr_external yields {memregcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp + %2.disp} with exact regcon4 addr_external yields {regcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp + %2.disp} with exact memregrelcon4 addr_external yields {memregrelcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2+%2.disp} with src4 REG gen addd %1, %2 yields %2 with REG src4 gen addd %2, %1 yields %1 pat loe loc sbi ste $3==4 && $1==$4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen addd {const4, 0-$2}, {absolute4, $1} pat lol loc sbi stl $3==4 && $1==$4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen addd {const4, 0-$2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil loc sbi sil $3==4 && $1==$4 kills allmincon gen addd {const4, 0-$2}, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat sbi $1 == 4 with src4 REG gen subd %1, %2 yields %2 with const4 REG gen addd {const4, 0-%1.num}, %2 yields %2 with exact addr_local addr_local uses REG={const4, %2.ind} gen subd {const4, %1.ind}, %a yields %a pat mli $1 == 4 with src4 REG gen muld %1, %2 yields %2 with REG src4 gen muld %2, %1 yields %1 pat dvi $1 == 4 with src4 REG gen quod %1,%2 yields %2 pat rmi $1 == 4 with src4 REG gen remd %1, %2 yields %2 pat ngi $1 == 4 with src4 uses reusing %1, REG gen negd %1, %a yields %a pat lol ngi stl $1==$3 && $2==4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen negd {LOCAL, $1}, {LOCAL, $1} pat loe ngi ste $1==$3 && $2==4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen negd {absolute4, $1}, {absolute4, $1} pat lil ngi sil $1==$3 && $2==4 kills allmincon gen negd {memrel4, fp, $1, 0}, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat sli $1 == 4 with src124 REG gen ashd %1, %2 yields %2 pat lol loc sli stl $1==$4 && $3==4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen ashd {const4, $2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat loe loc sli ste $1==$4 && $3==4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen ashd {const4, $2}, {absolute4, $1} pat loc sri $2 == 4 with USELESS with REG gen ashd {const4,0-$1}, %1 yields %1 pat sri $1 == 4 with USELESS with REG REG gen negd %1, %1 ashd %1, %2 yields %2 pat lol loc sri stl $1==$4 && $3==4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen ashd {const4, 0-$2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat loe loc sri ste $1==$4 && $3==4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen ashd {const4, 0-$2}, {absolute4, $1} /***************************************************************** * Group4 : unsigned arithmetic * *****************************************************************/ pat loe loc adu ste $3==4 && $1==$4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen addd {const4, $2}, {absolute4, $1} pat lol loc adu stl $3==4 && $1==$4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen addd {const4, $2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil loc adu sil $3==4 && $1==$4 kills allmincon gen addd {const4, $2}, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat lol adu stl $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen addd %1, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil adu sil $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills allmincon gen addd %1, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat loe adu ste $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen addd %1, {absolute4, $1} pat adu leaving adi $1 pat loe loc sbu ste $3==4 && $1==$4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen addd {const4, 0-$2}, {absolute4, $1} pat lol loc sbu stl $3==4 && $1==$4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen addd {const4, 0-$2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil loc sbu sil $3==4 && $1==$4 kills allmincon gen addd {const4, 0-$2}, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat sbu leaving sbi $1 pat mlu $1 == 4 with src4 src4 uses reusing %1, REGPAIR gen move %1, %a.1 meid %2, %a yields %a.1 pat dvu $1 == 4 with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".dvu"} yields r0 pat rmu $1 == 4 with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".rmu"} yields r0 pat slu leaving sli $1 pat loc sru $2 == 4 with USELESS with REG gen lshd {const4, 0-$1}, %1 yields %1 pat sru $1 == 4 with USELESS with REG REG gen negd %1, %1 lshd %1, %2 yields %2 /***************************************************************** * Group5 : floating point arithmetic * *****************************************************************/ #ifndef NOFLOAT pat adf $1==4 with fsrc4 FREG gen addf %1, %2 yields %2 pat adf $1==8 with fsrc8 DFREG gen addl %1, %2 yields %2 pat sbf $1==4 with fsrc4 FREG gen subf %1, %2 yields %2 pat sbf $1==8 with fsrc8 DFREG gen subl %1, %2 yields %2 pat mlf $1==4 with fsrc4 FREG gen mulf %1, %2 yields %2 pat mlf $1==8 with fsrc8 DFREG gen mull %1, %2 yields %2 pat dvf $1==4 with fsrc4 FREG gen divf %1, %2 yields %2 pat dvf $1==8 with fsrc8 DFREG gen divl %1, %2 yields %2 pat ngf $1==4 with FREG gen negf %1, %1 yields %1 pat ngf $1==8 with DFREG gen negl %1, %1 yields %1 pat fif $1==4 with fsrc4 FREG uses FREG, REG gen mulf %1, %2 truncfd %2, %b movdf %b, %a subf %a, %2 yields %a %2 pat fif $1==8 with fsrc8 DFREG uses DFREG, REG gen mull %1, %2 truncld %2, %b movdl %b, %a subl %a, %2 yields %a %2 pat fef $1==4 with FREG uses REG gen movf %1, {TOS} movf %1, {TOS} lshd {const4, 1}, {TOS} lshd {const4, 0-24}, {TOS} movd {TOS}, %a subd {const4, 127}, %a ord {const4, 0x3F000000}, {TOS} lshd {const4,2},{TOS} lshd {const4,0-2},{TOS} cbitd {const4, 23},{TOS} movf {TOS}, %1 yields %1 %a pat fef $1==8 with DFREG uses REG gen movl %1, {TOS} movl %1, {TOS} adjspd {const4, 0-4} lshd {const4, 1}, {TOS} lshd {const4, 0-21}, {TOS} movd {TOS}, %a subd {const4, 1023}, %a ord {const4, 0x3FE00000}, {memregrel4, sp, 4} lshd {const4,2},{memregrel4, sp, 4} lshd {const4,0-2},{memregrel4, sp, 4} cbitd {const4, 52},{TOS} movl {TOS}, %1 yields %1 %a #else pat adf leaving loc 18 trp pat sbf leaving loc 18 trp pat mlf leaving loc 18 trp pat dvf leaving loc 18 trp pat ngf leaving loc 18 trp pat fif leaving loc 18 trp pat fef leaving loc 18 trp #endif /***************************************************************** * Group6 : pointer arithmetic * *****************************************************************/ pat lol lol adp stl $1==$2 && $2==$4 kills allmincon uses REG={LOCAL, $1} gen addr {memrel4, fp, $1, $3}, {LOCAL, $1} yields %a pat loe loe adp ste $1==$2 && $2==$4 kills allmincon uses REG={absolute4, $1} gen addd {const4, $3}, {absolute4, $1} pat lol adp stl $1==$3 kills allmincon gen addr {memrel4, fp, $1, $2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat loe adp ste $1==$3 kills allmincon gen addd {const4, $2}, {absolute4, $1} pat adp with exact MEMREG yields {memregcon4, %1, $1} with REG yields {regcon4, %1, $1} with exact memregcon4 yields {memregcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp + $1} with exact regcon4 yields {regcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp + $1} with exact memregrel4 yields {memregrelcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp, $1} with exact memregrelcon4 yields {memregrelcon4, %1.reg, %1.disp1, %1.disp2 + $1} with exact addr_external yields {addr_external, $1+%1.disp} with exact addr_local yields {addr_local, %1.ind + $1} with exact LOCAL yields {memregrelcon4, fp, %1.ind, $1} pat loe loc ads ste $3==4 && $1==$4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen addd {const4, $2}, {absolute4, $1} pat lol loc ads stl $3==4 && $1==$4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen addd {const4, $2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat lol ads stl $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen addd %1, {LOCAL, $1} pat loe ads ste $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen addd %1, {absolute4, $1} pat ads $1==4 leaving adi 4 pat sbs $1==4 leaving sbi 4 /***************************************************************** * Group7 : increment/decrement/zero * *****************************************************************/ pat inc with USELESS with REG gen addd {const4,1}, %1 yields %1 with exact STACK gen addd {const4, 1},{TOS} pat loc inc yields {const4, $1+1} pat lol inc stl $1==$3 kills allmincon gen addd {const4, 1}, {LOCAL, $1} pat lol dec stl $1==$3 kills allmincon gen addd {const4, 0-1}, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil inc sil $1==$3 kills allmincon gen addd {const4, 1}, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat lil dec sil $1==$3 kills allmincon gen addd {const4, 0-1}, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat inl kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen addd {const4,1},{LOCAL, $1} pat ine kills absolute, rel, memregrelcon4 gen addd {const4,1},{absolute4, $1} pat dec with USELESS with REG gen addd {const4,0-1}, %1 yields %1 with exact STACK gen addd {const4,0-1}, {TOS} pat loc dec yields {const4, $1-1} pat del kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen addd {const4,0-1},{LOCAL, $1} pat dee kills absolute, rel, memregrelcon4 gen addd {const4,0-1},{absolute4, $1} pat zrl kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen move {const4, 0}, {LOCAL, $1} pat zre kills absolute, rel, memregrelcon4 gen move {const4, 0}, {absolute4, $1} #ifndef NOFLOAT pat zrf $1==4 with STACK gen movd {const4, 0}, {TOS} pat zrf $1==8 with STACK gen movd {const4, 0}, {TOS} movd {const4, 0}, {TOS} #else pat zrf leaving loc 18 trp #endif pat zer $1==4 yields {const4, 0} pat zer $1==8 yields {const4, 0} {const4, 0} pat zer $1==12 yields {const4, 0} {const4, 0} {const4, 0} pat zer $1>12 with STACK uses REG={const4, $1/4} gen 1: movqd {const4, 0}, {TOS} acbd {const4, 0-1}, %a, {label, "1b"} /***************************************************************** * Group8 : convert * *****************************************************************/ pat loc loc cii $1==4 && $2==4 pat loc loc cii $1==1 && $2==4 with src124 uses reusing %1, REG gen movxbd %1, %a yields %a pat loc loc cii $1==2 && $2==4 with src24 uses reusing %1, REG gen movxwd %1, %a yields %a pat cii with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".cii"} pat cui with src4 src4 #ifndef NOFLOAT pat loc loc cfi $1==8 && $2==4 with fsrc8 uses REG gen roundld %1, %a yields %a pat loc loc cfi $1==4 && $2==4 with fsrc4 uses REG gen roundfd %1, %a yields %a pat cfi with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".cfi"} pat loc loc cif $1==4 && $2==8 with src4 uses DFREG gen movdl %1, %a yields %a pat loc loc cif $1==4 && $2==4 with src4 uses FREG gen movdf %1, %a yields %a pat cif with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".cif"} pat cuf leaving loc 18 trp pat loc loc cff $1==4 && $2==4 pat loc loc cff $1==8 && $2==8 pat loc loc cff $1==4 && $2==8 with fsrc4 uses DFREG gen movfl %1, %a yields %a pat loc loc cff $1==8 && $2==4 with fsrc8 uses FREG gen movlf %1, %a yields %a pat cff with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".cff"} #else pat cif leaving loc 18 trp pat cfi leaving loc 18 trp pat cuf leaving loc 18 trp pat cfu leaving loc 18 trp pat cff leaving loc 18 trp #endif pat ciu with src4 src4 pat cuu with src4 src4 pat cfu leaving loc 18 trp /***************************************************************** * Group9 : logical * *****************************************************************/ pat loe loc and ste $3==4 && $1==$4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen andd {const4, $2}, {absolute4, $1} pat lol loc and stl $3==4 && $1==$4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen andd {const4, $2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil loc and sil $3==4 && $1==$4 kills allmincon gen andd {const4, $2}, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat lol and stl $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen andd %1, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil and sil $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills allmincon gen andd %1, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat loe and ste $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen andd %1, {absolute4, $1} pat and $1==4 with src4 REG gen andd %1, %2 yields %2 with REG src4 gen andd %2, %1 yields %1 pat and $1>4 with STACK gen move {const4, $1}, r0 addr {memregrel4, sp, $1}, r1 1: andd {TOS}, {regrel4, r1, 0} addr {regrel4, r1, 4}, r1 acbd {const4, 0-4}, r0, {label, "1b"} pat lol ior stl $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen ord %1, {LOCAL, $1} pat lol loc ior stl $3==4 && $1==$4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen ord {const4, $2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil loc ior sil $3==4 && $1==$4 kills allmincon gen ord {const4, $2}, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat lil ior sil $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills allmincon gen ord %1, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat loe ior ste $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen ord %1, {absolute4, $1} pat lol loc xor stl $3==4 && $1==$4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen xord {const4, $2}, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil loc xor sil $3==4 && $1==$4 kills allmincon gen xord {const4, $2}, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat lol xor stl $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills rel, LOCAL %ind-4 < $1 && %ind+4 > $1 gen xord %1, {LOCAL, $1} pat lil xor sil $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills allmincon gen xord %1, {memrel4, fp, $1, 0} pat loe xor ste $1==$3 && $2==4 with src4 kills absolute + rel + memregrelcon4 gen xord %1, {absolute4, $1} pat ior $1==4 with src4 REG gen ord %1, %2 yields %2 with REG src4 gen ord %2, %1 yields %1 pat ior $1>4 with STACK gen move {const4, $1}, r0 addr {memregrel4, sp, $1}, r1 1: ord {TOS}, {regrel4, r1, 0} addr {regrel4, r1, 4}, r1 acbd {const4, 0-4}, r0, {label, "1b"} pat xor $1==4 with src4 REG gen xord %1, %2 yields %2 with REG src4 gen xord %2, %1 yields %1 pat xor $1>4 with STACK gen move {const4, $1}, r0 addr {memregrel4, sp, $1}, r1 1: xord {TOS}, {regrel4, r1, 0} addr {regrel4, r1, 4}, r1 acbd {const4, 0-4}, r0, {label, "1b"} pat com $1==4 with USELESS with REG gen comd %1, %1 yields %1 pat com $1>4 with STACK gen move {const4, $1}, r0 addr {memregrel4, sp, 0}, r1 1: comd {regrel4, r1, 0}, {regrel4, r1, 0} addr {regrel4, r1, 4}, r1 acbd {const4, 0-4}, r0, {label, "1b"} pat rol $1 == 4 with src124 REG gen rotd %1, %2 yields %2 pat loc ror $2 == 4 with USELESS with REG gen rotd {const4, 0-$1}, %1 yields %1 pat ror $1 == 4 with USELESS with REG REG gen negd %1, %1 rotd %1, %2 yields %2 /***************************************************************** * Group10 : sets * *****************************************************************/ pat inn zeq $1==4 with src4 REG gen cmpd {const4, 0}, %1 bgt {label, $2} tbitd %1, %2 bfc {label, $2} pat inn zne $1==4 with src4 REG gen cmpd {const4, 0}, %1 bgt {label, "1f"} tbitd %1, %2 bfs {label, $2} 1: pat inn $1==4 with src4 REG uses REG gen tbitd %1, %2 sfsd %a cmpd {const4,0}, %1 ble {label, "1f"} xord %a, %a 1: yields %a pat inn $1>4 with src4 STACK uses REG gen tbitd %1, {TOS} adjspd {const4, 0-4} sfsd %a cmpd {const4,0}, %1 ble {label, "1f"} xord %a, %a 1: yields %a pat inn !defined($1) with src4 src4 STACK uses REG gen tbitd %2, {TOS} adjspd {const4, 0-4} sfsd %a cmpd {const4,0}, %2 ble {label, "1f"} xord %a, %a 1: yields %a pat set $1==4 with src4 uses REG={const4, 0} gen sbitd %1, %a yields %a pat set $1>4 with src4 STACK uses REG={const4, $1/4} gen 1: movqd {const4, 0}, {TOS} acbd {const4, 0-1}, %a, {label, "1b"} sbitd %1, {TOS} pat set !defined($1) with src4 src4 STACK uses reusing %1, REG=%1 gen quod {const4, 4}, %a 1: movqd {const4, 0}, {TOS} acbd {const4, 0-1}, %a, {label, "1b"} sbitd %2, {TOS} /***************************************************************** * Group11 : array * *****************************************************************/ pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==1 && rom($1,1)==0 leaving adi 2 pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==1 && rom($1,1)!=0 leaving adi 2 adp 0-rom($1,1) pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==2 && rom($1,1)==0 with USELESS with REG gen ashd {const4, 1}, %1 yields %1 leaving adi 2 pat lae aar $2==2 && rom($1,3)==2 && rom($1,1)!=0 with USELESS with REG gen ashd {const4, 1}, %1 yields {regcon4, %1,(0-2)*rom($1,1)} leaving adi 2 pat lae aar $2==4 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)==0 with USELESS with REG addr_local uses REG gen addr {memregrelsid, %2.ind, fp, %1}, %a yields %a with REG addr_external uses REG gen addr {abssid, %2.disp, %1}, %a yields %a with leaving lae $1 aar $2 pat lae aar $2==4 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)!=0 with USELESS with REG addr_local uses REG gen subd {const4, rom($1,1)}, %1 addr {memregrelsid, %2.ind, fp, %1}, %a yields %a with REG addr_external uses REG gen subd {const4, rom($1,1)}, %1 addr {abssid, %2.disp, %1}, %a yields %a with leaving lae $1 aar $2 pat lae lar $2==4 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)==0 with USELESS with REG addr_local yields {memregrelsid, %2.ind, fp, %1} with REG addr_external yields {abssid, %2.disp, %1} with leaving lae $1 lar $2 pat lae lar $2==4 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)!=0 with USELESS with REG addr_local gen subd {const4, rom($1,1)}, %1 yields {memregrelsid, %2.ind, fp, %1} with REG addr_external gen subd {const4, rom($1,1)}, %1 yields {abssid, %2.disp, %1} with leaving lae $1 lar $2 pat lae sar $2==4 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)==0 with src4 REG addr_local kills allmincon gen move %1, {memregrelsid, %3.ind, fp, %2} with src4 REG addr_external kills allmincon gen move %1, {abssid, %3.disp, %2} with leaving lae $1 sar $2 pat lae lar $2==4 && rom($1,3)==4 && rom($1,1)!=0 with src4 REG addr_local kills allmincon gen subd {const4, rom($1,1)}, %2 move %1, {memregrelsid, %3.ind, fp, %2} with src4 REG addr_external kills allmincon gen subd {const4, rom($1,1)}, %2 move %1, {abssid, %3.disp, %2} with leaving lae $1 sar $2 pat lae aar $2==4 && rom($1,1)==0 with src4 REG gen indexd %2, {const4, rom($1,3)-1}, %1 yields %2 pat lae aar $2==4 && rom($1,1)!=0 with USELESS with REG REG gen subd {const4,rom($1,1)}, %1 indexd %2, {const4, rom($1,3)-1}, %1 yields %2 pat lae sar defined(rom($1,3)) leaving lae $1 aar $2 sti rom($1,3) pat lae lar defined(rom($1,3)) leaving lae $1 aar $2 loi rom($1,3) pat aar defined($1) with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".aar"} pat lar defined($1) with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".lar"} pat sar defined($1) with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".sar"} pat aar !defined($1) with src4 STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".aar"} pat lar !defined($1) with src4 STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".lar"} pat sar !defined($1) with src4 STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".sar"} /***************************************************************** * Group12 : compare * *****************************************************************/ proc cmitxxand with src4 src4 REG gen cmpd %2, %1 brxx* {label, "1f"} xord %3, %3 1: proc cmitxxior with src4 src4 REG gen cmpd %2, %1 brxx* {label, "1f"} sbitd {const4, 0}, %3 1: proc txxand with src4 REG gen cmpd {const4, 0}, %1 brxx* {label, "1f"} xord %2, %2 1: proc txxior with src4 REG gen cmpd {const4, 0}, %1 brxx* {label, "1f"} sbitd {const4, 0}, %2 1: pat cmi tlt and $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxand("blt") pat cmi tle and $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxand("ble") pat cmi teq and $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxand("beq") pat cmi tne and $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxand("bne") pat cmi tge and $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxand("bge") pat cmi tgt and $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxand("bgt") pat cmi tlt ior $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxior("blt") pat cmi tle ior $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxior("ble") pat cmi teq ior $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxior("beq") pat cmi tne ior $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxior("bne") pat cmi tge ior $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxior("bge") pat cmi tgt ior $1==4 && $3==4 call cmitxxior("bgt") pat tlt and $2==4 call txxand("bgt") pat tle and $2==4 call txxand("bge") pat teq and $2==4 call txxand("beq") pat tne and $2==4 call txxand("bne") pat tge and $2==4 call txxand("ble") pat tgt and $2==4 call txxand("blt") pat tlt ior $2==4 call txxior("bgt") pat tle ior $2==4 call txxior("bge") pat teq ior $2==4 call txxior("beq") pat tne ior $2==4 call txxior("bne") pat tge ior $2==4 call txxior("ble") pat tgt ior $2==4 call txxior("blt") pat cmi $1==4 with src4 REG gen subd %1, %2 yields %2 #ifndef NOFLOAT pat cmf $1==4 with fsrc4 fsrc4 uses REG = {const4, 0} gen cmpf %1, %2 beq {label, "1f"} bgt {label, "2f"} movd {const4, 1}, %a br {label, "1f"} 2: movd {const4, 0-1}, %a 1: yields %a pat cmf $1==8 with fsrc8 fsrc8 uses REG = {const4, 0} gen cmpl %1, %2 beq {label, "1f"} bgt {label, "2f"} movd {const4, 1}, %a br {label, "1f"} 2: movd {const4, 0-1}, %a 1: yields %a #else pat cmf leaving loc 18 trp #endif pat cmu $1==4 with src4 src4 uses REG={const4, 0} gen cmpd %2, %1 blo {label, "1f"} shid %a br {label, "2f"} 1: addd {const4, 0-1}, %a 2: yields %a pat cmu defined($1) with STACK gen move {const4, $1}, {TOS} jsr {absolute4, ".cmu"} yields r1 pat cms $1==4 leaving cmi $1 pat cms $1!=4 with STACK gen move {const4, $1}, {TOS} jsr {absolute4, ".cms"} yields r1 pat cms !defined($1) with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".cms"} yields r1 pat cmp with exact addr_local addr_local yields {const4, %2.ind} {const4, %1.ind} leaving sbi 4 with leaving cmu 4 proc txx with src4 uses REG gen cmpqd {const4, 0}, %1 sxx* %a yields %a pat tlt call txx("sgtd") pat tle call txx("sged") pat teq call txx("seqd") pat tne call txx("sned") pat tge call txx("sled") pat tgt call txx("sltd") /***************************************************************** * Group13 : branch * *****************************************************************/ proc bxx example beq with src4 src4 STACK gen cmpd %2, %1 brxx* {label, $1} with exact src4 STACK gen cmpd {TOS}, %1 brxx* {label, $1} pat blt call bxx("blt") pat ble call bxx("ble") pat beq call bxx("beq") pat bne call bxx("bne") pat bge call bxx("bge") pat bgt call bxx("bgt") pat bra with STACK gen br {label, $1} pat loc beq $1>=0 && $1<=127 with exact src1 kills ALL gen cmpb {const4, $1}, %1 beq {label, $2} with yields {const4, $1} leaving beq $2 pat loc bne $1>=0 && $1<=127 with exact src1 kills ALL gen cmpb {const4, $1}, %1 bne {label, $2} with yields {const4, $1} leaving bne $2 proc cmpzxx example cmp zeq with src4 src4 STACK gen cmpd %2,%1 brxx* {label, $2} with exact src4 STACK gen cmpd {TOS}, %1 brxx* {label, $2} with exact addr_local addr_local kills ALL gen cmpd {const4, %2.ind}, {const4, %1.ind} brxx* {label, $2} pat cmp zlt call cmpzxx("blo") pat cmp zle call cmpzxx("bls") pat cmp zeq call cmpzxx("beq") pat cmp zne call cmpzxx("bne") pat cmp zge call cmpzxx("bhs") pat cmp zgt call cmpzxx("bhi") #ifndef NOFLOAT proc cmf4zxx example cmf zeq with fsrc4 fsrc4 STACK gen cmpf %2,%1 brxx* {label, $2} with exact fsrc4 STACK gen cmpf {TOS}, %1 brxx* {label, $2} pat cmf zlt $1==4 call cmf4zxx("blo") pat cmf zle $1==4 call cmf4zxx("bls") pat cmf zeq $1==4 call cmf4zxx("beq") pat cmf zne $1==4 call cmf4zxx("bne") pat cmf zge $1==4 call cmf4zxx("bhs") pat cmf zgt $1==4 call cmf4zxx("bhi") proc cmf8zxx example cmf zeq with fsrc8 fsrc8 STACK gen cmpl %2,%1 brxx* {label, $2} with exact fsrc8 STACK gen cmpl {TOS}, %1 brxx* {label, $2} pat cmf zlt $1==8 call cmf8zxx("blo") pat cmf zle $1==8 call cmf8zxx("bls") pat cmf zeq $1==8 call cmf8zxx("beq") pat cmf zne $1==8 call cmf8zxx("bne") pat cmf zge $1==8 call cmf8zxx("bhs") pat cmf zgt $1==8 call cmf8zxx("bhi") #endif proc zxx example zeq with src4 STACK gen cmpqd {const4,0}, %1 brxx* {label, $1} with exact STACK gen cmpqd {const4,0}, {TOS} brxx* {label, $1} pat zlt call zxx("bgt") pat zle call zxx("bge") pat zeq call zxx("beq") pat zne call zxx("bne") pat zge call zxx("ble") pat zgt call zxx("blt") /***************************************************************** * Group14 : procedure call * *****************************************************************/ pat cal with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, $1} pat cai with USELESS with REG STACK gen jsr %1 pat ret $1==0 with STACK gen exit {label, "[]"} ret {const4, 0} pat ret $1==4 with src4 STACK gen move %1, r0 exit {label, "[]"} ret {const4, 0} pat ret $1==8 with STACK gen move {TOS}, r0 move {TOS}, r1 exit {label, "[]"} ret {const4, 0} pat lfr $1==4 yields r0 pat lfr $1==8 yields r1 r0 /***************************************************************** * Group15 : miscellaneous * *****************************************************************/ pat asp with STACK gen adjspd {const4,0-$1} pat ass $1==4 with USELESS with REG STACK gen negd %1, %1 adjspd %1 with const4 STACK gen adjspd {const4,0-%1.num} pat blm $1==0 pat blm $1==4 with USELESS with REG REG kills allmincon gen move {regrel4, %2, 0}, {regrel4, %1, 0} pat blm $1>4 && $1<=16 with USELESS with REG REG kills allmincon gen movmd %2, %1, {const4, $1} with exact addr_external addr_external kills allmincon gen movmd {absolute4, %2.disp}, {absolute4, %1.disp}, {const4, $1} with exact addr_external addr_local kills allmincon gen movmd {LOCAL, %2.ind}, {absolute4, %1.disp}, {const4, $1} with exact addr_local addr_external kills allmincon gen movmd {absolute4, %2.disp}, {LOCAL, %1.ind}, {const4, $1} with exact addr_local addr_local kills allmincon gen movmd {LOCAL, %2.ind}, {LOCAL, %1.ind}, {const4, $1} pat blm $1>16 with USELESS with REG REG kills allmincon uses REG={const4,$1} gen 1: movd {regrel4, %2, 0}, {regrel4, %1, 0} addr {regrel4, %1, 4}, %1 addr {regrel4, %2, 4}, %2 acbd {const4, 0-4}, %a, {label, "1b"} pat bls $1==4 with USELESS with REG kills ALL gen 1: movd {memrel4, sp, 4, 0}, {memrel4, sp, 0, 0} addr {memrel4, sp, 0, 4}, {memregrel4, sp, 0} addr {memrel4, sp, 4, 4}, {memregrel4, sp, 4} acbd {const4, 0-4}, %1, {label, "1b"} adjspd {const4, 0-8} pat lae csa $2==4 with src4 STACK gen move %1, r0 move {addr_external, $1}, r1 jsr {absolute4, ".csa"} pat csa with STACK gen movd {TOS}, r1 movd {TOS}, r0 jsr {absolute4, ".csa"} pat lae csb $2==4 with src4 STACK gen move %1, r0 move {addr_external, $1}, r1 jsr {absolute4, ".csb"} pat csb with STACK gen movd {TOS}, r1 movd {TOS}, r0 jsr {absolute4, ".csb"} pat dch leaving loi 2 pat dup $1==4 with src4 yields %1 %1 pat dup $1==8 with src4 src4 yields %2 %1 %2 %1 with exact DLOCAL yields %1 %1 with exact absolute8 yields %1 %1 pat dup $1>8 with STACK gen move {const4, $1}, r0 jsr {absolute4, ".dup"} pat dus $1==4 with src4 STACK gen move %1, r0 jsr {absolute4, ".dup"} pat exg $1==4 with src4 src4 yields %1 %2 pat exg $1==8 with src4 src4 src4 src4 yields %2 %1 %4 %3 pat exg with STACK gen move {const4, $1}, r0 jsr {absolute4, ".exg"} pat fil gen move {addr_external, $1}, {absolute4, "hol0"+4} pat gto with STACK gen move {addr_external, $1}, r0 br {label, ".gto"} pat lim yields {absolute2, ".ignmask"} pat lin gen move {const4, $1}, {absolute4, "hol0"} pat lni gen addd {const4, 1}, {absolute4, "hol0"} pat lor $1==0 yields fp pat lor $1==1 with STACK yields sp pat lor $1==2 yields {absolute4, ".reghp"} pat lpb leaving adp 8 pat mon with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".mon"} pat nop with STACK gen move {absolute4, "hol0"}, {TOS} jsr {absolute4, ".print"} jsr {absolute4, ".prnl"} pat rck $1==4 with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".rck"} pat rtt leaving ret 0 pat sig with src4 uses REG gen move {absolute4, ".trpreg"}, %a move %1, {absolute4, ".trpreg"} yields %a pat sim with src24 gen movw %1, {absolute2, ".ignmask"} pat str $1==2 with src4 gen move %1, {absolute4, ".reghp"} pat trp with STACK gen jsr {absolute4, ".trp"}